Dialogue/Main Story 1-3

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 1-3 『The secret base under the Lighthouse』

To protect the last human, Bioroids are moving to the Lighthouse.

1-3 At the coast line road

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "This way please, this will lead us to the Lighthouse."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Human, you'll sure be surprised when you see what's under the Lighthouse~ Oh well, if we could move faster, the base wouldn't have been attacked by the Iron Parasites..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "It was only finished recently, so there's nothing we can do about that. But thanks to that, we can make sure that the Master will be safe."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Hey human, you see the Lighthouse over there? If we go there and go under it, that thing is waiting for us~"

[What is that actually?] <----

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "I'm not telling you~ When we get to the Lighth... Wait, what's that? The Lighthouse is flashing?"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Longs and shorts... that's Morse code. Someone is sending a message! Griffon, can you try decrypt it?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Ok, decrypting..."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "What is this?"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "What's wrong?"


Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "This... is that one, right?"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Yeah... I think it's her..."

[Who's her now?] <----

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Master, the one sent the message is a Bioroid named LRL. She's waiting on the top of the Lighthouse. About her, how should I put this..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "I'm sorry Master, I don't feel like explaining her situation to you but I believe when you see her, you'll understand it instantly."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Griffon? Let's hurry up. Let's introduce LRL to Master."

1-3 Under the Lighthouse

LRL Icon.png LRL: "『I'm the profound darkness, the one born from the abyss... I've been waiting for you while fighting against this eternal darkness and loneliness...』"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Long time no see LRL. It's nice to see you here."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "LRL? Don't call me by my mortal name. My real name is Cyclopes Princess, the one with the shining yellow eye --"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "What are you talking about? You are just a Lighthouse keeper Bioroid. Also, how did you manage to escape from the Base?"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Hng -- You are the bad guy who tortured me before I awoke my real name! But there's no escape in my book, because I am ---"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "...If you don't tell me when you got here, I'm gonna slap you."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Hng..."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Speak."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "L-Labiata told me 'LRL, you are not fast enough. Please wait and hide here, will you?'... And I waited for a while, before Constantia and the bad guy showed up..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "So this is why you are hiding in the Lighthouse you used to work at? I'm glad you are ok. Also, your idea of sending Morse code is really good! But the content was... yeah..."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Fufufu, you fools think you can understand the intelligence from this thousand-year-living me? And I'll have to congratulate you too in deciphering my Akashic signals. You are really good~"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Huh? Akashic? That was just Morse signals. Don't tell me you are still reading those weird books and comics?"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Hey! Don't call them weird books! Those used to be popular! You are just ignorant so you don't know about it!"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Alright I'm hitting you--"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Both of you, enough already. Please behave in front of Master. Please introduce yourself. Master, this it the Lighthouse keeper Bioroid, LRL."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "I don't like that name. Call me Cyclopes Princess instead!"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "But this is Master? He looks a bit different... Wait? So this is... the human?"

[Hi, I'm human! Nice to meet you!]

[Hehehe, do you really think you can see through my true form?] <----

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Is that so... that's why I can sense the scent of the True Ancestors... You might be able to fool the ordinary people, but as a princess who has lived through 200 million years..."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Wait a second, 200 millions ago the Dinosaurs were still around. If you wanna lie, be better at it. Also what's wrong with you, human? Is her stupidity infecting you too?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Give yourself a proper introduction. Once you play along with her, you'll have to play along with her all the time."

[Hi, I'm human! Nice to meet you!] <----

LRL Icon.png LRL: "WOW! My first time seeing a human!"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Hehehe, I finally have a human follower..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "LRL? I said, proper self introduction."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "...Nice to meet you, I'm Cyclopes Princess. Crap, are we done yet?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Language, LRL. Also your real name is LRL, okay? Don't lie about it."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "I'm not lying, Cyclopes Princess is my real name!"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Hehehe, well these lower life don't know the real value of a true name..."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Alright I'm punching... Anyways, now that we have LRL with us, the dark roads shouldn't be a problem anymore. She used to be the one monitoring the area around here, so she knows this place well."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Hey, you are still the one holding the key to the underground passage, are you? That thing is still underground, right?"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "By that, you meant the Leviathan?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Don't add more unnecessary settings! Sigh, anyways..."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "That's not a setting! That's its REAL! NAME! ...Yeah I have the key. But are we really going down? Are we powering that up?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Yeah, and we'll be living in there."

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Is that so? Then come with me. I'll open the door to the underground elevator. I didn't go down there by myself because it's scar- I mean boring. Yes, I waited because going by myself is boring."

[Going down in the elevator] <----

1-3 In the underground submarine garage

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "How's this, human? Isn't this cool? Isn't this awesome? This is the Orca one, the first livable submarine!"

[So this is that?] <----

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Yes, and we'll live in here from now on. Well, its original purpose was to serve as a base for the Bioroids. But this is ending well for you, human! You are the commander!"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Although we are still in the testing phase, according to the simulations there shouldn't be a problem. And by living here, the Iron Parasites won't come to us too."

[Wait, the Iron Parasites won't come to us?]

[Looks like a military submarine to me.] <----

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Very sharp eyes, human. Yes, this is actually a military-use Orcus class submarine. We just modified it to be more livable."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "It has very good deep-sea diving capability, it gets energy via nuclear-fusion and decomposes seawater.

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "If we dive deep into the deep-sea, we don't need to come up and resupply air or electricity for years. None of those Iron Parasites can find us. Even if they do, we are in the sea and they won't even come close~"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "Deep-sea... the abyss... you fools don't even know the real fear! Hehe, you normies don't even understand how the Cosmic Horror feels like..."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Huh? Well, 'Cosmic Horror' aside, you'll be able to see the fishes in the sea, I think it will be interesting."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Griffon, you are looking forward to the undersea life, aren't you?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Hey! Don't put words in my mouth! I'm just... Uh... Yeah! It's a brand new experience for me, so doing it won't hurt! I'm not looking forward to it!"

[Wait, the Iron Parasites won't come to us?] <----

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "You don't even know that? The Iron Parasites hate sea water. The parasites' body are all made of metal so they hate seawater more than anything.

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Metals are vulnerable against seawater, right?"

[Metal? The Parasites don't look like they are rusty or anything] <----

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Or they don't come close to sea because... Wait, how am I supposed to know that! Anyways! At least we have somewhere to rest, I'm completely exhausted."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Master, let's go in the submarine and take a rest. Just like Griffon said, we're all tired and need rest."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "This is the bridge of Orca One. Master, as the commander, you can give almost any order here. I'll take some time and teach you how to."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Griffon? Where are you?"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Me? Uh -- yeah, if I'm with a human in a small space I -- Anyways, I'm gonna take a rest!"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Maybe she's tired due to the combats we had. Master, shall we continue then?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Ara~araara~ You over there~ You are a human, right!?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Constantia~ How can you be this cruel~ Why didn't you say anything to me..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Sorry Fortune, I just forgot about it. Master, this is Fortune, she's the one that modified this entire submarine."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Fortune, please introduce yourself to the last huma-"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Ara~araara~ Is this a real human? I'm getting excited! This is my first time seeing a living human!"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Uh, Fortune? I understand your excitement, but we still have things to do. I need to teach Master all the things about this submarine."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "About the submarine? Leave it to me~ I'm very good at presentations~ Commander, this Fortune can teach you all~ the things about the ship~"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Master, I'm still worried about the communication cut we had earlier with base... I'll go check it and be right back."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Constantia, she's a good girl, isn't she? She tried to leave the two of us some personal space together..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Thanks to her... We can spend this sweet time together. I'll teach you everything from A to Z~"

[Then let's get started!] <----

[This feels just like home...]

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So you feel like to be with me then! Leave the teaching to me!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "First of all, this is where we summarize all the distress calls or a to-do list. We called it "Mission" for fun."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "You do some of this, some of that, and do some of those missions, then the Bioroids who got helped will give some presents in return. If you can, you should definitely try them!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Go take a look there, I think we have a mission~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "You done? Since we don't have enough people, there are more missions than there are people. Commander, take a look at other things~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Here you can see the console interface for the Workshop. The workshop is the most important place on this entire ship. You can make anything and fix everything here~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Now touch the console gently~ please~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "You'll visit the workshop very often if you decide to build a lot of combatants~ Or if you want to fiddle with the equipment, you'll come here too~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Since we are short on people... Let's make some combatants!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "If you want to build a Bioroid, you'll need the Gene Seed. And, since we have enough resources on the ship, we can just build one right now!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ You can just follow what I'm telling you do~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Since it's been so long, the technology to check what's actually inside every Gene Seed is lost, so you'll need to adjust the resources manually to build a combatant~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "I'll leave this one to you, I can feel it~ a big one is coming!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Let's go! Press the console!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Making a Bioroid is time-consuming, but I'm feeling a little bit impatient today~ Let's hurry this up then!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Woah! We can always welcome a new sister to join us! Commander, congratulations, someone has just joined you!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "We used one Gene Seed by ourselves, so let's stop there... Constantia is super sensitive about those things..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "And this is the research room, we can research many useful things here, so make sure to check it when you have time."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "But I think you'll come there often since you need to research first before you can make robots~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "And thank you for coming to my presentation! How was it?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Since the presentation is over now, we can still spend some time together~ You are thinking about the same thing, aren't you~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "You and I can cuddle toge- Wait, Constantia? What's with that face?"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Sorry for the interruption, Master. We had an emergency distress alarm coming in, would you like a sitrep?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Hmm? The distress alarm? That one? There's no classification code so I kept it separate. I only recorded the final location of the signal."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "I know there's no classification code, but this is an emergency since the Base was under attack. This can be a distress signal from our sister. We need to check the location."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "We need to take care of the most urgent things first. Master, please touch the 『Battle Map』icon on your console."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "We are running out of time so I'll cut it short..."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "For us to live and battle, we need resources. Thus we need to find supplies."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "We can't afford an expedition team now, but once we have more sisters joining us, we can make expedition teams and send them to collect supplies."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Once they are sent out, they can't participate in battles unless the expedition is finished or you give them emergency stopping orders."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Let's go then. Master, please give us the sortie orders."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "If we have Master's command, I believe we can help the sisters. I trust in you, Master.

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link