Dialogue/Main Story 1-2Ex

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 1-2Ex 『The other monster』

Griffon and Johanna is suggesting to look for the other Big Chick and destroy it.

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Right? Johanna? This is about the Big Chick right? Just like I told you!"

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "Just like you described. Is it possible that another Big Chick exists? Besides, the location of this thing..."

[What are you talking about with those worrying faces?] <----

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "Ah, my lord. We were looking for you so that we might report this to you. Apparently according to the map LRL provided, we can pinpoint the location of threatening Iron Parasites."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "We fought a Big Chick once, you remember? The big one. Apparently it's hiding around this area."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Labiata seems was chasing this one but... Well, with the base being attacked, I guess only we can go after this thing."

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "What do you think, human? We should take care of this urgently."

[Enters the battle] <----

1-2Ex After Battle

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "Like always, very astounding commanding, my lord. A threatening opponent like that can't be taken down easily."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "I can't imagine having a win streak when I was by myself."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "And I thought as long as the lord gives us the Destroy Order it would be enough..."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "When I see my lord's systematic command and tactics, I often wonder if the way we've been fighting is really the right way."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "I always appreciate you, my lord. Please lead us on like always."

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link