Dialogue/Main Story 7-7

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Translated by Khosen

7-7 The Long Wait
The island we set up as our base camp. Was it called Guam?
A long island stretching from northeast to southwest has a port built at the island's western end.
It is where Orca harboured as well as where we set up our base camp.
We planned to use the fortress located at the island's southern end, the place where we called for Invincible Dragon and her fleets but...
Unfortunately, it didn't seem like it gave us a significant defensive advantage, so we moved here, where a port was located, making it easy to board and disembark.
With a long line of seawalls built along the shore, I'm sure we're safe here from the effect of a typhoon that is known to be frequent around the region.
I did ask Leona and the Sisters of Valhalla to remain at the fortress just in case. We did manage to wipe out any Iron Parasites nearby, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
The thought of hiding until the fleets arrive was also in my mind.
But then I thought if we manage to free the island from the Iron Parasites, we might be able to use the island to our advantage in the distant future.
And it also turned out that Marie's proposal did indeed have an ulterior motive.
Marie confessed like a shy teenage girl when there were only two of us. The two troops did have the same combat capabilities, but she could not miss the opportunity to spend time with me. I had no choice but to forgive her when I saw how cute she acted.
Well, I guess there were only two of us, and especially how the relationship between her and Leona may become strained even further; she had no choice but to come out clean.
Anyways afterward, I told her that if the same thing happened again, we would draw lots in the future to decide.
...And I suppose I'm stuck in this situation because I let fate decide my future.
May Icon.png May:
We will wipe them all out, and then you guys can take care of anything that survived our raid. Nice and simple. Can't you follow? Huh? How can you say that you are a leader with such a small forehead?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
When we are in a plane field like this, bombarding the enemy with our cannons is the most effective method. Since Doom
Bringers are equipped with precision and accuracy, why don't you take care of anything that survived our attacks?
May Icon.png May:
Why should we when we clearly have stronger firepower? Compared to your cannons, we have the upper hand in both accuracy and destructive power!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Clearly, you don't think about economic efficiency here. Do you know how expensive it is to create a missile for your troops and how many hard hours Miss Gremlin has to put into it?
May Icon.png May:
But I can always go back to our base and bring in more missiles?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
I suppose you then have infinite resources and ammunitions.
Spartan Captain Icon.png Spartan Captain:
...Please let me know when the debate is over. Spartans will go and prepare for the mission.
For the entire time during our meeting, May and Arsenal have been quarreling over who should be the primary source of damage during our next mission.
Even a robot, Spartan Captain, sounded like he got tired of their childish quarrels.
I thought about intervening but ever since what I saw from the "incident," I thought I might as well leave them to talk about how they felt about each other before it escalated into something more catastrophic.
Well, worse care scenario, I can still make them stop. For example, when they start attacking each other personally...
May Icon.png May:
Also, what is that attitude when you are a brigadier? Did you forget who you're talking to? And look at your style, rustic, like a grunt you are...
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
*Shrug,* unfortunately, I am an Army officer, and you belong to the Strategic Mobile Command of an Air Force. It's only natural we have these disagreements.
But it seems like your weird complex is coming from somewhere else? I don't see why you would get this upset...Ah!... I suppose because of your physical stature, our Commander treats you like a child...
Both of you, that's enough! (Choice)
Am I the one to blame? Why, when I think of a worst-case scenario, it becomes a reality?
May Icon.png May:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Thankfully, they do not challenge me when I tell them to stop. If not, I would have gone furious at them.
Both of you, stop with the personal attacks. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
...Will do.
Frankly, both of their appeal make sense. The island is indeed flat, and there aren't a lot of areas for us to utilize.
We can just greet our enemies with cannons and missiles, then send the infantry to take care of what's left.
Spartans agreed to take the lead with the infantry...
The issue is, both our strike team is having a disagreement...Doom Bringers do have the better firepower and accuracy, but they are definitely more expensive. Since missiles are costly than projectiles.
In terms of endurance, Cannoniers definitely have the upper hand. If the battle prolongs, I'm sure Cannoniers will be able to handle it better.
For example, when there're more enemies than we anticipated.
Now, how should I do this...
Spartan Captain Icon.png Spartan Captain:
Sir, I have a proposal.
Hmm? Captain? (Choice)
Spartan Captain Icon.png Spartan Captain:
Since both commanding officers are as stubborn as ever and difficult to choose, why don't we use them both?
Spartan Captain has a point. We just have to engage in divide and conquer.
Although that means the infantry - Spartans - won't be able to be provided with cover...
Spartan Captain Icon.png Spartan Captain:
If you're concerned about covering fire, why don't you choose different personnel suitable from the two teams?
As long as that person does not get upset about it.
But I mean, what are my other options? I don't see an alternative.
Okay, Sylphid from Doom Bringer then. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
Yeah? Ah...okay.
Beast Hunter from Cannonier. (Choice)
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Executing your command. But...
The rest of you will take two different areas and engage in carper bombing. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
...Ah! Tsk...
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
...I guess we have no choice.
The two individuals I mentioned earlier provide cover for our Spartans. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Roger that. I'll let the Beast Hunters know.
When I gave them orders, they suddenly became obedient. However, they still need to be disciplined for what happened earlier.
And both of you, when this is over, I'm going to come up with a punishment. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
...Really? Wait? For real?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Ah...so I've heard. For me to receive one today. I'll be facing a great challenge ahead.
Hmm? What?
Why are they smiling? Is being punished a good thing?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
War Wolf told me enough about it. What your punishment is. Looks like my debut will be a great one.
May Icon.png May:
...I, it's my first too! I expect at least a romantic event and roses...
...War Wolf, you mischievous one!
This is getting too stressful. *Sigh...* I guess correcting their misunderstanding can come after the battle.
I don't want to ruin their hyped-up mood and affect their performance.
Spartan Captain Icon.png Spartan Captain:
Sir, I can tell you have a lot to think about, but shouldn't we get started?
I think at this point Spartan Captain thinks I'm pathetic too.
I should really come up with an intense punishment.

After the Battle.

May Icon.png May:
Looks like we're done here?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Hmm. I suppose Goddess Nike always stands next to the artillery battalion. We wiped them out. Haven't we?
These guys...why are they jinxing this?
If I hear things like that, it makes me really worried, even if it was a total victory for us.
May Icon.png May:
Well...the battle's over.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Indeed. And since it's done, it's time for...
Why are they making a face where they're expecting something?
May Icon.png May:
See, as a person who leads an entire air force...I should abide by my promises. Well, if you intend on punishing me, do it properly.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
I, I don't have any objections to being punished too!
Are these guys serious?
Alright. Time to tell them the truth...Huh?
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Commander! Commander! Are you there?
Leona? What's the matter? (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
Tsk...she's ruining the moment..
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Commander! Here! Some sort of a monster...rose above the sea!
Monster? A Nexus class Iron Parasite? And it appeared from the ocean? (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
No! I can't really describe it...it's not an Iron Parasite...I'm not sure if it's even a living organism...it doesn't look like it's from the earth...
Leona is always known for being calm and not losing her control. What's happening?
Leona Icon.png Leona:
I need you here ASAP. It's better if you see this through your own eyes. And bring the cavalry, as much as possible.
Are you under attack? (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Not yet...I told my troops to pull back and told them to look for cover. It seems like it's looking for something...
Alright, stay there. Do not engage. (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
But Commander, do hurry. My troops are afraid. Just by seeing that monster...
I'll cut this communication just in case and hold. And...wait for you.
Leona disappeared from the screen. What is happening?
From the fear I sensed from her tone, this is something serious.
I guess I'll have to find out myself.