Dialogue/Main Story 7-1Ex

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Translated by Khosen

7-1Ex Broken Body
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hey, you're back?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
... Yes. How were things back here?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Well, Valkyrie did something wrong and got scolded hard by Leona? I'm not sure exactly what she did, but it sounds like
Valkyrie lied to her.
But I don't recall Valkyrie ever lying. Kek. Funny, right?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
It is.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hmm...but...what's wrong?...Big sis...
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Yeah? What do you mean?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
You look pale? Here, let me take a look.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:

A few moments later

Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hmm...ow...what is this?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Is everything okay?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Your...body is uhm...turning bad? Ah, it's deteriorating... So your cells are reproducing...but also degenerating at a similar pace?
Big sis? Is everything okay?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Let me take a closer look...
What is this? Hey, why is your Origin Dust concentration level this high? And this artificial muscle tissue... your Origin Dust concentration is so high that they're attacking one another?
Big sis, what's going on with your body? It doesn't look right.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
When you need to fight...you sometimes have to push your limits.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Yes, but not till the point where it harms your body!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
...I'm fine.
I'm a sinner who tried to assault our Commander. And...now we actually have him to guide us...I'm no longer needed...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
What are you saying! What would we do without you?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
My obligation...was to pass on the hope Amina left for our Commander.
My duty's done, so.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Okay, I'm going to get really upset if you continue.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
...Sorry...Ah, and where's my next mission?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hey, I'm not finished.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
But we don't have much time. I'll repay the debt I owe him through battle. And once that's all done...I will have nothing to dwell on.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
...Big sis, after that day...after the winter...I thought you pulled yourself together.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Easier said than done.
I'm really going to be late. I'm going to get ready. Our Commander...will be directly commanding this one.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hey! I'm still talking!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
I'm sorry, Doctor.
I'll hear the rest when I get back. See you...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
What an idiot.

After the battle

Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Yup yup, hey Eva, do you have a good idea?
Eva Icon.png Eva:
*Chuckles*...So Labiata's body is deteriorating? Ah, I'm so amused...now she's getting the karma she deserves.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
You really have issues. Stop saying that. I'm serious.
Eva Icon.png Eva:
*Chuckles quietly* So...since she's accomplished what Amina had asked her to do, there's no point in her life anymore, right? And on top of her body slowly breaking apart, she's also mentally done too?
That's what you get for modifying your body without proper Bio-Engineering knowledge.
I knew it; karma is real. What a climax, a worthy ending of a whore who seduced someone else's husband.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Eva! That wasn't her fault. She didn't seduce him...and Labiata told me that she never liked Adam!
And what's wrong with men engaging in polygamy? As long as they're all happy.
Eva Icon.png Eva:
Ah...so after all, you are nothing but another bioroid.
Humans have their own norms and customs.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
...I'd rather be another bioroid... than to live such an overcomplicated life.
Anyways please think about this. If she's left alone like that...something awful will happen.
Eva Icon.png Eva:
Okay, so what's the real issue? Cant' you just inject some modified white blood cells to attack the overwhelming Origin Dust?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
She told me that she'd rather die. That by doing so, she won't be as powerful as she is right now. She said she didn't want to prolong her life like that.
Eva Icon.png Eva:
She...really is devoted to dying, huh? I mean, honestly...it's not like she can single-handedly win this long raging war.
If you want to wipe them out, May, Alice, and Rhea will do the job...and if you need to infiltrate and assassinate a strong one, Lilith or Charlotte is as capable...
She may be strong, but she doesn't have the right tools to protect her master or nimble like Charlotte.
And let's face it, she's not that strategically bright compared to Marie or Albatross, right?
Labiata she's an all-rounder. Before, at least she served to be an ideological leader coordinating others, but...He took her place for that now, so...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Yeah, but that also means Labiata is capable of accomplishing everything you just said.
Eva Icon.png Eva:
I don't see why she needs to but...fine.
If something terrible is to happen to her...him, Adam will be sad...
Frankly, if we were to approach this from a Bio-Engineering perspective, I don't see how she can be treated other than removing about half of the current Origin Dust in her body.
But maybe that's the curse of our knowledge? Perhaps...we should think outside the box.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
A different approach?
Eva Icon.png Eva:
I'd recommend speaking to Aeda about this. She's someone...that knows more than anyone else.