Dialogue/Main Story 2-1B

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 2-1B 『Incubation Catalyst』

To make more Bioroids, Fortune asked you a favor to look for more Incubation Catalysts.

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ Where did you go~ I've been waiting for you~"

[What do you need?] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ Do you know about the Quick Complete Circuit~?"

[I've heard about it.]

[I don't know.] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So~ Do you remember when we built the Bioroid together, I helped you with something that could finish the building instantly?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "That's the circuit~ But once it's used, the controlling circuit will break so it's no longer useable. So if we want to build a lot of Bioroids, we'll need a lot of those~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ If you could bring me some of those circuits, I'll be very~ happy!"

[Where are they then?] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ You are so easy to talk with! I've already figured out where they are~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Did you remember the Gene seed storage room you went earlier? I believe the incubation catalyst storage room are always nearby~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander, please~ I can count on you, right?"

[Enter Battle] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Ah, commander! The catalyst has been delivered. Thank you so so much!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "I'm going to do my best because you believe in me!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Since we already have the catalyst, I can build those circuits! Commander, just wait a little bit more!"

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link