Dialogue/Main Story 6-2Ex

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Source: https://pastebin.com/u/constantia

6-1Ex Infantry Troop


Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Ha~! Just an infantryman like me being on duty with Captain Marie.
Im really honoured.
Captain may not remember, but I...
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Stop moving your mouth Brownie.
Are you in trouble with the Captain?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Outo, this is... Im just so happy to meet you.
By the way!!
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Fufufu... Im listening. What happened?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Yes! I forgot what our mission was!!
Marie Icon.png Marie:
...Ehh Uh...
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Iron-bugs has been confirmed to be connected to the virtual space.
So now we are in an emergency and we are going to use all our strength!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Oh! I see! Thats enough for breakfast!
Lets start now!


Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
It was really hard... Even now, my palms are still tingling.
I attacked all the time... I cant put any force on my wrist...
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Brownie... Because its a hassle you have to carry extra bullets.
Do you know that you emptied the magazine?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Ha?! Im embarrassed that I was caught by the squad leader Leprechaun!
By the way! I cant remember because all the shooting and the action...
What was our mission?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Haa... This mission was reconnaissance... Connect to the virtual world and eliminate the iron-bugs...
You... How many times do we have to to tell the same thing to you?
Are you stupid?!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I dont want you to get angry.
Wasnt another Brownie?
After all, we look so much that you cant tell us apart!
It would be helpful if you check the number next time.
No matter how much I get hurt...
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
That is... my mistake. I apologise...
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Oh, Im sorry... That Brownie, she knew her mission before the sortie.
However, the Brownie who is here sortied without even confirming the purpose of the mission...
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Yes! Thats right!
However, I defeated the iron-bugs extraordinarily!! Ihihi!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Hmm... Ive been lazy because I have a lot of duties lately... Im sure Ill lose my concentration...
How fast can we get ready? Leprechaun.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Three minutes... No, we can be ready in two minutes!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Mmm... I couldnt keep up with the current conversation... What are you doing?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Yes! What?!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Start training!!! Run!!!