Dialogue/Main Story 2-3Ex

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 2-3Ex 『Tuna party』

Fortune asks you to open the can for the party.

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Thanks for your help all along, commander~ I'm very thankful for what you have done~ Thanks to the noise maker we made, the tuna fishing was a big success!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "I just need to process the tuna according to the data and put them in a can..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Then it's time for the tasting session..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Since this will be the first tasting session of Orca, I think we need a little something special~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "We'll do it the old way, we'll open it using a can opener. Commander, could you please help me~?"

[I don't think we'll need to do it that way.] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "It is necessary~ It's boring to have touch the canned food and have it open instantly. Besides, if we recover the parts while we're looking for the can opener, it's one stone two birds~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "This time we're finally able to make some tuna cans... And we can finally ask Phatima to communicate with the Sam'An warehouse~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander~ You'll help me right~?"

[Enters Battle] <----

2-3Ex, after the battle

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Everyone~ Thank you for waiting! We'll now start the Can-opening ceremony of the first tuna can made in Orca~"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Enough with that, just open it! If it's the real tuna can, I'll forgive you for what you have done!"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "I'm going to call you my big-sis forever!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Don't you all worry~ We'll open the can now~"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Hey Fortune? You sure the can is OK? It seems like inflated...?"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Hmm? But according to the data, a little bit of inflation is correct... I'm opening it!"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "Blaaaaaargh! What is this shitty smell! Did you compress corpses in the can or something?"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "...It seems... the blood of true ancestor... ends here......"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Hmm? Smell? What do you mea-"

Griffon Icon.png Griffon: "LRL, run! Shit, we just can't trust Fortune after all!"

LRL Icon.png LRL: "W-wait for me!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "H-hey, where's everyone going!? What's wrong with this can? I made it according to the old video data..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Sigh... Why it ended up like this...Sob"

TL note: Fortune probably made Surströmming...

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link