Dialogue/Main Story 7-8Ex

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Translated by Khosen

7-8Ex Queen's Revenge
I questioned my ears when I heard a report saying a new Nest appeared.
I quickly gathered my senses and told Invincible Dragon for a preemptive strike, but...
The Nest protected itself with a barrier as if it knew we would attack it, and it's now heading fast towards us.
May Icon.png May:
Commander? Are you listening?!
...Hmm? (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
We should strike it with a tactical nuke before its barrier recharges again?
Seating on her throne with a flushed face, it seemed like May couldn't wait till she turned everything into ash.
No, that's not happening. (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
You're too slow with your information, May. The infantry of Steel Line already began engaging with the Nest. So you're not suggesting...that we sacrifice our own troops?
May Icon.png May:
W, what?!
As Leona pointed out, my opportunity for bombardment passed away, so what's left of me is...
Leona? (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Yes. I'm listening, Commander.
I have no choice but to trust my infantry and my gifted staff.
We're going to focus on ground warfare. Tell me what you need. (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
...Yeah? Well...
May Icon.png May:
Leona began critically analyzing the situation. And after the short pause...
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Allow me to give the Steel Line troops direct commands over Marie, who's also engaged in battle at the front line.
Over Marie? (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
What?! HAHA! Who's being personal now? No...are you still salty about how Marie deliberately excluded you from before?
May? Let's hear her out. (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
You want me to sit quietly and listen? I'm already pissed that I can't bombard them with our fire power?
May? (Choice)
May Icon.png May:
...Hmpf! Whatever.
Thank you. (Choice)
Like Leona pointed out, I must protect the troops who're already engaged in battle with the Nest.
But if Leona can give commands to both Valhalla and Steel Line troops while Marie's absent...
I need to trust Leona.
Do you think you can do it? (Choice)
Leona Icon.png Leona:
Of course, I have no room to make mistakes.
And, for the record, I was never defeated when seeking revenge. Commander, requesting permission to deploy my Sisters of Valhalla.
Yes. Go for it. (Choice)
As if it were answering my command, Leona's battle frame began making a noise as it began to heat up.

After the battle

As the dust settled, we began hearing our troops cheering over the victory.
With the hard work committed by Leona and Marie, we came out victorious.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
While everyone fought well, I must admit how General Leona commanded the battlefield with skill and verve.
Leona? (Choice)
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
She wasn't herself from before who was shaking in fear. She did a terrific job at commanding the troops.
Like ID said Leona ruled the battlefield. Even Marie seemed satisfied with her tactics.
Yeah. Leona always strives to improve. (Choice)
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
For you to have all these gifted individuals under your command tells me who you are as a person.
I'll try my best to live up to your expectations.
Hmm... (Choice)
I'm glad she told me how she felt about the battle. But...
Had I used her fleets' preemptive strike more efficiently, this battle would have been easier.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
In my eyes, it seems like you have a concern.
Her indigo eyes read through my mind. I turned my head towards the shore and told her what was bothering me.
I should have been more careful and addressed the situation better. (Choice)
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
*Chuckles* I think you made the right move to order a preemptive strike. Any great admiral would have done what you have done.
In fact, it was you who stopped this chaos and led us to victory, which tells me that you make the right call as a
Commander and can adapt to changing environments.
As if that's not enough, you also spare your time to look after the soldiers...I may be inadequate, but I will try my best to serve you from now on.
Yeah. Thanks. (Choice)
Invincible Dragon and her fleets. As our forces grew, my responsibilities also grew together.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
But I can't afford to lose, especially when I have unconditional support from these ladies.