Daily Training

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Daily Training.png

Daily Training is your bread and butter daily dungeon for making progress on enhancing your units.

There are three types of Training (with their drops):

There are 4 difficulty tiers for each Daily Training - Beginner (초급), Intermediate (중급), Advanced (상급), Expert (최상급). The higher the difficulty, the greater the rewards and the greater the strength of the enemies. You can unlock higher tier Daily Training through the Research tab.

Your units will not gain Unit EXP, Skill EXP and Affection from clearing Daily Training stage. The amount of drops for each run in Daily Training is fixed for each tier, however, there is a slim chance where extra drops would occur, the amount of extra drops is also fixed.

There are 3 subtypes of Ability Strengthening Trainings, corresponding to 3 type of Units (Light, Flying, Heavy), which are cycled between days of the week: Monday & Thursday for Light, Tuesday & Friday for Flying, Wednesday & Saturday for Heavy. Each rewards the corresponding Breakthrough modules, as well as a smaller amount of general Breakthrough Module, which can be exchanged 1:1 to any 3 types.

Each entry for Daily Training requires a Training Ticket. You will not lose your ticket when failing, retreating or disconnecting from the stage.

Tickets are reset to 6 at 9:00 KST every day. Note that any tickets left unused from the previous day will be lost. Players can also spend 10 Tuna Cans to reset tickets to 6, which can be done up to 5 times per day for a total of 30 tickets.