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Can be accessed with the Research button in the Main Menu. This is where you can spend resources and materials to unlock various quality-of-life functions, AGS blueprints and upgrade the rank of your units if applicable.

Facility Research

Unlock and/or enhance various functions that affect gameplay.

To unlock a research project, you need to complete the preceding research as well as each project's additional requirements.

Research projects of the same column tend to have similar requirements, with each project requiring more investment than the last. Note that fulfilled requirements of a previous project will NOT count towards the following projects.

After all the requirements are fulfilled and you have enough resources and materials, the project can be carried out, which takes anywhere from a few seconds to several hours. You can spend a Strange Circuit to complete the research instantly. However, it is recommended not to spend them on earlier projects and save them for later researches in Robot Engineering, or spend them on instantly completing Base Rooms upgrade.

Note: You can only research 1 Facility Research OR Robot Research at the same time.

Screenshot 2020-02-22-08-41-37.png

Facility Research List
Icon Name Effect Requirements Cost Time
Base Infrastructure Icon.png Base Infrastructure Unlock Basic Researchs ★Clear 1-3 Power Icon.png x100 1 Second
Robot Engineering Facility Icon.png Robot Engineering Facility Unlock Robot Engineering and AGS Production ★Base Infrastructure
★Obtain 2 or more AGS
Part Icon.png x175
Power Icon.png x150
Basic Module Icon.png x30
Mass Production Part Icon.png x30
30 Mins
Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Facility Icon.png Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Facility Unlock Special Production ★Robot Engineering Facility
★Build 20 or more Bioroids
Build 3 or more S-Rank Bioroids / AGS
Part Icon.png x200
Nutrient Icon.png x150
Power Icon.png x400
Basic Module Icon.png x100
Alloy Plate Icon.png x10
Prototype Part Icon.png x1
30 Mins
Command Agency System Icon.png Command Agency System Unlock Auto Battle ★Base Infrastructure
★Complete 3 main stages
★Commander level 3
Part Icon.png x125
Power Icon.png x175
1 Second
Precision Radar System Icon.png Precision Radar System Unlock Exploration Research / Drone Research ★Base Infrastructure
★Complete 1 Explorations
Part Icon.png x50
Power Icon.png x175
Basic Module Icon.png x30
CPU Part Icon.png x5
1 Second
Simulation System I Icon.png Simulation System I Unlock Beginner Daily Training ★Command Agency System
★Clear 1-3
Part Icon.png x300
Power Icon.png x450
Basic Module Icon.png x100
CPU Part Icon.png x10
30 Mins
Simulation System II Icon.png Simulation System II Unlock Intermediate Daily Training ★Simulation System I
★Clear 3-5
Part Icon.png x450
Power Icon.png x1350
Basic Module Icon.png x500
Advanced Module Icon.png x50
CPU Part Icon.png x30
30 Mins
Simulation System III Icon.png Simulation System III Unlock Advanced Daily Training ★Simulation System II
★Clear 4-1
Part Icon.png x600
Power Icon.png x2000
Advanced Module Icon.png x100
CPU Part Icon.png x100
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x10
30 Mins
Simulation System IV Icon.png Simulation System IV Unlock Expert Daily Training ★Simulation System III
★Clear 5-1
Part Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x3750
Advanced Module Icon.png x150
Special Module Icon.png x20
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x30
30 Mins
Exploration Area Analysis Facility I Icon.png Exploration Area Analysis Facility I 4% increase in chance of finding items while exploring ★Precision Radar System
★Complete 5 Side Stages
Part Icon.png x100
Power Icon.png x300
Basic Module Icon.png x50
CPU Part Icon.png x10
1 Second
Exploration Area Analysis Facility II Icon.png Exploration Area Analysis Facility II 8% increase in chance of finding items while exploring ★Exploration Area Analysis Facility I
★Complete 10 Side Stages
Part Icon.png x180
Power Icon.png x475
Basic Module Icon.png x250
CPU Part Icon.png x50
1 Second
Exploration Area Analysis Facility III Icon.png Exploration Area Analysis Facility III 12% increase in chance of finding items while exploring ★Exploration Area Analysis Facility II
★Complete 15 Side Stages
Part Icon.png x260
Power Icon.png x650
Basic Module Icon.png x500
CPU Part Icon.png x100
1 Second
Exploration Area Analysis Facility IV Icon.png Exploration Area Analysis Facility IV 16% increase in chance of finding items while exploring ★Exploration Area Analysis Facility III
★Complete 20 Side Stages
Part Icon.png x340
Power Icon.png x825
Basic Module Icon.png x1000
CPU Part Icon.png x150
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x25
1 Second
Exploration Area Analysis Facility V Icon.png Exploration Area Analysis Facility V 20% increase in chance of finding items while exploring ★Exploration Area Analysis Facility IV
★Complete 25 Side Stages
Part Icon.png x420
Power Icon.png x1000
Basic Module Icon.png x1000
CPU Part Icon.png x150
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x25
1 Second
Transportation Drone I Icon.png Transportation Drone I 5% increase in resources exploring ★Precision Radar System
★Complete 4 Explorations
Part Icon.png x250
Power Icon.png x300
Basic Module Icon.png x25
Mass Production Part Icon.png x25
1 Hour
Transportation Drone II Icon.png Transportation Drone II 10% increase in resources exploring ★Transportation Drone I
★Complete 8 Explorations
Part Icon.png x375
Power Icon.png x475
Basic Module Icon.png x125
Mass Production Part Icon.png x50
Booster Part Icon.png x25
1 Hour 30 Mins
Transportation Drone III Icon.png Transportation Drone III 15% increase in resources exploring ★Transportation Drone II
★Complete 12 Explorations
Part Icon.png x500
Power Icon.png x650
Basic Module Icon.png x250
Mass Production Part Icon.png x100
Booster Part Icon.png x50
2 Hours
Transportation Drone IV Icon.png Transportation Drone IV 20% increase in resources exploring ★Transportation Drone III
★Complete 16 Explorations
Part Icon.png x625
Power Icon.png x825
Basic Module Icon.png x500
Mass Production Part Icon.png x250
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x15
2 Hours 30 Mins
Transportation Drone V Icon.png Transportation Drone V 25% increase in resources exploring ★Transportation Drone IV
★Exploration Area Analysis Facility III
★Complete 20 Explorations
Part Icon.png x750
Power Icon.png x1000
Basic Module Icon.png x1000
Mass Production Part Icon.png x375
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x40
3 Hours
Recovery Room Improvement I Icon.png Recovery Room Improvement I 6% decrease in resources consumption for recovery ★Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Facility
★Clear 5 Main Story Stages
Part Icon.png x250
Nutrient Icon.png x500
Power Icon.png x450
Advanced Module Icon.png x25
Prototype Part Icon.png x15
1 Second
Recovery Room Improvement II Icon.png Recovery Room Improvement II 12% decrease in resources consumption for recovery ★Recovery Room Improvement I
★Clear 10 Main Story Stages
Part Icon.png x375
Nutrient Icon.png x750
Power Icon.png x600
Advanced Module Icon.png x50
Prototype Part Icon.png x15
1 Second
Recovery Room Improvement III Icon.png Recovery Room Improvement III 18% decrease in resources consumption for recovery ★Recovery Room Improvement II
★Clear 15 Main Story Stages
Part Icon.png x500
Nutrient Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x750
Advanced Module Icon.png x100
Prototype Part Icon.png x25
1 Second
Recovery Room Improvement IV Icon.png Recovery Room Improvement IV 24% decrease in resources consumption for recovery ★Recovery Room Improvement III
★Clear 20 Main Story Stages
Part Icon.png x625
Nutrient Icon.png x1250
Power Icon.png x900
Advanced Module Icon.png x150
Special Module Icon.png x15
Prototype Part Icon.png x40
1 Second
Recovery Room Improvement V Icon.png Recovery Room Improvement V 35% decrease in resources consumption for recovery ★Recovery Room Improvement IV
★Clear 25 Main Story Stages
Part Icon.png x750
Nutrient Icon.png x1500
Power Icon.png x1050
Advanced Module Icon.png x250
Special Module Icon.png x25
Prototype Part Icon.png x65
1 Second
Resources Recycling I Icon.png Resources Recycling I 20% increase in resources auto recovery ★Base Infrastructure
★Consume more than 1000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x50
Power Icon.png x150
Basic Module Icon.png x5
Mass Production Part Icon.png x10
1 Second
Resources Recycling II Icon.png Resources Recycling II 40% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling I
★Consume more than 2000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x10
Power Icon.png x250
Basic Module Icon.png x25
Mass Production Part Icon.png x25
1 Second
Resources Recycling III Icon.png Resources Recycling III 60% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling II
★Consume more than 5000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x150
Power Icon.png x350
Basic Module Icon.png x50
Mass Production Part Icon.png x50
1 Second
Resources Recycling IV Icon.png Resources Recycling IV 80% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling III
★Consume more than 8000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x200
Power Icon.png x450
Basic Module Icon.png x100
Mass Production Part Icon.png x75
CPU Part Icon.png x15
1 Second
Resources Recycling V Icon.png Resources Recycling V 100% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling IV
★Consume more than 10000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x250
Power Icon.png x550
Basic Module Icon.png x150
Mass Production Part Icon.png x125
CPU Part Icon.png x25
1 Second
Resources Recycling VI Icon.png Resources Recycling VI 120% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling V
★Consume more than 15000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x400
Power Icon.png x800
Basic Module Icon.png x250
Advanced Module Icon.png x15
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x5
1 Second
Resources Recycling VII Icon.png Resources Recycling VII 140% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling VI
★Consume more than 20000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x550
Power Icon.png x1050
Basic Module Icon.png x375
Advanced Module Icon.png x25
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x10
1 Second
Resources Recycling VIII Icon.png Resources Recycling VIII 160% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling VII
★Consume more than 25000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x700
Power Icon.png x1300
Basic Module Icon.png x750
Advanced Module Icon.png x50
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x15
1 Second
Resources Recycling IX Icon.png Resources Recycling IX 180% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling VIII
★Consume more than 30000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x850
Power Icon.png x1550
Basic Module Icon.png x1250
Advanced Module Icon.png x75
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x20
1 Second
Resources Recycling X Icon.png Resources Recycling X 200% increase in resources auto recovery ★Resources Recycling IX
★Consume more than 35000 Parts / Nutrients / Power
Part Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x1800
Advanced Module Icon.png x150
Special Module Icon.png x15
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x40
1 Second
Precision Disassembly Facility I Icon.png Precision Disassembly Facility I 30% increase in resources from disassembling/dismantling units and equipment ★Resources Recycling X
★Disassembling Units more than 10 times
Equipment more than 5 times
Part Icon.png x500
Power Icon.png x1000
Basic Module Icon.png x250
Advanced Module Icon.png x15
Mass Production Part Icon.png x125
1 Hour
Precision Disassembly Facility II Icon.png Precision Disassembly Facility II 60% increase in resources from disassembling/dismantling units and equipment ★Precision Disassembly Facility I
★Disassembling Units more than 15 times
Equipment more than 10 times
Part Icon.png x650
Power Icon.png x1250
Basic Module Icon.png x375
Advanced Module Icon.png x25
Mass Production Part Icon.png x250
2 Hours 30 Mins
Precision Disassembly Facility III Icon.png Precision Disassembly Facility III 90% increase in resources from disassembling/dismantling units and equipment ★Precision Disassembly Facility II
★Disassembling Units more than 20 times
Equipment more than 15 times
Part Icon.png x800
Power Icon.png x1500
Basic Module Icon.png x500
Advanced Module Icon.png x50
Mass Production Part Icon.png x375
4 Hours
Precision Disassembly Facility IV Icon.png Precision Disassembly Facility IV 120% increase in resources from disassembling/dismantling units and equipment ★Precision Disassembly Facility III
★Disassembling Units more than 25 times
Equipment more than 20 times
Part Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x2000
Basic Module Icon.png x750
Advanced Module Icon.png x75
Special Module Icon.png x10
5 Hours 30 Mins
Precision Disassembly Facility V Icon.png Precision Disassembly Facility V 150% increase in resources from disassembling/dismantling units and equipment ★Precision Disassembly Facility IV
★Disassembling Units more than 30 times
Equipment more than 25 times
Part Icon.png x1200
Power Icon.png x2500
Basic Module Icon.png x1000
Advanced Module Icon.png x100
Special Module Icon.png x15
7 Hours
Equipment Enhancing Improvement I Icon.png Equipment Enhancing Improvement I 2% decrease in resources consumption for equipment enhancement ★Precision Disassembly Facility I
Upgrade Equipment more than 10 times
Part Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x1000
Basic Module Icon.png x5000
Advanced Module Icon.png x250
Special Module Icon.png x50
1 Hour
Equipment Enhancing Improvement II Icon.png Equipment Enhancing Improvement II 4% decrease in resources consumption for equipment enhancement ★Equipment Enhancing Improvement I
Upgrade Equipment more than 20 times
Part Icon.png x1250
Power Icon.png x1250
Basic Module Icon.png x10000
Advanced Module Icon.png x500
Special Module Icon.png x100
2 Hours
Equipment Enhancing Improvement III Icon.png Equipment Enhancing Improvement III 6% decrease in resources consumption for equipment enhancement ★Equipment Enhancing Improvement II
Upgrade Equipment more than 30 times
Part Icon.png x1500
Power Icon.png x1500
Basic Module Icon.png x15000
Advanced Module Icon.png x750
Special Module Icon.png x150
3 Hours
Equipment Enhancing Improvement IV Icon.png Equipment Enhancing Improvement IV 8% decrease in resources consumption for equipment enhancement ★Equipment Enhancing Improvement III
Upgrade Equipment more than 40 times
Part Icon.png x1750
Power Icon.png x1750
Basic Module Icon.png x20000
Advanced Module Icon.png x1000
Special Module Icon.png x200
4 Hours
Equipment Enhancing Improvement V Icon.png Equipment Enhancing Improvement V 10% decrease in resources consumption for equipment enhancement ★Equipment Enhancing Improvement IV
Upgrade Equipment more than 50 times
Part Icon.png x2000
Power Icon.png x2000
Basic Module Icon.png x25000
Advanced Module Icon.png x1250
Special Module Icon.png x250
5 Hours

Robot Engineering

Research different projects to unlock the ability to craft certain AGS in Workshop.

Just like Facility Research, you are required to complete previous projects in the tree before the lower ones are unlocked, however, there are no additional requirements other than having the required materials, meaning projects can be carried right after you complete the previous one as long as you have the materials to do so.

Most AGS units require more than one project to be completed to unlock the ability to craft them in the Workshop.

Just like Facility Research, you may spend one Strange Circuit to skip the waiting time of a project.

Note: You can only research 1 Facility Research OR Robot Research at the same time.

Screenshot 2020-02-22-08-49-51.png Screenshot 2020-02-22-08-38-27.png

Robotics Research List
Icon Name Required For Requirements Cost Time
Robotics Framework Icon.png Robotics Framework Unlock Fallen
Unlock Drone
★Robot Engineering Facility Part Icon.png x100
Nutrient Icon.png x25
Power Icon.png x50
Mass Production Part Icon.png x10
15 Mins
Communication Module Icon.png Communication Module Unlock Pupp Head
Unlock Spartan Assault
Unlock Spartan Boomer
Unlock Tommy Walker
Unlock Seljuq
Unlock Goltarion
Unlock Satgat
★Robotics Framework Part Icon.png x50
Power Icon.png x50
CPU Part Icon.png x15
30 Mins
Firearms Control System Icon.png Firearms Control System Unlock Fallen
Unlock Spartan Boomer
Unlock Spartan Captain
★Robotics Framework Part Icon.png x100
Power Icon.png x150
Mass Production Part Icon.png x10
Weapon Part Icon.png x10
30 Mins
Reinforced Robot Framework Icon.png Reinforced Robot Framework Unlock Pupp Head
Unlock Rampart
Unlock Spartan Assault
Unlock Spartan Boomer
Unlock Spartan Captain
Unlock Stinger
★Robotics Framework Part Icon.png x300
Power Icon.png x180
Mass Production Part Icon.png x25
Alloy Plate Icon.png x5
1 Hour
Shock Absorber Icon.png Shock Absorber Unlock Rampart
Unlock Spartan Assault
Unlock Spartan Boomer
Unlock Spartan Captain
Unlock Tyrant
Unlock Watcher
Unlock Fortress
★Robotics Framework Part Icon.png x200
Power Icon.png x75
Mass Production Part Icon.png x25
45 Mins
Target Protection Module Icon.png Target Protection Module Unlock Rampart
Unlock Gigantes
Unlock Fortress
★Robotics Framework Part Icon.png x150
Power Icon.png x30
CPU Part Icon.png x5
30 Mins
Target Analysis System Icon.png Target Analysis System Unlock Drone
Unlock Arachne
Unlock Deathstalker
★Communication Module

★Firearms Control System

Part Icon.png x75
Power Icon.png x200
Mass Production Part Icon.png x 30
CPU Part Icon.png x 10
45 Minutes
Hydraulic Robot Framework Icon.png Hydraulic Robot Framework Unlock Shade
Unlock Aeda
Unlock Rhein Ritter
Unlock Watcher
Unlock Goltarion
Unlock Satgat
★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Shock Absorber
Part Icon.png x250
Nutrient Icon.png x500
Power Icon.png x300
Basic Module Icon.png x100
Mass Production Part Icon.png x100
3 Hours
Air Control Icon.png Air Control Unlock Drone ★Shock Absorber Part Icon.png x175
Power Icon.png x400
Mass Production Part Icon.png x 30
Booster Part Icon.png x 5
1 Hour
Enhanced Tactical Control System Icon.png Enhanced Tactical Control System Unlock Spartan Captain
Unlock Shade
Unlock Gigantes
Unlock Albatross
Unlock Tyrant
Unlock Rhein Ritter
Unlock Watcher
Unlock Fortress
★Target Analysis System Part Icon.png x325
Power Icon.png x1750
Advanced Module Icon.png x 50
CPU Part Icon.png x 100
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x 20
12 Hours 30 Minutes
Heavy Firearms Control System Icon.png Heavy Firearms Control System Unlock Seljuq
Unlock Shade
Unlock Rhein Ritter
Unlock Watcher
★Firearms Control System Part Icon.png x750
Power Icon.png x400
Weapon Part Icon.png x 50
Heavy Weapon Part Icon.png x 5
CPU Part Icon.png x 20
4 Hours
Heavy Robot Framework Icon.png Large Robot Framework Unlock Tommy Walker
Unlock Seljuq
Unlock Albatross
Unlock Roc
Unlock Mr.Alfred
Unlock Arachne
Unlock Peregrinus
Unlock Fortress
Unlock Deathstalker
★Hydraulic Robot Framework Part Icon.png x750
Power Icon.png x350
Prototype Part Icon.png x 30
Alloy Plate Icon.png x 100
Super Alloy Plate Icon.png x 20
8 Hours
Booster System Icon.png Booster System Unlock Stinger ★Air Control Part Icon.png x400
Power Icon.png x975
Booster Part Icon.png x 50
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x 10
6 Hours
High Performance Simulator Icon.png High Performance Simulator Unlock Shade
Unlock Aeda
Unlock Rhein Ritter
Unlock Goltarion
★Target Protection Module Part Icon.png x 175
Power Icon.png x 1250
CPU Part Icon.png x 125
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x 40
32 Hours
Energy Condenser Icon.png Energy Condenser Unlock Stinger
Unlock Satgat
★Heavy Firearm Control System Part Icon.png x 100
Power Icon.png x 1000
Basic Module Icon.png x 250
Mass Production Part Icon.png x 300
Weapon Part Icon.png x 100
12 Hours
Multi-Booster Control Unit Icon.png Multi-Booster Control Unit Unlock Albatross ★Booster System Part Icon.png x 400
Power Icon.png x 1200
Prototype Part Icon.png x 60
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x 80
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x 50
1 Second
AGS Command System Icon.png AGS Command System Unlock Aeda ★Enhanced Tactical Control System Part Icon.png x 100
Power Icon.png x 2500
CPU Part Icon.png x 200
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x 50
Special Module Icon.png x 30
96 Hours
Large-Capacity Generator Icon.png Large-Capacity Generator Unlock Albatross
Unlock Goltarion
Unlock Glacias
Unlock Arachne
★Energy Condenser Part Icon.png x 300
Power Icon.png x 1250
Prototype Part Icon.png x 50
CPU Part Icon.png x 150
Advanced Module Icon.png x 100
15 Hours
Heavy Gloves Framework Icon.png Heavy Armor Framework Unlock Gigantes
Unlock Tyrant
Unlock Stronghold
Unlock Triton
Unlock Nidhogg
★Large Robot Framework

★Large-Capacity Generator

Part Icon.png x 1250
Power Icon.png x 500
Prototype Part Icon.png x 50
Alloy Plate Icon.png x 150
Super Alloy Plate Icon.png x 40
48 Hours
High Power Booster Icon.png High Power Booster Unlock Roc
Unlock Mr.Alfred
Unlock Stronghold
★Multi-Booster Control Unit Part Icon.png x 500
Power Icon.png x 5000
Prototype Part Icon.png x 120
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x 200
Special Module Icon.png x 30
72 Hours
Particle Accelerator Icon.png Particle Accelerator Unlock Aeda
Unlock Deathstalker
★Large-Capacity Generator Part Icon.png x 500
Power Icon.png x 2000
Prototype Part Icon.png x 100
High Density CPU Part Icon.png x 50
Special Module Icon.png x 15
48 Hours
Energy Converter Research Icon.png Energy Converter Unlock Roc
Unlock Mr.Alfred
Unlock Triton
Unlock Peregrinus
★Particle Accelerator
★High Performance Simulator
Part Icon.png x2750
Power Icon.png x2750
Basic Module Icon.png x20000
Advanced Module Icon.png x1000
Special Module Icon.png x50
108 Hours
Adaptive Weapons System Icon.png Adaptive Weapons System Unlock Nidhogg ★AGS Command System Part Icon.png x14400
Nutrient Icon.png x1000
Power Icon.png x9000
Basic Module Icon.png x50000
Special Module Icon.png x400
Heavy Weapon Part Icon.png x1500
180 Hours
Hybrid Structure Generator Icon.png Hybrid Structure Generator Unlock Tyrant
Unlock Nidhogg
★Particle Accelerator Part Icon.png x12500
Power Icon.png x7500
Basic Module Icon.png x60000
Special Module Icon.png x300
Prototype Part Icon.png x1500
168 Hours
Gene Aplication Design A.I Icon.png Gene Aplication Design A.I Unlock Mr.Alfred
Unlock Satgat
★Energy Converter Part Icon.png x3500
Power Icon.png x5000
Basic Module Icon.png x20000
Special Module Icon.png x150
Prototype Part Icon.png x500
168 Hours
Over Technology Powerpack Icon.png Over Technology Powerpack Unlock Stronghold
Unlock Glacias
Unlock Triton
Unlock Nidhogg
★High Power Booster Part Icon.png x9000
Power Icon.png x6000
Basic Module Icon.png x30000
Special Module Icon.png x200
Super Alloy Plate Icon.png x1000
168 Hours
Multi-tier Rapid Cooler Icon.png Multi-tier Rapid Cooler Unlock Glacias
Unlock Peregrinus
★Particle Accelerator
★Energy Converter
Part Icon.png x3000
Power Icon.png x8000
Basic Module Icon.png x10000
Special Module Icon.png x250
High Power Booster Part Icon.png x1000
168 Hours
Multi-Weapon Control System Icon.png Multi-Weapon Control System Unlock Triton ★Hybrid Structure Generator Part Icon.png x15000
Power Icon.png x10000
Basic Module Icon.png x30000
Special Module Icon.png x500
Heavy Weapon Part Icon.png x1500
192 Hours
High Power Nuclear Fusion Thruster Icon.png High Power Nuclear Fusion Thruster Unlock Peregrinus ★Over Technology Powerpack Part Icon.png x10000
Power Icon.png x15000
Basic Module Icon.png x30000
Special Module Icon.png x500
Super Alloy Plate Icon.png x1500
192 Hours
Blueprint Requirement
Rank Icon Name Required Research
Fallen Icon.png
Fallen ★Robotics Framework
★Firearms Control System
Drone Icon.png
Drone ★Robotics Framework
★Target Analysis System
★Air Control
Pupp Head Icon.png
Pupp Head ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Communication Module
Rampart Icon.png
Rampart ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Shock Absorber
★Target Protection Module
Spartan Assault Icon.png
Spartan Assault ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Shock Absorber
★Communication Module
Spartan Boomer Icon.png
Spartan Boomer ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Shock Absorber
★Communication Module
★Firearms Control System
Spartan Captain Icon.png
Spartan Captain ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Shock Absorber
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★Firearms Control System
Stinger Icon.png
Stinger ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Booster System
★Energy Condenser
Tommy Walker Icon.png
Tommy Walker ★Large Robot Framework
★Communication Module
Seljuq Icon.png
Seljuq ★Reinforced Robot Framework
★Heavy Firearms Control System
★Communication Module
Fortress Icon.png
Fortress ★Shock Absorber
★Target Protection Module
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★Large Robot Framework
Watcher Icon.png
Watcher ★Shock Absorber
★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★Heavy Firearms Control System
Shade Icon.png
Shade ★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★High Performance Simulator
★Heavy Firearms Control System
Gigantes Icon.png
Gigantes ★Heavy Armor Framework
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★Target Protection Module
Rhein Ritter Icon.png
Rhein Ritter ★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★High Performance Simulator
★Heavy Firearms Control System
Goltarion Icon.png
Goltarion ★Communication Module
★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★High Performance Simulator
★Large-Capacity Generator
Arachne Icon.png
Arachne ★Target Analysis System
★Large Robot Framework
★Large-Capacity Generator
Satgat Icon.png
Satgat ★Communication Module
★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★Energy Condenser
★Gene Aplication Design A.I
Deathstalker Icon.png
Deathstalker ★Target Analysis System
★Large Robot Framework
★Particle Accelerator
Albatross Icon.png
Albatross ★Large Robot Framework
★Multi-Booster Control Unit
★Large-Capacity Generator
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
Roc Icon.png
Roc ★Large Robot Framework
★High Power Booster
★Energy Converter
Aeda Icon.png
Aeda ★Hydraulic Robot Framework
★AGS Command System
★Particle Accelerator
★High Performance Simulator
Tyrant Icon.png
Tyrant ★Shock Absorber
★Enhanced Tactical Control System
★Heavy Armor Framework
★Hybrid Structure Generator
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
Mr.Alfred ★Large Robot Framework
★High Power Booster
★Energy Converter
★Gene Aplication Design A.I
Stronghold Icon.png
Stronghold ★Heavy Armor Framework
★High Power Booster
★Over Technology Powerpack
Glacias Icon.png
Glacias ★Large-Capacity Generator
★Over Technology Powerpack
★Multi-tier Rapid Cooler
Triton Icon.png
Triton ★Heavy Armor Framework
★Energy Converter
★Over Technology Powerpack
★Multi-Weapon Control System
Peregrinus Icon.png
Peregrinus ★Large Robot Framework
★Particle Accelerator
★Multi-tier Rapid Cooler
★High Power Nuclear Fusion Thruster
Nidhogg Icon.png
Nidhogg ★Heavy Armor Framework
★Over Technology Powerpack
★Hybrid Structure Generator
★Adaptive Weapons System