Dialogue/Main Story 7-4B

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Translated by Khosen

7-4B Swallow's Diary
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Hey Harpy. Remember the day we ran away...
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Yeah. When Stalker raided our HQ, right?
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Hehe. Yeah. You were the last person our Group Leader was with, right?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Yup. That's true...but why?
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Before you lost her, did she say anything to you?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Uhm...nothing in particular...ah!
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Uhm...I don't know how relevant this is but...
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
It's okay. Anything's fine.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
After she heard that we're going to look for the last surviving human, she became very solemn and began writing something every night.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
About what?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Well, I don't know. Oh, and one more.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Yeah. Tell me.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Remember when Labiata sent a lot of troops to search.
Our Group Leader wanted to know how humans were like, so I did lend her some old archives I had about them.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Huh? But she hates reading.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
They weren't all books...they were things like newspapers, records...anything I could find.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Ah, did that ring any bell?
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Heh...not quite...I'm not too sure.
I'm not that smart...think I should ask someone more intelligent.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Well...yeah? How about this, then?
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Yeah? Any good ideas? Ah! Hang on, Harpy, you're pretty bright, right?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
I wouldn't say I am but...
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
I don't know why I keep forgetting how intelligent you are.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
That's prejudice.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Ah! Sorry.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Anyway, here's my plan.
I don't know why, but our Group Leader must have left as she went through some existential crisis.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Okay. And?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Well, we should probably find out what caused it. First, let's dig up some old writings she made. They should be some left in our old HQ.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Uhh...would it be okay? There should be a lot of Iron Parasites there...
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
No pain, no gain. Griffon told us that the Commander gave her an "OK" to get some help, right? So why don't we head there with them?
Tell Griffon to gather the troops.
We need to figure out what changed her heart.

After the battle

Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Alright, here. This is where she'd write every day.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Is this it? A diary?
Sleipnir's Diary. A drawing of a swallow is on the cover.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
I think it is. Let's have a read.
Sleipnir's Diary:
May 6th, Sunny
Today Chief Labiata announced that there might be a live human. I can't believe it. After all this long time, how can a
human be alive!
I wonder how he looks like? Handsome?
I hope he is handsome. Even better if he likes singing. I wonder if he'd enjoy it if I sang for him?
It's been a while, so I need to practice my singing. My dance moves as well. But wait, I first need to check if there
are any Idol Modules left first.
It kind of sounds like I'm cheating but... It's better than embarrassing myself in front of him.
May 9th, Rain
I borrowed books and other records on humans from Harpiya.
There were a lot of interesting materials on it. Especially how they really enjoyed my performances.
I might as well dig deeper now that I am this invested. I'm sure our intranet will have them, right?
Although I am getting a little sleepy. I'll read the rest tomorrow.
May 10th, Cloudy
What a shocker! No! I can't meet this human! That filthy...
I'm leaving. I can't meet him as of now.
Meeting him would be something like jumping into a volcano.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Whoa...Group Leader...Why...?
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
What exactly did you lend her?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
W, well? I'm not sure I gave her a variety.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
By any chance...did you give books about the evil doings of the bad humans from the past?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
No. I'm sure I didn't...
Urgh...At least she could have mentioned where she's leaving to... You can't just write "I'm going "...
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
From her last sentence... It looks like she's really shocked.
What should we do?
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Honestly, I can't recall what she read that made her so bummed out.
And looking at her diary...I think she read more stuff other than the materials I gave her.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
We can't make any judgment call before we find out what she read...
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
The books I gave her were all electronic copies.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Yeah. Which means... they should still be archived in our old Intranet. We would have to restore the data if it's broken...but I don't think that'll be a challenge.
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Whoa! Can you do that? I didn't think of that.
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
Hey, that's prejudice!
Blackhound Icon.png Blackhound:
Hehe. My bad...
Harpyia Icon.png Harpyia:
The Intranet server should be located near where Griffon and Linty were headed. We need to reach out to her.
I'm sure they'll have to face some more Iron Parasites, but the two of them should handle them easily.
Especially seeing how determined Griffon is right now.