Dialogue/Main Story 9-4B

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Translated by Khosen

9-4B The Outbreak of War
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...I guess that was the last one.
Cia, how about you, are you done?
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Yup, yup!
Like you said, I've been counting every~kill!
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Good job. Commander told me there'll be a bonus depending on our accomplishments...
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Hey hey, then, will we get a lot of tuna cans? And go back to...Mal...ta? And see other sisters again?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Of course. Let's bring delicious treats with us too.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Uhm, hello.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
We haven't formally met, right? I'm Amphitrite.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
I'm Cia.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Nice to meet you two. I'm Sirene, Adjutant of Admiral Invincible Dragon.
Since it was the first time we were assigned together, I came to help, but...is the situation over?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Yes. We didn't have any problems.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Cia worked real~ly hard!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Alright. Then why don't you two come with me?
The Admiral is waiting for us.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
You're finally here, Gamma...
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Admiral, I brought the Mermaids.
I'll go get prepared for my part.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
Thank you.
Amphitrite, Salacia.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Yes, Admiral.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
As we discussed earlier, I want you to take advantage of the geographical advantage of this archipelago and stop the enemy fleet from advancing forward.
But, don't push yourselves too hard. Our goal is to hold them off for as long as possible.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Just shoot them, right? Pew pew! Cia is real~ly good at that!
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
M, my apologies. I'll tell her to watch her language.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
No need, it's all good. Hmm, I hope you two would get along with other Horizon members.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Of course. We just spoke with Sirene earlier.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
They're all friendly people.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Miss Dragon, so who's Gamma? I heard you mumbling.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
I see. Well, you two should know precisely who our enemy is.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
You know about her?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
All I know is that she's obsessed with you, Admiral.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
Indeed. In summary, she and I had fought before.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Is that true, ma'am?
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
...Right after the outbreak of the Extinction War, all the corporations gathered around to form an alliance.
That meant that a united naval force was created. Back then, I was the Commander-in-chief, and Gamma was the Vice Commander-in-chief.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Ohh...so, is Miss Dragon the Commander?
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
Right now, I'm no more than a single soldier serving My Lord.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
If Gamma was the in Vice Command...did she betray you, ma'am?
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
Not precisely. We just had a different way of seeing the world.
I decided to gather others who wanted to join Amina Jones once other humans began falling asleep.
Gamma gathered her troops to stop us from doing so...and we engaged.
The battle raged day and night. Finally, in the end, both Gamma and I got too tired to carry on, and both retreated...But if I had known this would have happened, I should have seen the end of it.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Now's the chance to tie up loose ends. Cia and I'll assist, ma'am.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
...Thank you.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Admiral, we're ready.
Enemy fleets will be entering the target point soon.
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
Alright. Well...
Everyone! To your stations!
Do not forget to keep your distance from the enemy.

After the battle (Gamma's ship, at the same time)

Lemonade Gamma Icon.png Lemonade Gamma:
Finally, you made your move!
With the Rock Harbour falling and you, Invincible Dragon going into a deep sleep... I would have never thought I'd be able to face you again...
Haha, I should have bowed and thanked that human, after all.
He prepared the perfect war for me as if he knew exactly what I wanted!
Let's begin, Dragon. All ships...!
Full flank ahead.
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Enemy ships, confirmed!
Getting closer to our mines!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
...Something's not right. They must have known what we were planning. Yet, they're just forcing their way towards us.
I know we're severely outnumbered, but still...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
It's good on our end if they're being careless!
50M until enemy forward meets our mines!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Enemy cruiser has been hit, confirming a visual of an explosion of its bulbous bow. Enemy cruiser on fire!
Enemy forward is sinking. Looks like we hit its engine too!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kyahaha! The same fate is awaiting the other ships that were behind it!
Undine, let's go!
Lemonade Gamma Icon.png Lemonade Gamma:
Mines and anti-ship missiles...using their geographical advantage and focusing their firepower...
Not bad. Well, it wouldn't do you any good either.
Hmm, it's been a while, and we outnumber them, so I guess I'll give myself a handicap.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Vice Admiral, everything's going according to plan!
Sooner or later, they'll get jammed from the remains of the destroyed ships!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
But I don't like how the rear of our enemy's acting.
It's as if they're letting this happen on purpose...
Lemonade Gamma Icon.png Lemonade Gamma:
Annihilator, report on our main battery 1.
Annihilator Control System:
[Main Battery 1, charging: 89%]
Lemonade Gamma Icon.png Lemonade Gamma:
Shoot once it's at 100%.
...Look closely, Dragon.
This is what...you call an opening ceremony of war...!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Annihilator's main battery has fired!
Landing at...enemy forward!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
With the rest of the ships...the remains are gone!
Invincible Dragon Icon.png Invincible Dragon:
After all these years, she hasn't changed one bit.
No, she's gotten worse...