Dialogue/Main Story 1-5B

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 1-5B 『Gear recycling』

Johanna suggests you to recycle parts from the broken robots to use as resources.

1-5B Orca's bridge, 『Johanna's favor』

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "Ah, my lord, you showed up just about time. I actually have advice that could be potentially useful to you."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "Mind if I step closer and talk?"

[Sure thing.] <----

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "As you know my lord, there was recently a large encounter of the robots and Iron Parasites. The end result was our combat force being reinforced."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "But back then, many of the AGS robots were broken and their parts were lying around."

Johanna Icon.png Johanna: "I think if we go clear up the battlefield one more time, we should be able to recycle those parts. It should be helpful to us."

[Enters Battle] <----

1-5B After battle

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Commander, thank you for your commands. So we should recycle all the parts around this area?"

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "Acknowledge. We can deal with food and energy problems in the sea, but solely relying on recycling for gears has its limitations."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "I should tell the recycling team to move faster before enemies come again."

Constantia Icon.png Constantia: "I'll return back to work then."

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link