Dialogue/Main Story 6-7

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Source: https://pastebin.com/u/constantia

6-7 Labiata's Hideout


Fortune Icon.png Fortune:
The location that Labiata was talking is being shown on the map.
I didnt know there was such hideout behind the lab...
But it seems that there are not so many iron-bugs, so Im glad.
Im ready to back her up too!
Is Captain Marie ready?
Marie Icon.png Marie:
The formation of the rescue team has been done.
You can sortie immediately with the command of you Excellency.
Then Constantia... Hmmm? Whats wrong?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Ah, yes...?
Marie Icon.png Marie:
This strategy is important. What are you wondering during the meeting?
Is there any problem?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Ah... Im sorry.
But... I thought the attitude of Labiata onee-sama last time was a little strange.
Maybe... Did Master feel something too?
I felt something was wrong...
For some reason Labiata has told me many times that she wants to meet me in person.
I think that the words are not bad but the number times she said them.
Commander: Choice 1
Yeah? I dont mind. (Missing)
Commander: Choice 2
Talk about your discomfort you feel.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
It doesnt matter how I look at it... I dont understand the attitude of Laviata onee-sama.
Master... Is it okay to start the operation as it is? I...
Marie Icon.png Marie:
The operation cannot be cancelled just because a feeling of discomfort.
Labiata is paramount importance to us bioloids, she is the best combatant...
You must rescue her.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Thats right... but Master might be in danger...
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Why do you think it would dangerous if Labiata joins...?
Rather it will be safer. Dont worry... Constantia.
Labiata will be His Excellencys right arm.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I agree...
Marie Icon.png Marie:
So this is the end of the discussion.
We can finally sortie.
Your Excellency, Im ready.
Please order it as soon as the preparations are completed.
Prepare to sortie.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Yes, I will.
Orders please.


Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Ah! Labiata onee-sama! You are safe!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Ahh... Constantia... Thank you very much...
I was able to meet you again safely... You have grown up, right?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Not at all. Thats because Master did all the command...
Ever since Master came, we have been able to defeat the iron-bugs!
Onee-sama... Im glad you are safe.
I was very worried when I heard that the headquarters were attacked...
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Fufu... Dont worry. I spent a long time here.
I knew all the hidden and forgotten roads...
This is also something that we prepared in the past, right?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...It seems that Labiata onee-sama cant forget Adam...
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Its a pity that he didnt become my Master...
Still... It felt like he was...
...By the way, the commander...? Didnt you come with him?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Master commanded me remotely from Orcas bridge.
Fortune transfers Master brain waves to us.
She has set up a remote command system...
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
...Certainly, if you can command remotely, you cant do it.
You dont have to...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...Labiata onee-sama...? ...Why do you want to see Master...?
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Eh? But its natural that you want to meet him, right?
First of all, Ill go the place where commander is.
Dont you think thats the most important thing right now?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Thats right... Understood.
Ill guide you.

Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Im back! Also, Im pleased to announce that Labiata onee-sama has returned to the Orca!
Welcome back!
And this is Master.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Labiata onee-sama...? Whats wrong...? Suddenly such a face...
I tried to say hello to Labiata who had such expression.
Until now there hasnt been a bioloid that has looked at me with that face... Something is wrong...
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
As I thought...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
From the time I heard from Eva, "I have never rescued human"
I was stuck...!
Ordinary bioloids recognise humans with brain waves...!
This monster!
Suddenly, Labiata pointed a huge sword at "me"!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
What are you doing?! You monster!
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Labiata onee-sama?! What are you talking about?!
Constantia holds her gun and aims at Labiatas head.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Please lower your sword! Onee-sama!
Why on earth are you doing this to Master?!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Constantia... What can I do about this?
I dont think you understand it now.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Onee-sama... Ill say it again... Please lower your sword...!
I will not allow you to be hostile to my Master for any reason!!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Constantia, I know you cant believe me right now.
But I want you to do it.
Remember what I said? Ordinary bioloids...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
It was you, Labiata onee-sama, the one who made me!!
You were the one who taught me everything!!
I dont understand the current situation!!
What do you mean so suddenly?!!
Please lower the sword...
Otherwise I have no choice but to shoot you.
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
Constantia...? Cant you see this monster? Does this thing looks like a "human"?
My head is chilling... I dont look like a "human"? ...What do you mean?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
The appearance has nothing to do with it!!
The Master is a decent "human"!!
Labiata Icon.png Labiata:
I know. You recognise "humans" only by brain waves.
But... at least you should have some doubts about "this figure"!!
What am I?
Is my appearance strange?
When I heard those words, I suddenly remembered...
I have never seen myself...
At that moment, I saw my appearance reflected in Labiatas big sword...
Oh... Why didnt I... notice until now...?
At the tip of the big sword... there was a "human" being eroded by iron-bugs.
Weird... I cant keep my eyes opened... Its getting daunting...