Dialogue/Main Story 8-2B

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Translated by Khosen

8-2B The Deconstructor
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
*Yawns*...It's been a while since we've been put on a mission that suits our specialty.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
You might as well break your jaw if you yawn like that. Slept late?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Hehe, I was binge-watching.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
That masked warrior or something? What about Miho?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
She joined me for a while, then went to bed cuz she didn't find it as amusing. *Yawns..."
By the way, where's mom? Not here yet?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Finalizing the mission plan with the City Guards. Miho and Draco are with her too.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Oh, right. Miho told me she found a nice nail polish and wants to share it with you?
It was sparkly.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
It's probably a glitter...wait, if she would get into trouble if mom finds out she had done her nails before a mission, though?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
She'll probably charm her way out of it like a fox.
Aren't you safe, though, with those gloves?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yeah, but what if she finds out during our break...
Ah, I forgot to ask her for some sheet masks.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
I saw her putting them on last night. She likes how it moisturizes her skin.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
You don't?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Too lazy~
Ah, here comes mom.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Mongus Team. It's time for our briefing.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Heyhey. I really found a cute one.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Pinto told me. A glitter?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
I also need to borrow some sheet masks. I forgot to ask you the other day.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Why don't you come to our room after today's mission then. We've been saving one last cup tteokbokki, and we can share.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Ah, she's ready.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Our task is to bring Azaz the Deconstructor in alive.
We do not know if our target is hostile, so do not use lethal weapons when we make first contact.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Mom, what about the door over there?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Draco, I've told you to not refer to be that way.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Hehe, Team Leader, what about the door?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Bulgasari will attempt if she could breach in.
Bulgasari, do you think you can do it?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yes, Team Leader.
After analyzing the stiffness and the design, I think I will be able to break the door apart.
I would need roughly 30 minutes to do so.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Understood. I'd like to get started right after this briefing.
Moreover, since this facility is big - like a maze, Miho and Pinto will lead the front.
Stay alert everyone, there may be an AGS behind that door.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Team Leader, then what about the City Guards?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
There are multiple emergency exits in this facility.
Thus, there's a possibility that our target will use it to her advantage. So, the City Guards have agreed to form a circle and surround the lab from the outside.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
We should hurry since we don't want them to take the credit, right?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
But this time, I see some high-ranking officers? It might not be easy.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Not a problem. Bulgasari! C'mon!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
I'll notify you all with the specifics after.
Then, let's all begin with our mission.

After the battle

Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
There're more left than I expected?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Yeah...we're going to lose her.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Target was last seen making a right at the intersection in front of you two. As I see an automated turret behind those walls, be aware.
Miho, can you take care of those?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
One second~
Ah, are those the power cables I see?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
I think so.
Do you have an angle? If not, I'll just blow it up.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Nah, watch me.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Turrent neutralization has been confirmed.
However, there may be an enemy ahead that's not showing on our radar, so please advance with caution.
If I see something out of place again, I'll be in contact. Over.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Miho Icon.png Miho:
You're still uncomfortable with her? Our mom's really nice, you know.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
I know. But still, hear me out. She plays by the book too much.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
And yet, you still call her mom when she's not around though~
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Tsk. You guys started calling her like that, so it just grew on me.
Why would you call our Team Leader a mom anyway?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Uhm...because she's like our mom?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Forget it...
Miho Icon.png Miho:
I'm serious~ She may look cold-hearted, but she really cares about us.
You should stop being stubborn and open up to her.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Nah, later - oh?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Did you see that?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Yeah. I saw a strand of long hair disappearing behind that corner!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Let's go!