Dialogue/Main Story 2-1Ex

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Legend for reading:

Commander's thoughts will be preceded by long dashes, ------ Like this

Options that were presented in the dialogues will be placed in square brackets [ Like this ]

Options that were chosen in the dialogues will have an arrow next to them and bolded, [ Like this ] <------

Characters' dialogues will be in a format of (Speaker) : "Dialogue content".

Main story 2-1Ex 『Fortune's tuna research I』

To maintain her dignity, fortune decided to look for aluminum that could be used to make tuna cans.

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "......"

[Fortune? Are you ok?] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Ahh! Commander, help me~"

[What's happening?] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So its about Griffon and LRL~ I... told them a small lie~ You know, even I sometimes have a face to defend..."

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So now we have a little trouble... The way they look at me still hurts me~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "I... didn't manage to talk myself out of it... This is the biggest trouble I've ever had in my life~!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So commander, please help me~"

[Then how can I help?] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "You know those kids really like tuna cans right? But it's a big trouble for us to get our hands on those cans~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "So I thought, if I can produce tuna cans right here, I can still save my face... So that's why I'm asking you, the commander for help~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "To make a tuna can, we first need those aluminum cans. But thanks to our previous sortie to the market area, we know there are many aluminum packing materials around there~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander, would you please bring them back? If we can make tuna cans within this submarine, I think it will boost the morale of those kids~"

[Enters Battle]

2-1Ex after battle

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander? How did it go? Where's the packaging materials? I really need it~!"

[I brought them back] <----

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Commander! Thank you so much! Love ya~"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Finally... If we melt these, we can make the aluminum cans...!"

Fortune Icon.png Fortune: "Then the next step is fishing! Commander, you'll help me out, right?"

The translation is based on せいかぜ@和訳リニンサン's work at https://twitter.com/Sei_kazeR, permission has been acquired.

The original thread is at: link