Dialogue/Main Story 7-3Ex

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Translated by Khosen

7-3Ex Broken Deep within
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I'm so sorry to hear about that.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Yeah. I found a way to fix her body, but...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Mmmhmm. We can't fix what she's emotionally going through.
Wish we had known sooner...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
I know. I only found out about it yesterday...
But that's not what's important. The important thing is how to help her get through this.
If she doesn't pull through...then we won't be able to operate on her. And then...her body will slowly break apart.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...We can't let that happen. Labiata, she is... a Bioroid our Master needs in the future.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Exactly. And I only don't like how she can't let go of the past too. So what's the big deal of wielding a sword at him...
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Doctor, you're too young to understand this but,
...Love can hurt sometimes...
I sympathize with Labiata. A tragic love where she had to point her sword at someone who she loves...
And for him to be her Master, and not her enemy...how heartbreaking?
If I were in her shoes and had done something like that, I would have already committed to what she's planning to do.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
But she wasn't in love with our Big Bro when it happened? And it's not like she physically hurt him.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
There's this thing called "love at first sight," though.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Okay, I think you should stop being dramatic. We're really serious...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Rhea has a point.
Us Bioroids would be heavily traumatized just by thinking about harming our Master...
I'm sure what motivated Labiata to overcome her guilt and made her carry on living was her strong will to protect Adam and Amina's legacy.
If my Master had asked me to do the same, I would have done anything to make it happen. But...if she thinks...her duty's over...
She'll yield to her guilt.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
*Sight...* Alright. So both of you think it's natural for her to go through this, correct?
I'm still confused. Even if I pointed a sword at Big Bro, I would have overcome the guilt I would have felt through his love...
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
That I agree. How can her guilt overpower the love from our Master? When he's so sweet...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
...Why are you switching your positions...
But the core of this problem is this. Labiata wants to die because of the guilt she feels and the physical and mental burnout.
Since she thinks her purpose has been served, she has nothing else to grab onto.
We obviously can't wait to remove her guilt and can't wait until she recovers from her mental health issues because her body won't make it.
But, there is a simple solution.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
...If we mention how there's more for her to do in her life...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
She won't be thinking about death.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Great! So we all agree?
Now, let's think about how we can give her a new motivation.
My Big Sisters, any good plans?
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Can't our Master, my love at first sight, just give her some things to work on?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
But Labiata never fell in love with him at first sight and didn't really have time to personally connect him. Jeez...is this the 19th century?
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
W, what...wait, are you accusing me of being old-fashioned...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Rhea, I'm sensing some static electricity. Why don't you take a deep breath?
Hmm...well, this is what I think.
Labiata currently thinks she has delivered the will of Adam and Amina.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Yup, yup. She did. Our Master appeared, and other Bioroids are all gathering under his wings, and now we even have Invincible Dragon with us too...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
So then what about this? As of now, He is the only human alive. So if we persuade Labiata to think the will of Adam has not been met until we see His offsprings...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Fair...our work just got started...far from being over.
Something simple as Amina leaving a message like "Kill all the Iron Parasites!" will make her rethink dying. Then...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I'll see what I can find if Amina had left other notes.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Wouldn't it be better for our Master to give her a direct order? If he says it firmly...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Uhh...no. Our Big Bro has a trauma about giving direct orders...
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Hmm? Trauma?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
I was really mean at him for giving direct orders to me...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
No way...you were behind why Miss Mighty forced our Master to work out until he passed...out? I never recall him saying he wanted to do so...
So when Miss Mighty said some bird told her what our Master truly desires...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Teehee...well...I was being easy on him!
I considered telling Lise and Lilith that he was thinking about asking them out and telling them the same location!
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Alright. Why don't we leave the direct order as our last resort...and find out if Amina had left some notes for now.
Everyone, prepare for battle.
Looks like we're going on a mission.

After the battle

Amina's Voice Record:
April 9th. Today I heard some tragic news.
A high-ranking official who worked in the PECS Consortium to Omega Corporations had told me how Adam died.
It was pretty simple. When Angèl had kidnapped Adam to steal his work on Labiata, there was something more behind the scenes.
It was someone behind Omega Corporations who informed Black River about Labiata and Adam.
As a result, Adam's blueprint on Labiata was abused by Black River and helped them create the Invincible Dragon.
That someone was Lemonade Omega.
It sounds like Omega's ability to gain intel is beyond my understanding.
After hearing about this, I wanted to bring Omega in to question her, but I was too late. They all went under the grid.
I wasn't really seeking revenge at this point... I should probably keep this to myself to unite the human race.
But I don't feel like doing any work today.
I should be able to get away a day away from work in memory of Adam. I'm sure I'm allowed to do so.
At the very least...
End of Voice Record
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Well, this is the only thing we have on Amina. *Sigh...*
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Any others? The size of the file we retrieved was huge...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Most of them were locations about where she hid resources. Some about her army.
They are valuable information, but...nothing really applicable to Labiata.
Oh! We do have the coordinates about an absolute defense line composed of AGS robots, but...Yeah, that's not really
useful right now.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I'm surprised... It seems like Amina never shared much with Labiata.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Labiata was with Angèl when this was happening...and Amina must have thought her sharing this would have disbanded the
united mankind.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...Anything else? We can't share this with her...If she finds out, she might announce that she's leaving to hunt
Lemonade down.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
We're really out of options. Like you said...this is something that we should keep between us two...
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Is asking our Master to give her a direct order our only way? *Sigh...*
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
Hmm? What's with the long face?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Oh! War Wolf? How may I help you?
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
I was about to tell you that we found some stray Bioroids and were planning to bring them in...but what's up? Why are you sighing?
Did Commander ask for "too much" later at night?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
It's nothing like that, okay? We're just thinking about something complicated.
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
About what?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I'm sorry. War Wolf, we don't want to advertise this...
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
Don't worry! I'm as tight-lipped as our Captain Khan's weapon.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Uhm...okay. Hear me out. War Wolf, you aren't bright, but you do think outside the box from time to time. So maybe
you'll be able to enlighten us.
So what happened was...

A few moments later

War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
*Bursts in laughter* That's what the sighing was all about? It's so simple...
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
You think this is so?
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Any good ideas?
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
Of course.
So the issue is Labiata not wanting to live because she's so tired, and her feeling of guilt is overwhelming.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
Then can't she just love a man so deeply that she'll overcome whatever guilt she's feeling? And then that man will
become her reason to live.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Hmm? Yea...
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
*Shrug...* They say you're a genius Doctor, but I don't think so?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Urgh...this is so humiliating...But anyways...Big Bro is the only man alive...and so that means we need to make Labiata
fall in love with him...
Got any more plans?
War Wolf Icon.png War Wolf:
Of course I got more.
Something that will make her astonished.