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Main Story

These missions are available at all times and are the standard source for Materials, Equipment, and Units. There are currently 11 Areas, each consisting of 8 main stages and several side stages (B and Ex stages). Clearing a main story stage allows that stage up to be automatically explored, in which you can send one of your squad to explore for a set amount of time to acquire Resources and Items.

Daily Training

Daily Training consists of three mission types: EXP, Origin Dust, and Breakthrough Modules. They provide a large amount of EXP items, Origin Dust, or Breakthrough Modules respectively, with the Breakthrough Module Training missions rotating between missions for Light, Flying and Heavy modules depending on the day.

Daily Training does not cost resources to enter, but instead consumes Training Tickets. Daily Training tickets are reset to 6 at 09:00 KST. On Sundays from 00:00 to 23:59 KST, all the three types of Breakthrough Module Training missions will be available in the Daily Training menu, instead of only one like the rest of the week.


Events are unique maps that appear for a limited time. These make up the majority of new content for the game. The goal of most events is to farm for units and exclusive equipment that do not drop in the Main Story and collect event currency to exchange for Units, Equipment, Fodder, etc.

Events are rerun about a year from their original run, and eventually added as Permanent Events which can be played at any time.

Sub Story

These missions consist of story-focused content consisting of mainly cutscenes and/or battles centered around specific units. Typically, the unit the sub story is focused on is required to have a high Affinity and/or level for the player to participate, but some sub stories will be unlocked immediately after aqcuiring a specific unit, while others require the player to have progressed in the Main Story up to a certain point. Upon completion, the player will sometimes be rewarded with a slightly altered version of the character's base skin or unit's related equipment.

Endless War

This content has been removed. For the Replacement, see Sanctum of Alteration

Endless War was a bi-weekly (on for two weeks, off for two weeks) mode where the player had to fight through several waves of enemies to acquire Minerals. Minerals could be exchanged for various rare equipment as well as useful consumable items for upgrading units. Endless War typically had around 30 battles, each consisting of multiple waves of enemies which have a random formation each time the player re-challenges the stage. The player could choose to continue after each wave or pause and start the next battle later. Previously cleared battles could not be cleared again. If the player's units were defeated in battle, they were not required to be healed nor did they lose Affection.


Challenge (외부통신요청, lit. External Communication Requests) is a game mode where players can complete stages to obtain Tuna Cans and various other rewards for completing all 4★ Missions at the same time. This mode is akin to a puzzle, as each of the stages has a specific strategy / set of units to easily clear the stage while accomplishing all the 4★ Missions simultaneously, which are extremely hard to do with a normal team.

Similar to Daily Training, Challenge requires a Challenge Ticket to play. One Ticket is given to the player at 09:00 KST every day, which expires on the next day. Unlike Daily Training, the Ticket is only consumed when the stage is cleared, and thus players can retreat from battle to retry as many time as they want. Challenge missions that have already been cleared do not require a Ticket to enter.

Tower of Iron Parasite

This content has been removed. For the Replacement, see Sanctum of Alteration

Tower of Iron Parasite (철의 탑, lit. Tower of Iron, also known as Roguelike or simply Tower) is a game mode where players send a crew of 40 units to collect Resources, Equipment Promotion Materials and Rogue OSes. This mode follows the Roguelike genre, where players start with 3 semi-random units of the chosen 40 and explore randomly generated maps with random events and encounters.

There is no limits to the number of floors, and the mode only end when the player chooses to retreat or is wiped out.

Due to the large number of units required to enter, large number of fights and traps that reduce HP of the whole crew and extremely limited healing option, Tower of Iron is not recommended for new players.

Sanctum of Alteration

Sanctum of Alteration (변화의 성소) is a game mode where players can clear the stages in each zone to unlock passive regen of Alterium and Refined Alterium for exchanging various equipment.

Refer to the Sanctum of Alteration page for more details.

Infinite War

Infinite War (총력전, lit. Total War) is a game mode where players defeat a specific boss enemy, floor by floor, in as few rounds as possible, to gather points and unlock rewards which include Altite for exchanging various equipment and lobby stickers.

Refer to the Infinite War page for more details.

Battle Training Room

The Battle Training Room (전술훈련실, also known as Tactics Training Room) is a tutorial where players can learn about the combat system of Last Origin. Missions are themed around certain factions, and provide the units used in the missions as clear rewards, in addition to other rewards such as equipment and Origin Dust.

Refer to the Battle Training Room page for more details.