Endless War

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See also: Endless Guide

As of 25.10.2021, the Endless War game mode has been retired from gameplay. This page remains here as reference/legacy text. For the replacement, see Sanctum of Alteration


Endless War is one of Last Origin's late-game content where the players can challenge a series of increasingly difficult missions. It is the only place where Unidentified Metallic Materials (UMM) can be collected for Endless War Exchange. Endless War can be accessed through the World button in the main menu.


Endless War is a 30 mission (or "floor") campaign that can be challenged seasonally for 14 days. After the two week period has passed, the campaign can no longer be accessed for another 2 weeks, resets, and becomes available again. Supposedly, this is explained in the game as the Commander raiding an Ironworm base in the period of 14 days to mine UMMs. After which, the Commander has to retreat before one of the Ironworm's main forces swarm the base in order to reclaim their lost territory.

At the start of each season, the players will begin in floor 1. Each floor has a fixed number of wave(s) with semi-random enemy formation. Enemy formations are presetted but as to which formation the players are challenged in each run is random. It is possible for the players to be challenged with the same enemy formation multiple times in a single run. In each wave there's a fixed formation at certain waves. .

However, certain floors have fixed enemy formations at certain wave(s). For example, at the time of writing, floor 8 will always be a single wave mission against Underwatcher and floor 26 will always end with a battle against Executioner. The players can check what kind of enemies that they may encounter on a floor through the squad selection screen. Certain enemies like Executioner blades and Underwatcher's arms are not included in this screen.

The players may bring up to 4 squads in a single run. Squads can be changed between waves or after a squad has been defeated. However, unlike other missions, units cannot be fixed between waves. To compensate, units that get heavily damaged or defeated during the run will be fixed after the run ends. Additionally, certain units with form change like Alexandra will retain their form even after their squad has been swiched out. Units will not gain any EXP in Endless War.

While it is encouraged for players to bring different squads to counter the varied enemy formations, it is completely possible to clear later floors with a single squad. The difficulty, length, and complexity of the missions sharply increases at floor 19, 26, and onwards.

There are no achievements or drops that can be gained beyond the first completion in Endless War. After receiving the UMM clear reward, there's no point in replaying a floor other than for the purpose of risk-free experimentations. Therefore players are encouraged to just reach for floor 30 and clear it. After the Endless War season ends, players are rewarded with up to 800 UMMs based on how many floors they cleared. Together with the immediate UMM reward upon clearing a floor, which is up to 550 UMMs, the players can gain up to 1350 UMMs at the end of each season. These UMMs can be used for Endless War exchanges. There's no need to rush exchanging Endless War equipment as the exchange will never reset. New Endless War equipment is added by SJ at the start of every 2 seasons.

Boss-class Ironworm Tweak

On the 14th floor and onwards, enhanced versions of Ironworm bosses begin to appear. These bosses have higher levels, higher stat, and tweaked abilities to provide greater challenge than their Main Story counterpart.

Name Tweaks Notes
Stalker B0108.png


  1. No longer explodes when killed.
  2. Gain stacking def pen / speed per turn.
  3. If Stalker has more than 4 stacks, remove all stacks and stun itself for a turn.
  4. When hit by an electrical attack, dispel all buffs and apply -ATK debuff to itself.
  5. May come in pairs.
A lot more dangerous than regular stalker but not unmanageable. Good DR and some lightning damage will make short work of this enemy.
Predator B0208.png


  1. Immediately dispel all but elemental resist debuffs when hit.
  2. Has massively increased defense value.
  3. When hit with an elemental attack, grant self resistance to said element but reduce resistance to a corresponding element. Fire UP / cold DOWN, cold UP / elec. DOWN, Elec. UP / fire DOWN.
  4. At 50% HP, massively reduces all resistance of its enemy units at the start of each round.
Can actually be very intimidating to the uninitiated but a simple 100% DEF penetration can make short work of it.
Kidnapper B0308.png


  1. Gain stacking ATK buff when it is hit that lasts for 3 turns.
  2. When ATK buff reaches 5 stacks, it gains 999 evasion, 100% DEF penetration, and counterattack with 300% ATK for 2 turns.
Becomes untouchable and very dangerous when excited.

It is recommended to either just wait the ATK buffs out, dispel them, hit it with an ice attack to cool it down, or just kill the Trickster before it procs.

Raider B04 CH.png


  1. At the start of round with "Alert" status, randomly grant any allies follow up attack buff and randomly grant re-attack buff to itself.
Besides the follow up and re-attack, it is almost indistinguishable to normal Raider.
UnderWatcher B05.png


  1. Destroying the main body no longer destroys the remaining body parts.
  2. Underwatcher may come with an extra attacking arm.
  3. At the start of round, if Underwatcher has less than 30% HP and has a `charge` buff from the Generator, grant self Battle Continuation buff.
Used to have a bug where if the generator is destroyed, when the Arms take their turn, they will attack 4-5 times each.
Executioner B06.png


  1. May come with an extra attacking blade arm or/and 2 Stalkers.
  2. When an allied unit is killed, stun self and grant def pen and 200% ATK buff.
  3. Executioner will only use its A2 (Slaughter) when it is under the effect of the above buff.
  4. When an ally dies, removes all buffs currently affecting Executioner.
  5. When killed, all of its allies will die with it.
The buffs it gains on a death of an ally also makes it easily stunned whenever it is hit with an elemental attack.
Nest B07.png


  1. Starts the battle with the damage minimise buff.
  2. Gets an additional Nest Guardian to protect it.
Besides being protected by a Nest Guardian, it's otherwise indistinguishable than its 7-8 counterpart.

Endless War Exclusive Bosses

These bosses can only be found in the 3 final floors of Endless War. While they do have the capacity for great destruction, they have their own weaknesses that can be exploited and have their effectiveness massively reduced.

Name Mechanics Notes

Doom Eater

  1. Has a state pattern of Energy Buffered, Energy Depleted, Energy Buffering, and Enraged.
  2. In the "Energy Buffered" state, all damage is minimised and all debuffs are immediately dispelled until Doom Eater attacks. After attacking, enter "Energy Depleted" state.
  3. In the "Energy Depleted" state, Doom Eater will absorb an Ironworm ally when it attacks, killing them instantly and entering "Energy Buffering" state.
  4. In the "Energy Buffering" state, Doom Eater cannot take actions for 2 rounds and receive massive def debuff, status resist debuff, and damage taken debuff.
  5. If there's no Ironworm to absorb in "Energy Depleted" state, gain stacking ATK buff each turn that cannot be dispelled. Upon reaching 3 stacks, Doom Eater will enter "Enraged" state and gain these effects:
  • Massive ATK / ACC / status resist buffs, and small DEF debuff for every 3 stacks of Energy Depleted ATK buff.
  • DR/BR ignore at 5th stack of Energy Depleted ATK buff.
With 800,000 HP and 15,000 DEF, Doom Eater is the tankiest boss in the game.

However, due to its rather slow speed, it can be AP locked and beaten to death with no challenge.

Executioner BEW.png

Immortal Executioner

  1. This unit cannot die or take action in round 1. Immortal Executioner revives immediately upon reaching 0 HP and gains "Waning Immortality" buff that stacks 3 times. At the start of the wave, and upon reviving, inflict a massive ATK reduction debuff on itself.
  2. Applies a stacking "Stigma" debuff on A1 hit that reduces DEF for 3 rounds. A1 also has a chance to ignore DR.
  3. Executioner will only use its A2 (Slaughter) if there's 3 stacks of "Stigma" on the field and after "Last Power" activates.
  4. Upon reaching 3 stacks of "Waning Immortality" consume it and gain "Last Power" buff that trigger these effects:
  • 1. Damage minimised for 2 rounds.
  • 2. All debuffs are immediately dispelled. Additional debuffs affecting Executioner is dispelled on hit.
  • 3. At the start of each round, randomly grant ATK / DEF / ACC / DEF pen / any elemental resistance to Immortal Executioner, randomly apply massive ATK / DEF / EVA debuff to bioroid units, and randomly causes bioroid units to skip their turn.
Despite its intimidating appearance and tech, it can actually be less of a hassle to kill than 6-8 Executioner due to its massively reduced ATK and its lack of notable resistances.

Therefore it can be defeated by just hitting it hard to death 4 times.

Used to have a bug where its revive effect could be bypassed with DOT effects.


Starving Doom Eater

  1. Has a state pattern of Energy Depleted and Enraged.
  2. Has significantly reduced stat in comparison to Doom Eater and doesn't start the battle with "Energy buffered" state.
  3. Doesn't pay any attention to your units until it has eaten all of its Ironworm allies. It will even ignore any provoke debuff on it.
  4. When there's no more Ironworm left to eat, it will finally start attacking your units and gain "Energy Depleted" stacks which grants ATK buff.
  5. At the start of round, if affected by "Energy Depleted" stack, enter "Enraged" state and gain ATK / DEF / ACC / Status Resist buffs.
  6. At 2 "Energy Depleted" stacks, gain DR/BR ignore.
This unit isn't actually the boss of its formation. The real boss is the Emperor Chick escorting it. 

The rest of the enemy units in its formation all have massively boosted stat too.

Notable Enemies

These enemies are not quite bosses but they count as either elite enemies or boss-in-mook-clothing due to their abilities. They may require special attention or strategy in order to trivialise the encounter.

Name Mechanics and behaviours Notes
Centurion General Icon.png

Centurion General

  1. Every time it is hit, grant all allies AP+ and status resist.
  2. If one of its ally dies, grant units in a cross around it DR for 1 round and SPD for 2 rounds. Also grant self counterattack for 2 rounds. These buffs all stack.
  3. Its A1 may dispel all buffs, mark units, and put stacking damage taken buff. It has high innate ACC.
  4. Its A2 immensely buffs the offensive power of units around it. More often causing them to deal unmitigated damage.
  5. If it dies, all remaining enemy units get massively debuffed.
  6. If it has its counterattack buff, it will attack your units. If not, it will attempt to buff surrounding units instead.
High priority target. Whenever this enemy appears, kill it first. Preferably in one shot.

If it dies, the rest of the enemies left are weakened to the point where your heavies can just evade their attacks.

It's recommended to bring TP ignore, Anti-light OS, and DR ignore to deal with the General.

Chick Commander.webp

Chick Commander

  1. Grant all units around it one unremovable revive at the start of the round.
  2. Gain stacking offensive buffs whenever its allies' HP reach 0. When stacked 5 times, it will get angry and use its A2.
  3. Otherwise it will just use its A1 which may inflict massive debuff.
  4. Has high status resistance. Debuffs itself massively and removes all its anger buffs when one of your units dies.
  5. Randomly grant all units around it <Attack command> which gives them DR ignore and some DEF PEN.
It's recommended to bring TP ignore, Anti-heavy OS, DEF PEN, and DR ignore to deal with the Commander.

Aim the General and Emperor first. Make sure the latter die twice in a round.

Chick Soldier.webp

Soldier Chick

  1. As long as the Chick Commander is alive, this unit will not die.
  2. If this unit is at the frontline, it will gain an unremovable row protection.
  3. If not under the effect of <Attack Command>, the Soldier Chick will attempt to move around the Chick Commander clockwise and suffer from <Command overload> which damages itself. If the tile Soldier Chick wants to move into is blocked, it will idle instead.
  4. If affected by <Attack Command>, the Soldier Chick will spend its turn attacking your units.
Bring TP ignore or kill the top row units so they can circle around.

They won't die until the Commander is dead.