Tower of Iron Parasite

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As of 25.10.2021, the Tower of the Iron Parasite game mode has been retired from gameplay. This page remains here as reference/legacy text.

Tower of Iron Parasite (also known as Roguelike, Iron Tower or simply Tower) is a game mode where players send a crew of 40 units to collect Resources, Equipment Promotion Materials, and Rogue OS. This mode follows the Roguelike genre, where players start with 3 semi-random units of the chosen 40 and explore randomly selected preset maps with set events and encounters.

There are 24 floors altogether with floor 24 repeating forever, and the mode only ends when the player chooses to retreat or is wiped out.

Due to the large number of units required to enter, large number of fights and traps that reduce HP of the whole crew and extremely limited healing option, Tower of Iron Parasite is not recommended for new players.


Tower of Iron Parasite.png

Rouge Point Icon.png

Tower of Iron Parasite Roster

The player have to pick 40 units in order to participate in a Tower Raid. Once included into the roster, the unit will not be able to be edited in any way. The players will have to equip their units before putting them into the roster. Units in the roster are exempted from being placed into regular squad or base operations. Likewise, units in a squad or base operations are exempted from the roster selection.

Toi Roster.png

The auto-sort function will automatically choose 40 units with the highest attack power score (as seen in the unit profile). Players can click this button to expedite the roster picking process. Chosen units will be highlighted in blue.

Toi choices.png

When the sortie begins, the player will be given a choice of 1 out of 4 randomly selected units 3 times. If the player is unsastisfied with their selection, they can pick again by going back from the squad formation screen. Do note that the 4 randomly selected units will still be the same, only the player's choice in these 4 units can be different.

Overworld Mechanics

ToI overworld.png

Once the squad has been made, the player is dropped into the tower. All of the player's units will start out slightly injured and scattered due to the rough landing. To play, simply click/tap on a tile to move. Find the Gatekeeper tile and beat it to move on to another map. On most floors, there will be a green indicator around the squad to show the player the way to the Gatekeeper tile. Along the way, the players will run into harmful or debilitating traps, stationary guards, beneficial facilities, and the dreaded Tracker.

The maps are called floors. Floors can have multiple layers, EX: 1-2, 1-3. The number of layers a floor can have depends on the floor. The layout of the map is selected from a pool of presets for that floor. If a floor have multiple layers, it is possible for the game to pick the same layout multiple times. The player can see the layouts here (Editor note: Put the layout sheet some day.) For the sake of brevity, use the term "floors" when referring to a T.o.I. overworld map.

As the player climb to higher levels, the composition of the enemies will get more complex with appearance of dangerous enemies such as the Centurion General. Additionally, the enemies' level will also be increased, even beyond the level 100 cap which corresponds to higher stat. After reaching F24, a new temporary effect will be placed on the player called Increased Difficulty which further increases the enemies' stats. The intensity of this temporary effect increases by 5% every 5 layers the player go through from this point onwards.

To provide leverage against the ironworm horde, the player will have to take advantage over the use of Overworld skills, Consumables, and Permanent Effects in their effort to explore the Tower and reap its boons. Additionally, on the earlier floors, a green indicator may appear around the player's squad to guide them to the Gatekeeper tile.

Gatekeeper Guide.png

Besides the indicator, there's also Listen! Event that may randomly occur as the player explore new tiles. This event will provide the player, assuming they can read Korean, hints as to what awaits them in an highlighted unexplored tile.

/insert Listen! quotes here.

Getting to the Gatekeeper tile as soon as possible is encouraged as staying in a floor too long may attract the attention of the Tracker. After the player takes a randomised but high amount of steps in a floor, the Tracker event may initiate. Once it begins, Orangeade will warn the player of an oncoming signal. After another randomised amount of steps has been taken, the Tracker will spawn on a desginated tile and a red indicator with a number will appear around the player's squad to show the distance between the player and the Tracker.

Screenshot 2021-05-02-07-50-38.png

The Tracker is indicated by a tile that has a red circle on it. It can occupy any tile, even unexplored ones. The Tracker will then make its way to the player at the rate of 1 step for each step the player takes. The Tracker will always choose the shortest path to the player. Once the Tracker reaches the player, they will begin a conventionally difficult combat encounter. If the Tracker is defeated but the player is still exploring the same floor, another Tracker event may occur.

Battling the Tracker is heavily discouraged as it has some very dangerous tech and grant very little reward when defeated. It is recommended to either evade it or head straight to the next floor.

Overworld Skills

Overworld skills are skills that can be used when in the overworld. Overworld skills have limited uses depending on the rank of the unit, up to 4 uses if the unit is an SS. The charges for overworld skills will not reset once used. Overworld skills can still be used even if the unit's HP is 0.

Item List
Icon Name Effect Units
UI Icon RogueSkill TRAP DIS.png Hazardous Item Disposal Team Grant Hazardous Item Disposal Team Temporary Effect for the current floor.
Barbariana Icon.png
Brownie Icon.png
Bulgasari Icon.png
Dutch Girl Icon.png
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png
Fenrir Icon.png
Frost Serpent Icon.png
Fallen Icon.png
Fortress Icon.png
Hachiko Icon.png
Ignis Icon.png
Miss Safety Icon.png
Neodym Icon.png
Pupp Head Icon.png
Rampart Icon.png
Spartan Assault Icon.png
Spartoia Icon.png
Spriggan Icon.png
Steel Draco Icon.png
Tommy Walker Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill SUPPORT ATK.png Pre-emptive Attack Grant Pre-emptive Attack Temporary Effect for 1 combat encounter.
Cerberus Icon.png
Charlotte Icon.png
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png
Leprechaun Icon.png
Miho Icon.png
Nymph Icon.png
Perrault Icon.png
Poi Icon.png
Quick Camel Icon.png
Red Hood Icon.png
Rhein Ritter Icon.png
Sadius Icon.png
Spartan Captain Icon.png
Sowan Icon.png
Tomo Icon.png
Valkyrie Icon.png
Vanilla Icon.png
Veronica Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill SCOUTER.png Infiltration Scouting Reveal all Guards on the current floor
Harpyia Icon.png
Khan Icon.png
Lindwurm Icon.png
Sleipnir Icon.png
Sylphid Icon.png
Tiamat Icon.png
Watcher Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill STEALTH.png Covert Activities Grant Covert Activities Temporary Effect for for 6 steps.
Alvis Icon.png
Amy Icon.png
BaekTo Icon.png
Black Lilith Icon.png
HongRyeon Icon.png
Kunoichi Kaen Icon.png
Kunoichi Zero Icon.png
Scissors Lise Icon.png
Machina Icon.png
MoMo Icon.png
Night Angel Icon.png
Phantom Icon.png
Shade Icon.png
Tachi Icon.png
Wraith Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill IRON WORM RESEARCH.png Iron Parasite Research Grant Iron Parasite Research Temporary Effect for 5 combat encounter(s).
Aeda Icon.png
Alexandra Icon.png
Azaz Icon.png
Coco Icon.png
Doctor Icon.png
Fortune Icon.png
Gremlin Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill SCOUT.png Reconnaissance Reveals all tiles (up to 2 spaces) around your squad.
Aqua Icon.png
Armand Icon.png
Banshee Icon.png
Circe Icon.png
Draculina Icon.png
Ella Icon.png
Griffon Icon.png
Hraesvelgr Icon.png
Leanne Icon.png
Leona Icon.png
Pinto Icon.png
Raven Icon.png
Rhea Icon.png
Roc Icon.png
Scathy Icon.png
Shirayuri Icon.png
Snow Feather Icon.png
Stinger Icon.png
Talon Feather Icon.png
Thetis Icon.png
Undine Icon.png
Wraithy Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill DEBUFF DIS.png Impermeable Barrier Grant Impermeable Barrier Temporary Effect for the current floor.
Albatross Icon.png
Atalanta Icon.png
Audrey Icon.png
Aurora Icon.png
Azazel Icon.png
Echidna Icon.png
Eternity Icon.png
Hirume Icon.png
Maria Icon.png
Marie Icon.png
Saetti Icon.png
Saraqael Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill CREATOR.png Field Supply Produce a random consumable (except PECS Security Card).
Andvari Icon.png
Black Wyrm Icon.png
Constantia Icon.png
Drone Icon.png
Express Icon.png
Fotia Icon.png
Labiata Icon.png
Royal Arsenal Icon.png
Silky Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill BOMB.png Tactical Bombardment Remove all Guards within 2 spaces.
Alice Icon.png
Beast Hunter Icon.png
Bloody Panther Icon.png
Calista Icon.png
Efreeti Icon.png
Impet Icon.png
Invincible Dragon Icon.png
Io Icon.png
May Icon.png
Pani Icon.png
Sirene Icon.png
Seljuq Icon.png
Spartan Boomer Icon.png
UI Icon RogueSkill TREASURE HUNTER.png Guerilla Resupply Special Sealed Containers on the current floor
Cailleach Bheur Icon.png
Blackhound Icon.png
Daika Icon.png
Daphne Icon.png
Djinnia Icon.png
Dryad Icon.png
Annie Icon.png
KeumRan Icon.png
LRL Icon.png
Lumberjane Icon.png
Mina Icon.png
Phoenix Icon.png
Salamander Icon.png
Sand Girl Icon.png
Triaina Icon.png
Yumi Icon.png
War Wolf Icon.png
No Skills
Carolina Icon.png
Cerestia Icon.png
Emily Icon.png
Empress Icon.png
Faucre Icon.png
Gigantes Icon.png
Gnome Icon.png
Goltarion Icon.png
Hyena Icon.png
Mery Icon.png
Mighty R Icon.png
Nereid Icon.png
Rena Icon.png
Sunny Icon.png
Stronghold Icon.png
Titania Icon.png
Tyrant Icon.png

Consumable Items

Consumable items are special items available to the Tower of Iron Parasite game mode. These consumables provide temporary buffs, debuffs, and enable certain options depending on the context. They are all one time use only but can be acquired in the overworld through the use of supply skills or bought from PECS store.

Item List
Icon Name Effect
UI Icon RogueItem 20001 1.png EOD drone Grant Hazardous Item Disposal Team Temporary Effect for the current floor.
UI Icon RogueItem 30001 1.png PECS protective clothing Grant Impermeable Barrier Temporary Effect for the current floor.
UI Icon RogueItem 40001 1.png PECS Security Card Activates the Air Purifier tile to gain Essence.
UI Icon RogueItem 50001 1.png Smoke Grenade Lets you retreat from an enemy encounter before battle begins.
UI Icon RogueItem 60001 1.png Lets you re-roll the available options on a shop/upgrade tile.
UI Icon RogueItem 70001 1.png Mobile Turret Grant Suppression Fire Temporary Effect for 2 combat encounters.
UI Icon RogueItem 70002 1.png EMP Shell Grant Circuit Disturbance Temporary Effect for 3 combat encounters.
UI Icon RogueItem 70003 1.png Metal Corruption Gas Grant Melting Armor Temporary Effect for 4 combat encounters.

Permanent Effects

Permanent effects are effects acquired from Corrupted Munition Plants. These effects last until the end of the current run or until they are replaced by an effect of the same category.

  • GREEN [Rank B]
  • BLUE [Rank A]
  • PURPLE [Rank S]
  • YELLOW [Rank SS]
  • RED [Rank SSS]
Icon Tier Effect
RogueEffect 11001.png
B Atk Up Icon.png ATK +5-10%
A Atk Up Icon.png ATK +10-15%
S Atk Up Icon.png ATK +15-20%
SS Atk Up Icon.png ATK +20-25%
SSS Atk Up Icon.png ATK +25-30%
RogueEffect 31001.png
B Def Up Icon.png DEF +5-10%
A Def Up Icon.png DEF +10-15%
S Def Up Icon.png DEF +15-20%
SS Def Up Icon.png DEF +20-25%
SSS Def Up Icon.png DEF +25-30%
RogueEffect 71001.png
B Eva Up Icon.png EVA +5-10%
A Eva Up Icon.png EVA +10-15%
S Eva Up Icon.png EVA +15-20%
SS Eva Up Icon.png EVA +20-25%
SSS Eva Up Icon.png EVA +25-30%
RogueEffect 81001.png
B Acc Up Icon.png ACC +20-30%
A Acc Up Icon.png ACC +30-35%
S Acc Up Icon.png ACC +35-40%
SS Acc Up Icon.png ACC +40-45%
SSS Acc Up Icon.png ACC +45-50%
RogueEffect 101001.png
B Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +20-30%
A Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +30-35%
S Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +35-40%
SS Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +40-45%
SSS Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +45-50%
RogueEffect 111001.png
B Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist /Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist /Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +20-30%
A Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist /Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist /Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +30-35%
S Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist /Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist /Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +35-40%
SS Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist /Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist /Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +40-45%
SSS Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist /Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist /Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +45-50%
RogueEffect 121001.png
B Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +20-30%
A Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +30-35%
S Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +35-40%
SS Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +40-45%
SSS Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +45-50%
RogueEffect 51001.png
B DR Icon.png DR +3%
A DR Icon.png DR +3-5%
S DR Icon.png DR +5-7%
SS DR Icon.png DR +10-15%
SSS DR Icon.png DR +15-20%
RogueEffect 61001.png
B Spd Up Icon.png SPD +3%
A Spd Up Icon.png SPD +3-5%
S Spd Up Icon.png SPD +5-10%
SS Spd Up Icon.png SPD +10-15%
SSS Spd Up Icon.png SPD +15-20%
RogueEffect 91001.png
B Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +3%
A Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +3-5%
S Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +5-7%
SS Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +10-15%
SSS Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +15%
RogueEffect 41001.png
Aerial Defense
B Barrier Icon.png Barrier 250-300
A Barrier Icon.png Barrier 300-350
S Barrier Icon.png Barrier 350-400
SS Barrier Icon.png Barrier 400-450
SSS Barrier Icon.png Barrier 450-500
RogueEffect 21001.png
A Range Up Icon.png Range +1
S Range Up Icon.png Range +1-2
SS Range Up Icon.png Range +1-2
SSS Range Up Icon.png Range +1-2
Secondary Effect List
Atk Up Icon.png ATK +5%
공격력 +5%
Def Up Icon.png DEF +5%
방어력 +5%
Eva Up Icon.png EVA +5%
회피 +5%
Spd Up Icon.png SPD +3%
행동력 +3%
Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG +3%
피해량 +3%
Acc Up Icon.png ACC +20%
적중 +20%
Electric Resist Up Icon.png Electric Resist +20%
전기 저항 +20%
Fire Resist Up Icon.png Fire Resist +20%
화염 저항 +20%
Ice Resist Up Icon.png Ice Resist +20%
냉기 저항 +20%
Status Resist Up Icon.png Status Resist +20%
효과 저항 +20%
Defense Penetration Icon.png Defense Penetration +20%
방어 관통 +20%
  • SS munition plants will grant you 1 secondary effect. SSS munition plants will grant you 2 secondary effects.
  • Only 1 type of secondary effect is given each. They may overlap with the main effect.
  • The combination of secondary effects in SSS munition plants are fixed based on the main effect.
  • Only 1 type of elemental resistance is given in All-weather system.

Temporary Effects

Temporary effects are effects that lasts temporarily, which is either the entire floor, combat encounter(s), or the number of step(s) the player takes. Temporary effects are acquired from using consumables, stepping on Chaos Entrophy tile and High-level Radioactive Contamination tile, or by using overworld skills.

Effect List
Icon Name Effect
UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 10101 1.png Increased Difficulty Increase Enemies' HP +x%, Atk Up Icon.png ATK +x%, Acc Up Icon.png ACC +x%. Increase acquired essence by x%. Increase Item acquisition rate by x%.
UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 20201 1.png Poison Trap All units lose 3% HP per step.

Remove 1 stack for each step taken.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 30301 1.png Disappearing Will At start of wave, decrease all units' ATK by x%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 40302 1.png Vortex of Confusion At start of wave, decrease all units' ACC by x%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 50303 1.png Exposed Weakness At start of wave, decrease all units' DEF by x%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 60304 1.png Raging Terror At start of wave, decrease all units' SPD by x%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 70701 1.png Iron Parasite Research Increases the amount of Essence gained from Battle by x%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 80401 1.png Hazardous Item Disposal Team Grant immunity to Unexpected Accidents for the current floor.

Remove ALL stacks when advancing floors.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 90501 1.png Impermeable Barrier Grant immunity to Chaos Entropy and High-level Radioactive Contamination for the current floor.

Remove ALL stacks when advancing floors.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 100601 1.png Covert Activities Moving to Guards does not trigger combat.

Remove 1 stack for each step taken.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 110301 1.png Pre-emptive Attack At start of wave, reduce all enemies' max HP by 20%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 120302 1.png Suppression Fire At start of wave, reduce all enemies' ATK by 20%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 130303 2.png Circuit Disturbance At start of wave, reduce all enemies' ACC by 20%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

UI Icon RogueLimitEffect 140304 3.png Melting Armor At start of wave, reduce all enemies' DEF by 20%.

Remove 1 stack for each battle won.

Tile Event

Tile events are events that occur when stepping on an occupied tile. The type of event is dependent on the tile itself. When a tile is not occupied and have already been explored, the player can move past them without clicking them.

Event List
Icon Name Effect
UI Roguelike Actor.png Search for Allies' signals A missing member joins the Squad OR gain 1000 Essence
UI Roguelike Bossmob.png Gatekeeper Battle with Gatekeeper to gain Equipment Promotion Materials and access to the next Floor or Layer.
UI Roguelike Debuff.png Chaos Entropy I Inflicts 1 of Disappearing Will, Vortex of Confusion, Exposed Weakness or Raging Terror Temporary Effect for 2 combats (stack with previous one)
Chaos Entropy II Inflicts 1 of Disappearing Will, Vortex of Confusion, Exposed Weakness or Raging Terror Temporary Effect for 3 combats (stack with previous one)
Chaos Entropy III Inflicts 1 of Disappearing Will, Vortex of Confusion, Exposed Weakness or Raging Terror Temporary Effect for 4 combats (stack with previous one)
Chaos Entropy IV Inflicts 1 of Disappearing Will, Vortex of Confusion, Exposed Weakness or Raging Terror Temporary Effect for 5 combats (stack with previous one)
Chaos Entropy V Inflicts 1 of Disappearing Will, Vortex of Confusion, Exposed Weakness or Raging Terror Temporary Effect for 6 combats (stack with previous one)
UI Roguelike effect.png Contaminated Munitions Plant I Use 1000 Essence to get 1 of 3 random Tier I Permanent Effects. If used, but none of the Permanent Effects were chosen, refund half of the paid essence

Skip to gain 500 Essence

Contaminated Munitions Plant II Use 2000 Essence to get 1 of 3 random Tier II Permanent Effects. If used, but none of the Permanent Effects were chosen, refund half of the paid essence

Skip to gain 1000 Essence

Contaminated Munitions Plant III Use 3000 Essence to get 1 of 3 random Tier III Permanent Effects. If used, but none of the Permanent Effects were chosen, refund half of the paid essence

Skip to gain 1500 Essence

Contaminated Munitions Plant IV Use 4000 Essence to get 1 of 3 random Tier IV Permanent Effects. If used, but none of the Permanent Effects were chosen, refund half of the paid essence

Skip to gain 2000 Essence

Contaminated Munitions Plant V Use 5000 Essence to get 1 of 3 random Tier V Permanent Effects. If used, but none of the Permanent Effects were chosen, refund half of the paid essence.

Skip to gain 2500 Essence.

UI Roguelike Electrictrap.png Unexpected Accident I Inflict 100 Electric damage to 1 random unit
Unexpected Accident II Inflict 200 Electric damage to 2 random units
Unexpected Accident III Inflict 300 Electric damage to 3 random units
Unexpected Accident IV Inflict 400 Electric damage to 4 random units
Unexpected Accident V Inflict 500 Electric damage to 5 random units
UI Roguelike Fallenkey.png Acquire a PECS Security Card Acquire a PECS Security Card
UI Roguelike Firetrap.png Unexpected Accident I Inflict 100 Fire damage to 1 random unit
Unexpected Accident II Inflict 200 Fire damage to 2 random units
Unexpected Accident III Inflict 300 Fire damage to 3 random units
Unexpected Accident IV Inflict 400 Fire damage to 4 random units
Unexpected Accident V Inflict 500 Fire damage to 5 random units
UI Roguelike Icetrap.png Unexpected Accident I Inflict 100 Ice damage to 1 random unit
Unexpected Accident II Inflict 200 Ice damage to 2 random units
Unexpected Accident III Inflict 300 Ice damage to 3 random units
Unexpected Accident IV Inflict 400 Ice damage to 4 random units
Unexpected Accident V Inflict 500 Ice damage to 5 random units
UI Roguelike Mob.png Guard Battle with Guards to gain Essence

Low chance to Drop Rogue OS

UI Roguelike Observe.png Oservatory Use 1000 Essence to reveal random tiles on the current floor

Skip to gain 500 Essence

UI Roguelike Poison.png High-level Radioactive Contamination I All units lose 3% HP per step for the next 2 steps (stack with previous one)
High-level Radioactive Contamination II All units lose 3% HP per step for the next 3 steps (stack with previous one)
High-level Radioactive Contamination III All units lose 3% HP per step for the next 4 steps (stack with previous one)
High-level Radioactive Contamination IV All units lose 3% HP per step for the next 5 steps (stack with previous one)
High-level Radioactive Contamination V All units lose 3% HP per step for the next 6 steps (stack with previous one)
UI Roguelike Quest.png Command Decision System Gain a Mission
UI Roguelike Recovery.png Emergency Recovery Station I Use 500 Essence to heal 30% HP to 1 of 3 random units. If none of the units were chosen, refunds 100 essence instead.

Skip to gain 100 Essence

Emergency Recovery Station II Use 500 Essence to heal 35% HP to 1 of 3 random units. If none of the units were chosen, refunds 100 essence instead.

Skip to gain 100 Essence

Emergency Recovery Station III Use 1000 Essence to heal 40% HP to 1 of 3 random units. If none of the units were chosen, refunds half of the paid essence instead.

Skip to gain 500 Essence

Emergency Recovery Station IV Use 2000 Essence to heal 45% HP to 1 of 3 random units. If none of the units were chosen, refunds half of the paid essence instead.

Skip to gain 1000 Essence

Emergency Recovery Station V Use 2000 Essence to heal 50% HP to 1 of 3 random units. If none of the units were chosen, refunds half of the paid essence instead.

Skip to gain 1000 Essence

UI Roguelike Shop.png Saman Supply Station Use Essence to buy 1 of 3 random items
UI Roguelike Thouse.png Air Purification Facility I Must use 1 PECS Security Card to open

Gain 3000 Essence

Air Purification Facility II Must use 1 PECS Security Card to open

Gain 3600 Essence

Air Purification Facility III Must use 1 PECS Security Card to open

Gain 4200 Essence

Air Purification Facility IV Must use 1 PECS Security Card to open

Gain 4800 Essence

Air Purification Facility V Must use 1 PECS Security Card to open

Gain 6000 Essence

UI Roguelike Trap.png Unexpected Accident I Inflict 100 damage to 1 random unit
Unexpected Accident II Inflict 200 damage to 2 random units
Unexpected Accident III Inflict 300 damage to 3 random units
Unexpected Accident IV Inflict 400 damage to 4 random units
Unexpected Accident V Inflict 500 damage to 5 random units
UI Roguelike Treasure.png Special Sealed Container Gain Equipment Promotion Materials & Resources

Note: Unexpected Accident tiles will not guarantee wounding units when stepped on. They merely have the chance of wounding random units. The Unexpected Accident tile can deplete a unit's HP to 0, removing them from combat.


Missions are bonus objectives that the player can acquire by exploring a Command Decision System tile. Completing these objectives will grant the player respective rewards and 50 Pass EXP for the Orca pass. The missions are graded from B to SSS. SS missions and above will no longer grant the player resources, only Equipment Promotion Materials. The player can have up to 5 missions active at the same time.

Missions Missions
Number Objective
Part Icon.png
Nutrient Icon.png
Power Icon.png
Additional Reward
1 Open 1 Air Purification Facility
2 Open 1 Special Sealed Container
3 Acquire 1 of Mobile Turret, EMP Shell or Metal Corruption Gas 500 Stabilization Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Stabilization Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Stabilization Solvent B Icon.png x1 Stabilization Solvent A Icon.png x2 Optimization Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Optimization Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Essence Crystal B Icon.png x6
4 Acquire 1 EOD Drone 1000 Optimization Solvent B Icon.png x1 Optimization Solvent A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Solvent B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Solvent A Icon.png x2 Essence Crystal B Icon.png x6
5 Acquire 1 PECS Security Card
6 Acquire 1 PECS Protective Clothing
7 Acquire 1 Smoke Grenade 1000 Optimization Solvent B Icon.png x1 Optimization Solvent A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Solvent B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Solvent A Icon.png x2 Essence Crystal B Icon.png x6
8 Advance 1 Floor
9 Advance 2 Floors
10 Advance 3 Floors
11 Advance 4 Floors
12 Advance 5 Floors
13 Obtain a highest-rank Permanent Effect(?)
14 Defeat 3 Enemy Encounters
15 Defeat 6 Enemy Encounters
16 Defeat 9 Enemy Encounters
17 Defeat 10 Enemy Encounters
18 Defeat 15 Enemy Encounters
19 Defeat 10 Night Chick-Type Iron Parasites
20 Defeat 20 Night Chick-Type Iron Parasites
21 Defeat 30 Night Chick-Type Iron Parasites
22 Defeat 40 Night Chick-Type Iron Parasites
23 Defeat 50 Night Chick-Type Iron Parasites
24 Defeat 10 Legion-Type Iron Parasites 1000 Optimization Solvent B Icon.png x1 Optimization Solvent A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Solvent B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Solvent A Icon.png x2 Essence Crystal B Icon.png x6
25 Defeat 20 Legion-Type Iron Parasites
26 Defeat 30 Legion-Type Iron Parasites
27 Defeat 40 Legion-Type Iron Parasites
28 Defeat 50 Legion-Type Iron Parasites
29 Defeat 1 Boss-Type Iron Parasite
30 Defeat 2 Boss-Type Iron Parasites
31 Defeat 3 Boss-Type Iron Parasites
32 Defeat 4 Boss-Type Iron Parasites
33 Defeat 5 Boss-Type Iron Parasites
34 Defeat 10 Scout-Type Iron Parasites 1000 Optimization Solvent B Icon.png x1 Optimization Solvent A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Catalyst B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Catalyst A Icon.png x2 Accelerative Solvent B Icon.png x1 Accelerative Solvent A Icon.png x2 Essence Crystal B Icon.png x6
35 Defeat 20 Scout-Type Iron Parasites

Combat Changes

In the Tower of Iron Paradise, if the player is engaged in a combat encounter, either by stepping on a Guard tile, or a Gatekeeper tile, or a tile occupied by the Tracker, they are forced to either forfeit the run, use a Smoke Grenade to fall back into the previous tile, or fight and win the combat encounter. If the player's team is eliminated from the combat encounter, they will have to simply form another team and start the combat encounter again from the beginning. The player can also freely choose to retreat from a combat encounter and re-arrange their team. However, they will have to start the combat encounter from the beginning and units that were eliminated in the encounter will remain eliminated for the rest of the run.


Certain floors will have a boss in its Gatekeeper tile. These floors are F5-1, F10-1, F14-1, F19-1. The boss's formation is based on -8EX formations and previous Endless boss formations. Additionally, the player may fight a Tower of Iron Parasite exclusive boss called the Tracker when the Tracker Event is initiated. On earlier floors, the boss floor is populated with tier 5 restoration facility and up to 4 unit search tiles.

Name Notes

Doom Eater

The unit formation for this boss battle is based on old Doom Eater formation in Endless War.

Since it is an early boss at F5-1, it has significantly less HP and DEF in comparison to its Endless War counterpart.

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The unit formation for boss battle is based on 6-8EX in the main story. With one fewer arms each.

It has same stat despite being overlevelled.


Starving Doom Eater

The unit formation for boss battle is based on old Starving Doom Eater formation in Endless War.

All units in this boss battle has better stats due to being overlevelled.

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The unit formation for boss battle is exactly like 7-8EX.

All units in this boss battle has significantly better stats due to being overlevelled.

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This boss battle can only be done during a Tracker event.

The tracker's stats and its allies' stats depend on the floor you are in.

For more information, see Tracker on Anyabot or Swaytwig.