Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark Sub Story: Fleurir en mémoire

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Translated by Khosen

Fleurir en mémoire

Part 1.

I was walking around the ark when I remembered how Mnemosyne had invited me to come over when I needed something.
This was...the path towards the residential area, right? (Choice)
I started walking towards a small aisle in the corner of the main lobby, where my crew was bustling.
When I arrived at the end of the aisle, I knocked on the door.
Mnemosyne, you there? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Voice recognition...complete. Welcome, Administrator.
Mnemosyne stood up from a small stool next to her bed as I went inside her room.
Hey, what were you up to?
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I was idle to conserve energy.
I know falling asleep is more efficient, but I try not to sleep after the incident as I won't be able to handle any contingency.
So you just sit down doing nothing? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Wouldn't it be better if you do something while you're at it? Like, finding a hobby. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Incomprehensible. This current entity does not require a 'hobby.'
But, aren't you bored? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
This current entity was designed to look after the Ark of Memories for a long time by oneself.
Such humane emotions will compromise this entity's ability to work efficiently.
I, I see. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Yeah? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Why...are you sitting down?
Ah, my bad. I suppose we're not close enough for me to sit on your bed, right? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Not necessarily.
But...do you have any particular requests for this current entity?
No, not really. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
It's just a little weird when we're having a conversation standing up. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Conversation...with this current entity?
Yeah, why don't you take a seat too, Mnemosyne? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Accepting your request. What would you like to talk about?
I did not expect her to ask me that.
For the rest of the day, I ended up asking her abstract questions, and she answered them with a few words.

Part 2.

A few days later, I was looking around the system in the information sector and found something interesting.
This...is a browser history? (Choice)
Judging from the ID named 'Administrator,' I'd assume this is Mnemosyne.
I could not help myself to look around.
A few crew in the room were all focusing on their individual work.
I know this isn't the right thing to do...but just a peek...(Choice)
My curiosity of wanting to know about what the machine-like Mnemosyne is interested in won over my conscience.
The browser history was organized categorically.
Amongst them, the ID named Administrator only looked up into Living Organisms - Plants - Flowers. And she looked it up a few thousand times.
... (Choice)
I remembered how she had a small pot of flowers in her room. They were small but very well taken care of.
So she did have a hobby, huh. (Choice)
For some reason, looking at this made my heart warm. And I started walking towards Mnemosyne's room.
Mnemosyne welcomed me into her room just like last time.
Mnemosyne, do you like wildflowers? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
For the first time, I noticed how she showed a facial expression.
Mnemosyne looked at her feet for a while until she finally looked up to me.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I accidentally stumbled across the browser history. (Choice)
To prove I was correct, a small pot of a white flower was on her bedside.
And I noticed how you were really into wildflowers. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I couldn't tell if she was amazed or ashamed, but as soon as I mentioned what I had found, she stood in between me and the flower.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...I request you to reconsider, Administrator.
The behaviour of this entity was precisely calculated, so it didn't hinder this entity's regular duties. If you check my records -
Hmm? No, no. You're not in trouble. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Then why did you bring the topic up?
I really don't know what to say when she asks me why again.
...Just cause? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Incomprehensible. Every action has a reason, a motive, and a why.
I awkwardly scratched my head and decided to be honest with her.
Well...I just want to get to know you better. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I noticed how you like wildflowers, so I thought it would be a nice icebreaker. (Choice)
Mnemosyne said nothing but blinked her eyes as she stared at me and then stepped aside.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...As you mentioned, this entity is particularly interested in this living organism classified as a 'wildflower.'
I see. What's its name? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
From Kingdom Plantae, it is a Tracheopytha Angiosperm Eudicots, belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, also known as Anemone.
Anemone...sounds like you, Mnemosyne. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
What's wrong? (Choice)
I suppose this is the expression someone would make when they first experience the feeling of astonishment.
Mnemosyne gazed at me for a long time until opening her mouth again.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Never have this entity thought about it, not even once.
In the way, you just have mentioned...never.
Yeah? I mean, it just came to my mind. Mnemosyne, Anemone. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Is that so.
It was very subtle, but I could see her eyes twitching as she mumbled Mnemosyne and Anemone after me.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Administrator. Do you like wildflowers?
Unlike before, I could tell Mnemosyne sounded a little more enthusiastic when she began talking about wildflowers.

Part 3.

Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...This is the first time this entity is seeing a live penguin and chinchilla.
And? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
This entity feels...elevated.
Empress Icon.png Empress:
Hehe, isn't Pengsoonie cute?
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
Wow...Tiger is behaving himself...
Empress Icon.png Empress:
Are you sure Tiger gets anxious easily?
I've never seen him getting anxious in front of people.
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
H, he is...
This time, I brought Empress and Saetti with me.
As expected, Mnemosyne showed great interest in Tiger and Pengsoonie.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Would it be okay for this entity to pet this penguin...'Pengsoonie?'
Empress Icon.png Empress:
Of course. Unlike Tiger, she's quiet and - ow!
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
T, Tiger!
Empress Icon.png Empress:
D, did he just bite me?
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Despite what's going on around her, thanks to Tiger, Mnemosyne was solely focused on petting Pengsoonie.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Hmm? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
This is an extremely intriguing...feeling.
Yeah, I agree - oh? (Choice)
Mnemosyne kept petting Pengsoonie when suddenly, she placed her hand on my cheek out of the blue.
Uhh...Mnemosyne? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...You feel different compared to this entity, and Pensoonie, Administrator.
Well...I guess. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Mnemosyne? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Was that uncomfortable?
No, not really - (Choice)
Empress Icon.png Empress:
C, Commander! Help me get Tiger off of me-!
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
T, Tiger...!
Tiger held onto Empress's index finger tightly with his cheek swollen up.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Please hold still.
Empress Icon.png Empress:
What are you trying to - Oh?
Mnemosyne gently wrapped around Tiger with her two hands, and like magic, Tiger had let go of Empress' finger.
Empress Icon.png Empress:
...I feel extremely betrayed right now. It's natural, right?
Tiger and I go way back!
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
I, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
There you go. This entity believes 'Tiger' is 'very cute.'
Saetti Icon.png Saetti:
Ah...y, yes...
And for a while, Mnemosyne took turns touching and feeling Tiger, Pengsoonie, and I.

Part 4.

Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Something this entity would like to do, Administrator?
Yeah. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Requesting to be informed of...why you're doing this.
I realized something from her encounter with Tiger and Pengsoonie before and having some meaningful conversation with her.
Mnemosyne has feelings. It's just, she does not know what those feelings are.
See, I thought since you spent so much time inside the ark, I wanted to know if you wanted to experience something new. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Then, this entity would like to try going for a 'picnic.'
Picnic?...Ah. (Choice)
Of course, since she stayed inside for so long, she must be curious about the outside world.
Well, we can't travel that far since the area isn't completely secure, but - (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Yeah? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
On top of that, this entity would like to ask for one more thing.
What is it? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
The activity known as 'going for a picnic...' This entity would like you to join, Administrator.
... (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
It wasn't a long time, but this entity had been experiencing new things with you, Administrator, and every time this entity would feel significantly elevated.
Since it was something this entity never experienced, it tried doing the same activity by itself, without you, Administrator.
However, this entity could not feel the same emotions by itself, Administrator.
As a result, this entity concluded that you are the independent variable this entity needs.
...I see. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Would accept...the request?
Of course. When would you like to head out? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
It is estimated that it would take 2 hours and 38 minutes for this entity to be ready to go for a 'picnic.'
Requesting to meet in front of the entrance after 3 hours.
Oh...yea, very specific. Okay. (Choice)
She nodded slightly and left the room.
I waited for Mnemosyne when it reached our promised time. And soon, Mnemosyne...
...Mnemosyne? (Choice)
Unlike her regular suit, she showed up wearing a beautiful dress.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Apologies, Administrator.
Preparing for a 'Picnic' took longer than the calculations.
The dress? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Correct. After searching through the archive, this entity concluded that it was the most suitable outfit for a 'picnic.'
Yeah, I agree. It's gorgeous. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I could be mistaken, but I think at that moment, Mnemosyne began blushing.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Incomprehensible. This entity was simply designed this way.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean you're not pretty. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Mnemosyne quietly came up next to me.
And together, we began walking across the white snowy fields.
So? How's the 'picnic'? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
It's very intriguing.
It's a bit of shame, though. I wish it was spring. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Not necessarily, Administrator.
This entity read a passage that said, 'a flower is the most beautiful when it's waiting for spring beneath the snow.'
So this is a truly magnificent scene.
And then Mnemosyne suddenly stood still.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Administrator, this entity would like to ask you a question.
Sure. What is it? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Would you inform this entity of what this feeling is...this feeling when it only feels when it's next to you, Administrator?
How do I answer that question...but as I began pondering, Mnemosyne asked again.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
From searching through the archive and self-analysis, this entity is aware that the proper term would be 'having a favourable feeling' or 'affection.'
But...it still doesn't explain why this entity would feel that way...
I suppose I can answer that. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
See, Mnemosyne, you may not be a human but a Bioroid. But at the same time, you are a 'person' in the sense that you and I both try our best to live our lives. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Incomprehensible. A human and a person is each other's synonym. There is no example of it being used like you described, Administrator.
Well...I guess. I was just playing with the words. You know, like Anemone, Mnemosyne. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Nonetheless, I think there's not that much difference between the Bioroids and me. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Like how Anemone and Violet belong in the same category as flowers?
Yeah. (Choice)
Mnemosyne looked at me after having her hand on her chest, cherishing what she had just said.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
This entity is still not fully comprehending what you have just said. However...
It feels like it's getting the hang of it.
And then Mnemosyne took one step towards me.
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Administrator, until this entity can define what this feeling is...it would like to request to be by your side.
The single flower that bloomed atop of the snowy fields who smiled as she had finished her sentence; was beautiful than any other scene of spring.