Dialogue/Bunny? Niba! Thumpy Thump Reverse Bunny Trouble! Sub Story: The Ladies of Orca's Secretarial Department

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Translated by Khosen

The Ladies of Orca's Secretarial Department

Part 1. The Ladies of Orca's Secretarial Department

Alice Icon.png Alice:
Is everyone present?
I know you all must have gotten used to it by now, but we're expected to have an even more increased workload. We also have to prepare for the party, atop our usual tasks.
So keep that in mind...and as scheduled, Vanilla and Big Sis Constantia will be serving our Master, the rest of us will deal with administrative duties.
That is all. Let's begin.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Alice...Big Sis Alice. What hath happened to mine yesterday's request of creating a great bath?
Alice Icon.png Alice:
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
...May I please beest informed?
Alice Icon.png Alice:
I just forwarded it to you. Check its status.
I made some changes per Big Sis Constantia's advice to expand the current bath to three times its original size so that he could be joined by whoever volunteered to take a bath with him.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Ahem. Great plan. I shalt oversee the entire project then.
Alice Icon.png Alice:
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
...If 't be true, that's well enow.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
I'll deal with this.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Ah...appreciate it. I'm still not used to the entire administrative duty.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
It's natural. I know you've been primarily involved in protective duties, ensuring our Master is far from harm. So there's no need to be ashamed.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
But isn't this your first time dealing with administrative duties too, Black Wyrm?
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
Yes, but while I was at Guam a while back, I used to help our leader...Miss Cerestia, with these matters.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Ah, that makes sense...
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
Yes. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to all this very soon too, Big Sis.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
...Big Sis, I don't know if I deserve such a title. You have far more vast experience...
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
You do. And I'm glad I finally have good siblings near me.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
*Chuckles,* Alright.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
By the way...about this case...?
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
...! Ah, that's...
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
...I made appropriate changes to the report. Hopefully, no one will notice it.
If Big Sis Alice sees this, she'll...
Alice Icon.png Alice:
If I see it?
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
B, Big Sis...
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
Alice Icon.png Alice:
Report on a More Efficient Cleaning Method of Orca Sector B...If I recall correctly, wasn't this entitled to you, Miss KeumRan? But then...
I can tell that this report was created by our Master.
It looks like he got thrilled by finding some work to do and overdid a simple report. I see we have five different proposals for a simple task.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Alice Icon.png Alice:
You do remember the request we received from above, correct?
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
... My apologies.
Alice Icon.png Alice:
We're not letting our Master work for his own benefit. I would like all of you to remember that.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Alice Icon.png Alice:
I suppose pushing him too much won't do us any good either.
Our Master is known to be creative. So perhaps...he could try to hack our network, for example.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
...As hard to admit, it is possible.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
I agree...
Alice Icon.png Alice:
On top of that...since he no longer has his panel, I'm sure he asked you in person, correct, Miss KeumRan?
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
...Yes. As I was on my way back, he ambushed me in the corner of the corridor.
Alice Icon.png Alice:
And I'm sure you made another appointment with him too?
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Today...at the same hour...
Alice Icon.png Alice:
For today, just provide him with a miscellaneous task, like yesterday.
And also tell him from tomorrow, he can come to visit us here if he wants more simple duties.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
Great idea. We'll be able to see our Master every day if that plan works.
Alice Icon.png Alice:
...I'll go ask for permission and make sure everything's permissible. That is all. Ah, no, one more thing.
From tomorrow onwards, you may work in a casual outfit. And by casual, I expect you all to take extra time and make sure you all look more presentable.
KeumRan Icon.png KeumRan:
Of course, understood.
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
I thought you always hated administrative duties, didn't you, Big Sis Alice...?
Alice Icon.png Alice:
...Well, yes, they are not my favourite.
But it's different now. We're not just working, but we're doing our Master's work for him.
So at the end of the day, that means that our Master has more spare time to spend with us, so it's not that bad.
Besides, it's not like we're completely excluded in battle either.
Was that a sufficient answer?
Black Wyrm Icon.png Black Wyrm:
*Chuckles,* Yes.
Alice Icon.png Alice:
From battle to serving our Master, we must be perfect in all areas.
If you think you lack something, make sure to spend your free time perfecting it.

Part 2. I Predicted It.

Usually, the Battle Maids would look after my tendance, but since I've been practically jobless, the majority have been helping out with administrative duties.
Since I just wander around from one place to another, I suppose I don't need their assistance.
I heard the Secretarial Department looked like a warzone from increased workload when the initiative started, but apparently, it's been well under control the past few days.
Ah, now that I mention it... (Choice)
I felt bad for bothering other people, but if they're relatively free, then.
As I got dressed to head outside and opened the door, I found Armand waiting for me.
A, Armand? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Hello, Your Majesty.
Did you...? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Yes, Your Majesty. I predicted that you'd start to come looking for me by now.
Since everything's under control now.
Great, come in. (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Armand intuitively stood next to my desk, but when she found out I was sitting on my bed, her face turned slightly pink.
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Habits. They're scary, I understand. (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
*Chuckles,* Indeed.
How's work? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
So far, so good, no problems as of yet.
We separated reports that require your attention, so perhaps it would be nice if you could check them out in the future.
...Can I just look at them now? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
...Urgh. (Choice)
How could I argue against her big smile that basically told me a big fat no?
By the way, did you just come here to hang out with me? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Yes. It's been a while since I've spent some time with you. I just...came by to have a conversation, like usual.
...But if I may, what were you planning to do with me, Your Majesty?
I could tell Armand's tone changed as she asked what my original plan was.
I just wanted to grab a bite with you. (Choice 1)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
I see you haven't eaten yet. I'll contact Miss Sowan immediately.
Nah, let's check out the cafeteria. (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Yes, after you...
As I stood back up, Armand followed me, a little bummed out.
Well...I guess I can tease her a little longer till we come back after eating something. I call it cute revenge of mine for taking away my job.
And as I was thinking that to myself, Armand was still blushing, trying her best to calculate and predict the next course of my action.
...To do this. (Choice 2)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
I snatched both her wrist and pulled her towards me.
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Y, Your Majesty...?!
I'm sure you predicted this, right? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
And, what were the odds? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
...Out of roughly 170,000 outcomes, only 8 outcomes didn't involve this...
And unlike her usual self, who's always prepared and may act a little mischievously, Armand's face turned completely red and was shaking a little.
And so were you looking forward to it? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Answer it, please. (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
For a while, she did nothing but blink her eyes and fidgeted with her fingers, but eventually, she nodded slightly and admitted it.
Okay...then from your predictions Armand, what should I do next? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
T, that's...
...Uhm, in most cases, we would kiss - Mnnn.
Mnnn...,hnn, Your Majesty...
Our lips separated after being connected to each other for a while.
Armand slowly looked up to me, signing me as if she both needed more and was a little zoned out by all this.
And then? (Choice)
Armand Icon.png Armand:
...Nex, t...
Armand tried to move around, but her arms were still firmly held tight. And after rubbing her thighs atop one another for a while, she finally opened her mouth.
Armand Icon.png Armand:
Your Majesty, you would...now reach down for my...Hnnn?!
And until the point where we both got knocked out from tiredness to sleep, Armand's predictions were always on point.

Part 3. Lemonade of Lust

Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
*Pant, pant...*
I can't...take it, any longer...
...Yeah. I think I should, just a little...go see how the Master's doing...
As I was slothing in bed, reading comics I borrowed from Orangeade, someone knocked on my door.
Come in~ (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Alpha? What's wrong? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I was just passing by. It's been a while since I saw you in person too...
Oh, do you wanna read some comics together then? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
*Chuckles,* It looks like you're really getting used to your new life?
Uhh...give yourselves some credit for that, I suppose? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
We are sorry, but we knew we were doing the right thing on your behalf.
I shall never forget the treatment I received. (Choice)
And as I was making small talks and joking around, I stood up and brewed some coffee for her.
Well, if you're free, you can stay around? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I'd love to but I can't, I have to go after the coffee.
For a short period, all we did was continue with our small talks, and as Alpha finished her coffee, she stood back up.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Thanks for the coffee, Master. I guess I'll see you around -
Alpha. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
You alright? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
*Chuckles,* My workload is nothing compared to what you used to handle, Master.
No, not your work. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I...Don't understand what your trying to say...
...Oh. (Choice)
That reminded me of how despite Alpha joining us over a year ago, I've never spent some personal time with her yet.
Yes, I did see her countless times over the period, but I don't recall spending some private time with her.
I'm sorry, I should have known better. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
And out of the 7 deadly sins, Alpha represents 'lust.'
For a bioroid like her, who's designed to have a much stronger urge, I'm sure every day was agony for her, withholding her desires.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
...My apologies, Mater. As your servant, I shouldn't have made you worried...
But I can still stay sane for a little longer...
Uhm...I mean, you don't have to? (Choice)
Let's be honest here, I don't have any problems going to bed with my crew.
I mean, yes, we know there's a time and place for everything and control ourselves usually. But, whenever we spend the night with each other, we'd usually end up seeing the morning rising sun.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
...Master. You do know about the rest of the Lemonades and me, right...?
Yeah. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Yes...and the sin I represent is 'lust.' And...
I'm afraid my desires would be much stronger than you could imagine.
... (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
You don't know...what I'd imagine when I see you, no...?
My imaginations would be so sexually vulgar that I can't even dare to speak it out loud - Master...?
Ah, sorry. (Choice)
I realized I was grinning as she continued and wiped it off.
Well, in short...I don't think you need to worry about it. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
If you are worried about that, I can handle it. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I know how much of a strong man you are, Master. But still...
I fear that once I receive your love, my entire mind will be preoccupied with wanting more...during work, meal, and when you are asleep...
Even to a point where I'd want more... despite we'd we spend the entire day together in bed.
Hmm...yeah, I see how that could be a problem. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
...Yes. So -
That would mean I won't have time to work. Ah, but I suppose that's not a problem? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I was planning to cut my workload. (Choice)
As I've been forced to go on a holiday, I reflected on many things.
My crew would instead want me to spare my time to spend with them, over drowning in work.
I know I probably won't let go of it entirely, but I plan to take some time to take regular breaks.
I know I won't be able to spend all my free time with you, Alpha, but I'll make sure that I satisfy you 120% when I do. (Choice)
Alpha seemed astonished by my response and the smug comment, but soon, she smiled.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
...Well, if you say things like that, I don't think I can withhold myself any longer?
You don't have to. I can probably take you. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
...Do you mean it? I no longer have to contain my urge...?
Yeah, you don't. (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Alpha slowly brought her hand towards her shirt button.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I'd like you to look at my body, Master...
With a *clank* sound, her thin shirt fell gently onto the ground.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
I know there's nothing to boast about my body, but...
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy it...
And as she whispered with a mesmerizing voice...
Slowly walked up towards me, sitting on my bed, and kneeled.

Part 4. Comfortable With One Another

Constantia Icon.png ??:
I woke up to a familiar voice as I was deep asleep in my dreams.
Mmmn...What time is it? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png ??:
7:20AM. Would you like to sleep in?
...Nah, I should wake up. (Choice)
As I stretched to chase the sleep away, I saw a familiar face.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
*Chuckles,* You've been a Sleeping Beauty lately.
Indeed...*yawn.* (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Here, I brought you some coffee and a wet towel.
Appreciate it. (Choice)
I took the warm, wet towel to wipe off my face and drank my coffee as I watched Constantia's seamless movements.
She tidied my desk, swept the floor, and brought out a new bed sheet...
Ah, sorry. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Thank you.
I moved to my desk to get out of Constantia's way. It reminded me of that one time how I quarrelled with her over how she wanted to tidy my room when I was not around.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Well, Master, have a pleasant day.
Constantia, wait up. (Choice)
I stopped Constantia as she was about to leave my room.
Are you free today? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
As I repeated my question, she said yes right away, and we went out together.
We walked arm-in-arm like a cute couple and headed towards the ecology sector.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Wow...it's really pretty here, Master.
Right? I knew you'd like this place, Constantia. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
*Chuckles,* Yes. I really do.
Oh, there's a fountain here too?
We walked around for a while, went towards the fountain, and after buying a few snacks from the cafe, we found a nice shade under a tree to sit down.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Here you go, Master.
You should have some too, Constantia. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
After you.
We both shared a piece of cake together and leaned against the tree to rest.
And Constantia carefully placed her head on my shoulder.
This reminds me of the good old days when it was just you and me. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I don't think we had the luxury to take a break like this back then, though. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
*Chuckles,* Fair point.
And for a while, both of us kept quiet, enjoying the silence.
However, the silence didn't feel awkward as we both spent countless times together and were more than comfortable with each other's company.
...Ah, I forgot. (Choice)
And while I was enjoying the moment, a thought crossed my mind.
Is there anything you'd like to do, Constantia? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Something I want to do...? Uhm...
Constantia pondered for a second with her index finger on her mouth before wearing a huge smile.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Ah! I do have one thing.
What is it? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
*Chuckles,* I realized the ark lived up to its name and had a lot of information. From great food for men, exercise, fashion, much more.
Of course, I know everybody else has access to such information, but wouldn't it be nice if we had a chance to come together to talk about it as a group?
So when we have the time, I'd like to host a meeting and discuss what would be the most beneficial to you, Master.
Oh...but besides that? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Say, like something that's not related to me, but what you want to do for yourself for example, Constantia. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
As if she figured out what I was really trying to ask, she chuckled awkwardly.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I suppose...I don't have anything I'd like to do then.
... (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I mean it. I like where I am. Serving you, Master.
Constantia then slowly stood up and glared over at the other crew in the sector.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
See, remember how I used to do much more? And of course, I made a lot of mistakes too.
But now, there are more qualified people around to do those tasks.
From battle, assisting your work, cooking, etc... They're better than me in those fields. And I think such diversification is better for you.
Yeah, but...don't you feel a little sad? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...Not really.
It's still my job to look after you, remember? I think I'm the best at that.
Well, I can't argue with that. Ever since I first opened my eyes in this world...to this morning, Constantia was always looking after me.
...Thanks. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Now that I think about it... I don't think I ever showed my gratitude over how much you've done for me, Constantia.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Constantia - Hmm? (Choice)
I discovered Constantia was astonished, crying.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I, I'm sorry. I don't think I deserve your gratitude. I was just doing what I was designed to do...I don't know why I'm crying...
I said nothing but pulled her into my arms as she tried to laugh it up.
Constantia took her time, and even after she calmed down, she decided to stay in my arms for a while, and after some time, she opened her mouth.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Yeah. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I...think I know why tears ran down my face.
...Yeah? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
At that moment, I was...really, and I mean really, happy.
To me, I was doing what was entitled to me to do, and yet you, the Master that I truly love, said that you were thankful. And...
I think I felt a sense of relief, too.
I tried to act natural, but I knew I felt scared deep down in my heart.
'What if I'm useless now?' Or ' What if my Master no longer requires my services?' I'd ask these questions...
You know I'd never think like that. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...I know, I was being an over-thinking fool.
I will, and until the day the world ends, I'll stay by your side, Master.
Thanks. I'll stay in bed all day if you don't come to find me and wake me up. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Okay, but I noticed how you were with others the past few days, though?
I kissed her lips gently as she pouted in disapproval.
And as if that did the trick, she smiled happily again, and watching her feel happy made me feel the same way too.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Do you...have any plans for tonight...?
I do. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I, I'm sorry, please forget I asked...
I just made one, with you, Constantia. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...You're a tease. I don't remember you being this mischievous before.
Yeah, but you never gave me lectures before too, Constantia. (Choice)
Lecturing me, pretending she's not amused or being in my arms comfortably like this...I don't think I would have seen this if it were the old Constantia.
Compared to always smiling regardless of what I do or how she never made any comments...I think the Constantia who's in front of me is much more like a 'human.'
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I blame you. You're becoming more smug day by day, Master.
Is that so? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
You are.
As we made fun of one another, Constantia's cheeks suddenly turned pinkish, and she asked.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
So, Uhm, Master. For later...
What, would you like me to wear...?
Hmm... (Choice)
The first thought that came to my mind was a bunny girl outfit according to the current trend, but Constantia was Constantia.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
What about the nightdress...the one you really like?
Okay, we have one problem with that. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I don't think both of us will be able to get any sleep tonight. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
...My gosh, Master.
Like a flashback, my memories of that one night passed by me, where Constantia untied her hair, wearing that thin nightdress.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
I...really liked that particular night. I don't think I've ever seen you that impatient.
And at that moment, where I saw and felt how eager you were to hold me in your arms I...I thought, 'Oh, my Master really loves me, he really wants me...' and so I...
So you'd like to experience that again tonight? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
With that 'yes,' we got up as if we both made a promise to take that as a cue.
And we walked a little fast back to my room, holding each other's hand.
Constantia's even more submissive during her night shift, but I don't think I'll let her be that way tonight.
I have to show how much she means to me and how much I love her.
To Miss Maid over here, who only looks at me and tells me that I'm the meaning of her life.