Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark Sub Story: CAFE Horizon?

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Translated by Khosen

CAFE Horizon?

Part 1.

Undine Icon.png Undine:
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Undine Icon.png Undine:
None of us could come up with a nice idea...
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
We can't continue like this, maybe we should all go for a swim?
Perhaps if we exercise a little, we may come up with a new idea! At least Nerie usually does!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Don't you remember how we all went swimming like that yesterday and passed out afterwards?
Vice-Admiral went to a social and left it for us to decide...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
We're running out of time...hmm...
We're kinda in trouble.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
But see, Nerie is still unsure.
What should we do to make the Commander happy? And, would he still be happy when we plan an event that makes us happy?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
If it's purely for his amusement...hmm...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Why don't we all just lie in bed altogether? Wouldn't that be the most effective?
Kyahaha! I'm sure he'll find that enjoyable?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Uh, I guess?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Yeah, but that's a little...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Hmm~? What are you worried about, Undine~?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
That sounds not like we're doing it for him...
And it can easily end up with us just receiving something from him as usual.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Hehe...yeah, Nerie knows what you mean. That's how Nerie felt the last time Nerie was with him.
Nerie ended up enjoying the moment more than the Commander...so this time, Nerie wants to do something for him, mmhmm.
Again, the purpose is for us to give him a memorable time!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Well...aren't you all giving up too quickly before trying?
Last time, he caught us off guard and took control, but maybe if we all go in prepared...!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
I, I don't think I can handle him.
I just can't imagine me taking control.
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Come on~ Undine, what happened to your ego?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Ahaha! Nerie agrees. Commander is unbeatable.
How about you, Thetis, you think you can actually handle him?
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Me? Kyahaha, obviously...
...Maybe we should go back to the drawing board.

Part 2.

Undine Icon.png Undine:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Jeez! You surprised me, what's with the shouting?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Any idea?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Hmpf! Now that I think about it, I learned something back in the information sector.
A long time ago, humans apparently really enjoyed drinking coffee. And a warm cup of coffee, sweet dessert, and good music would soothe one's mind?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
But how's that different from the Commander's room?
See, the room has coffee, and the Commander would play some music.
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kyahaha, I don't see anything unique about it too.
Any other ideas?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
I, I'm not finished.
We'll open a cafe outside. Meaning, like an outdoor cafe!
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
See, Nerie has an idea too...if it's outdoors, what if we decorate it like the deck of a ship so that everyone can figure out it's run by us?!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
I like that.
And for the record, please don't tell me you thought about the outdoor theme just on the spot, right, Undine? Hmm, ~?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
O, of course not! I have been thinking about this for a long time.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Then what should we be wearing? Just our usual uniform?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Right, maids! Amongst different types of cafes, maid cafes were apparently the most popular back then. So we all should wear a maid uniform and serve the Commander!
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Wait, but how would we differ from the Battle Maids?
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
It's okay, no need to worry about that. I actually thought of an idea just now because I read something a while back.
We would be the same maids...but if we alter the uniform like this...
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Uh, this...
Doesn't really cover that much...and thinking about wearing one...makes Nerie embarrassed...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kyahaha, see when other humans were still around, some would wear a maid uniform like this to seduce the opposite sex.
In other words, it is as unique and special as the bunny girl trend that's going around Orca.
I'm sure with this, we would not be mistaken as the Battle Maids, right?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
I suppose...
But...think you got carried away a little...
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
The social just ended, I'm back.
Did you all come up with an idea? If not, I have thought about a few things...
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Vice-Admiral! How was the social? And we did come up with an idea!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
How's a nautical-themed cafe where we would be working there wearing a maid uniform?
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Hmm? A maid cafe? Hmm...but we have a lot of maids onboard Orca...
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
And that's where Thetis advocated a different uniform...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
It's just a rough sketch!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Undine Icon.png Undine:
W, we did tell her that's a little too much...
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
I know I would be embarrassed if I wore something like that, but if it's for the Commander...I like the idea!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
I knew I was right to count on you all.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
It was Undine's idea, Vice-Admiral!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
I just added the cherry on top...outdoor cafe and maid uniforms triggered an inspiration.
Kyahaha! You're the best, Undine. Good work.
Undine Icon.png Undine:
...*Chuckles!* Of course. I've been thinking about this for a long time~
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
One more thing, though...
Does anyone know how to cook?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Right...Nerie can't cook.
How should we do? Can we open a cafe if we can't make a dessert or coffee?
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
I guess it's not possible if none of us can cook.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Yeah, so I'm afraid the cafe would...
Wait, didn't you make something for the Commander before, Undine?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Yes? Me?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
That's right! Didn't you make a cheesecake for him for Christmas 2 years ago?
Undine! You're a chef!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
No, that was...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kyahaha! Hey Undine, why did you stay quiet all along?
I knew it. When you have said you were thinking about this for a long time, you also thought about how you take the role for the team, right?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
...O, of course, ~!
I obviously know how to cook. So leave the kitchen to me!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Great! That's amazing, Undine.
Well then, let's let Undine handle the cooking and baking, and we should each take different roles.
Here, I think we should...
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Yeah, what's wrong?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
I realized I left something back in my room. Mind if I go get it?
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Sure. No worries.
You don't have to ask for permission, chef. The fate of this cafe is on your shoulders, Undine!
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Whaaaaaat do I do? I only know how to bake a cheesecake...
Deep breath. It's not like we're opening right now, so if I find a crash course...
I, I suppose it'll work out?