Dialogue/Bunny? Niba! Thumpy Thump Reverse Bunny Trouble! 2-5

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Translated by Khosen

Ev2-5 - Detective Perrault
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Hmm? Why do I feel it's busier than usual...?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Manager Perrault, we're out of ice.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Oh, I'll let Miss Titania know - Oh?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
What's wrong?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Speaking of, I haven't seen Miss Titania today.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Hmm...Miss Rhea.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
We haven't seen Miss Titania today, do you know anything?
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
Hmm...I'm sorry. But I don't think Titania's coming to work anytime soon. But I'll work twice as hard to make up for it.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Hmm, is that so. That's a shame. She looked perfect in that outfit.
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
I'm sorry, something just came up...
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
No worries. It was voluntary, to begin with.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Yes, exactly.
Anyways, I'll go to the kitchen for more ice.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Over here...*Hiccup* Helloooooo~
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Miss Gnome, can you...huh?
I don't see Miss Gnome too...?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Rhea Icon.png Rhea:
I don't think I saw her today either.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Hurry uppppp~ my blood alcohol level is dropinnnnnnnng~
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
I'll investigate after closing.
*Sigh...* Today was something else.
I should go find the Steel Lines - huh?
This...is a piece of fabric?
Its texture resembles a bunny girl outfit...white in colour, but I just said goodbye to Miss Azaz...?
Ah, footsteps...
Two different footsteps...one must be Miss Gnomes, but what about the other...?
...Well, I suppose I just have to follow it.

After the battle

Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Thanks for the help, ma'am!
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Don't mention it.
But as a reward, mind if I ask you something?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Anything! I, Brownie, know everything!
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Gnome...Sgt. Gnome wasn't there at work today. I was wondering if you heard anything?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Ehhh? Is that so?
But it was her off-duty day today, and I saw her going out wearing the outfit, ma'am.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
You just missed her. She headed south, towards the mountains just now.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Oh, and now that I think about it, her outfit did look a little different today.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
...Understood. Thanks for the help.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Hehe, it's nothing.
Well, good luck, Victory!
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
I recognize these footsteps.
I've travelled quite far now, though...oh.
This...did someone camp out here?
And this scribble...'Kill Bunny'...?
Someone's planning a scheme.
Since it's time for me to get ready to open the CAFE, I should return tomorrow to catch this mischievous one.