Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark 1-6

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Translated by Khosen

Ev 1-6 - The Last Sector
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
We only have one more sector left, Administrator. However...
However? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
The attack from Delta had also damaged the ecology preservation sector.
Per the regulatory code of the ark, if the ecology preservation sector experiences any forced entry, it closes down and undergoes self-maintenance.
Hmm, and how long would that take? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
I believe it would take roughly 2 weeks.
Any dangers we should know about that's contained inside? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Besides a few plants and small animals, none.
Got it, you can take me to that sector later. (Choice)
So ecology preservation sector...I checked its information from the data we backed up.
So it's basically a botanical garden? (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Each ark has unique sectors besides the common DNA data and information sector.
This current ark has a sector where it maintains and preserves a small-scale ecosystem.
Looks like a good place to take a break. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
...Yes. This current entity would -
You would? (Choice)
As soon as Mnemosyne had opened her mouth to finish her sentence, Alpha approached us.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Sorry to interrupt, Master.
I just received a report where one of our crew had encountered an unknown AGS while securing the premises.
How bad is the damage? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Thankfully, it doesn't seem hostile.
In fact, it's helping us.
Alpha handed me over her panel to look at the live feed.
It's a...bird?

After the battle

The AGS, with the shape of a giant bird, took care of the Iron Parasites agilely.
And I completely forgot about Mnemosyne until the AGS returned with our crew members after the battle.
Ah, sorry about that. So... (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
This entity shall return to the residence and await the following command.
Please call this entity if any assistance is required.
Sounds good. I'll come to find you later. (Choice)
Mnemosyne Icon.png Mnemosyne:
Yes, Administrator.
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
Yeah? (Choice)
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png Lemonade Alpha:
The unidentified AGS...just transformed.