Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark Sub Story: The Bunny Expert

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Translated by Khosen

The Bunny Expert

Part 1.

Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Pant...* *Pant...*
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
I know you tried your best...but it seems like this is your limit.
It's okay...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...No, that's not true!
I can do this all day!
So, Sergeant Efreeti, let's continue with the training.
The training that'll make me a true bunny!

Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
We're clear here...
Brownie, how about you?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I've finished checking here too, ma'am! But nothing particular comes to my attention.
Have you found anything, Corporal Leprechaun?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Just a few canned foods and some timber.
I'm surprised, though. Even in a place like this, we still see some traces of humans before our time.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I liked how we found a lot of food from the first basecamp we found...
But ever since, all we could find are miscellaneous things.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Once we head towards inner Europe, gathering supplies would be even more difficult.
This is probably our last expedition where we don't have to worry about getting a bullet through our head, so let's keep going.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Any luck, everyone?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Corporal Silky!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Nothing much, just a few canned foods and some timber.
How about you, Corporal Silky?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Same here. We didn't find anything significant.
I think we should expand our search parameter further...
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Brownie, did you find something?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
What is it?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Isn't this bunny ears? They're super cute!
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I heard men before they went extinct loved this. I didn't expect to find it here!
We don't have the proper clothing to go with it, but shouldn't us wearing the ears still be effective?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
The bunny ears...? Are you sure...
Silky Icon.png Silky:
...No, Brownie has a point.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Yes? R, really?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
As I moved the supplies to the 'Ark of Memories,' I overheard a conversation.
According to the information someone found in the information sector, a bunny girl outfit was an effective tool to seduce the opposite sex before humans faced extinction.
Some of the other crew are already making one themselves or searching for one.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Is that true?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I swear it is, Corporal Leprechaun!
I know we can't show it to the Commander because we're on a mission, but wouldn't it be fine just to try it out and how we look?
Why don't you give it a go, ma'am!

Part 2.

Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I didn't know there were this many supplies buried under the snow...
I would have missed it if I hadn't been thorough.
I should call others for help...and make sure to search thoroughly from now on, hmm?
There they are.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Corporal Silky, you look super cute...!
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Ehehe...do I.
I, I think that's enough for me. Brownie, would you like to try it on?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Finally, my turn!
Tada, how do I look? Am I prettier than usual?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
You look just like a Brownie, Brownie. I like it.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Yeah, just like a Brownie.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Why am I getting a weird response?!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
There you were. What are you all up to?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Ah, Sergeant Gnome!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
On your back...wow, Sergeant! Where did you find all those supplies?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I dug them up that were buried under the snow.
I came here to ask for help as there're still more back there...
What's that on your hand, bunny ears...?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
This is uh, we...weren't fooling around...
We were searching for supplies...uh...we're sorry, Sergeant.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
It's okay. I'm sure you all were making small talks.
You don't have to apologize for things like that. We're all family.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Then would you like to wear one too, Sergeant Gnome?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Brownie, you're stepping over the line! Again...!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
B, but it's bunny ears.
I'm sure Sergeant Gnome will be interested if she finds out the efficacy of a bunny girl outfit!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Its efficacy?
What would it be...
I see...so that's what it was...
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I heard it was also used during a special occasion when humans tried to create a family!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
It was used for such purposes too...?
Corporal Silky, is Brownie telling the truth?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I haven't heard anything about that...but I don't think she's lying.
I know she must have heard it from someone else, but I'm not sure...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
A, and by creating a family...
A, all we have is the Commander...so...
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Enough said! It's exactly like what you're thinking right now, ma'am!
Here, here! Give it a try!
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I believe Sergeant Gnome is so weak against the word 'family.'
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
To her, it holds her a special meaning. And she'd get hurt from time to time protecting us as a result...
But I suppose it's one of the things I like about Sergeant Gnome.
Don't you agree, Corporal Silky?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I do. However...
I feel like one day...something unstoppable might happen...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I, I suppose I can give it a try...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
What are you all doing...
Is that...
A bunny...?
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Ah, Sergeant Efreeti! You're here too?
Speaking of, aren't you a big fan of bunnies, Sergeant Efreeti?
I heard the bunny girl outfit is the new trend amongst other crew. Apparently, it's super effective against men!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
The others found this during their expedition.
What do you say? Would you like to try one too, Sergeant Efreeti...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
This is not a bunny!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
S, Sergeant..Efreeti?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You're all acting like you are a bunny just by wearing bunny ears...!
You guys have no clue how many times a bunny appeared in folklores since ancient times...You all have no clue why humans loved bunnies so much before our time. Their powerfulness and cuteness and the perfection of the two caught everyone's attention...!
I didn't expect my fellow soldiers to complement each other for looking like a bunny just by wearing a lousy headband...!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
S, Sergeant..
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Do you all even know how great bunnies are...? Why they're so amazing...?
You guys have no clue what kind of an animal bunny is... and yet, you all claim its name because it's cute and pretty to use it as a fashion item...!
You all are making a grave mistake to think that bunnies are weak preys...! They know how to use their teeth and use their legs to fight for their lives when they're protecting their most precious...
Especially when they're protecting their 'family'...!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
*Pant...* *Pant...*
Take it off...let's wrap it all up and go back.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
I, I've never seen Sergeant Efreeti raising her voice like that.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Ah...I forgot about it.
We were wearing bunny ears in front of someone who loves bunnies the most.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Doesn't Sergeant Efreeti wears one, too, though?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I saw how she'd spend months calculating and fixing her ears to get the perfect angle, thickness, and texture.
That shows how special a bunny is to her.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...One moment. Wait up, please, Sergeant!
I owe you an apology. I didn't know what kind of an animal a bunny was...I was shallow to want to be a bunny girl just because I wanted to start a family with the Commander.
If I wanted to become a true bunny girl...no, a bunny, I need your help, Sergeant.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...I've seen countless others who said precisely the same thing.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
You did, ma'am?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
I haven't seen any.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Same here.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
And how many do you think became a true bunny...? None...
So why do you think a girl like you, who doesn't even want to become a bunny for the right purpose -
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I admit that I have ulterior motives. But!
My eagerness to become a true bunny, now my will is much more sincere than anyone you've met!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
So I beg you, Sergeant
Teach me.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
It'll be a tough road ahead of you...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I don't mind.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You'd get the urge to run from it.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I'll overcome it.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
And are you willing to overcome whatever ordeal and hardship you'll be facing...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
It wouldn't be a challenge if I didn't face any.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Alright...I shall see.
Until how long you'll last.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
My will is unbreakable.
Until I become a true bunny!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
...It's time for our supper. Should I go and let them know?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Why don't we hide the bunny ears first.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I hope they don't get into trouble...

Part 3.

Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Faster...more agile...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Pant...* Yes!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You're not as loud when you're running...it's proof that you're not breathing correctly...
I think you need to train your physique...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...Yes, Sergeant!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
At ease...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Ah, yes!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
5 meters to your left...the pile of snow...you see it...?
Go dig, now...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
You think there's a supply underneath...? No...!
H, how did you know?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
The reason bunnies did not go extinct was that they developed hyper intuition to look around the surrounding...
Stay alert...embrace your surroundings...
Use every sense of yours to analyze what's around you...okay...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You're losing your balance...
Stop shaking...endure it...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Urgh...I'm trying my best...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Don't spit out that you've tried your best that lightly.
If someone's really trying their best...they'd endure no matter the circumstances.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You wanted to become a true bunny...
And is that the best you can do?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
To become a true family with the Commander...to become a true bunny...!
I! Can do more...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Good...then, get ready for another bunny hop...
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Uhm, Sergeants...
It's time for dinner. Command Sergeant Major Impet would like us to come back.
Why don't we all call it a day?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...Time flies, huh.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...Yes, Sergeant!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
That's enough training for today...go rest.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I can tell I'm way behind. It'll take me years to become a true bunny at this rate.
So, Sergeant Efreeti. If I may ask, would you train me during our personal time too?
I beg you!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You'd get burnt out, are you sure...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I know what I signed up for.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...Not bad.
Good, let's continue after dinner...and Corporal Silky.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Yes, ma'am?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
What's the menu...?
Silky Icon.png Silky:
It's the same menu, the one you called an abomination.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Sergeant Gnome...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Yes, ma'am?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You wanted to receive this training to become a true family, right...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Ah, yes! I do. I'm nothing more than one soldier out of so many others, but if I can start a family with the Commander...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Are you interested in taking an extra class...?
I swear I was in...Orca...
Where am I...
Gnome Icon.png ??:
...eant! Sergeant!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Sergeant Efreeti, are you alright?!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Why...? What's wrong...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
What do you mean...
You tried one of the parfaits I made for you and then lost consciousness. Are you okay?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Corporal Silky, did you check the expiry date for the ingredients? Sergeant Efreeti doesn't look that well.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
It should be fine. When I did a complete stock check a few days ago, everything was fine...?
Let me taste it to double-check.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
No! It's fine. The parfait wasn't the problem. I'll handle the last.
Not bad...
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Oh...? Sergeant...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Are you crying...?

Part 4.

Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
I can still see your legs. Move faster...
Again, from the beginning...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Pant...* *Pant...*
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
47 meters northeast, then 38 meters west...
I see supplies...Gnome. I'm sure you can tell you're losing your focus.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I'm still not noticing it...
I'll focus!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Gnome, another parfait...!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Yes, here there you go!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
It's so good...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Sergeant! You lost consciousness again, are you alright?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Your parfait was okay...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Sergeant, you're crying again...
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Uhm, Sergeants...how is this related to becoming a bunny?
And you're using too many ingredients...the statement doesn't match the actual supply...Hnnng...
What do I do during the next round of stock investigation...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
No, that's not it...! Your hands are still awkward...
Focus...focus your full attention towards the tip of your fingers and toes...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Pant...* *Pant...*
W, will...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...I won't tell you to get up.
I know the past few days...you were asking me to train you until it was time for us to sleep...
I know you must be exhausted...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
No, I can still go for more...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...It looks like your body disagrees.
Trust me, I know how it feels... When you want more but can't go for more...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Pant...* *Pant...*
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
I know you tried your best...but it looks like this is your limit...
It's okay to...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...No, that's not true!
I can push further!
So let's continue, Sergeant Efreeti.
The training for me to become a true bunny!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You say that, but your legs are shaking...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
It's okay, I'm fine...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
But wouldn't it be so much easier if you give up and just lie down in bed?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I mentioned in the beginning...
I may want to become a bunny for a different reason...but that doesn't mean I'm any less sincere than anyone else!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
We still haven't begun the real training...it's going to get worse, you sure you'll be able to handle the challenge...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I do not know how to give up...
Not until I become a true family...a true bunny...!
I'm ready to head towards infinity and beyond!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Good, Gnome...let's continue...
I know you won't... but unless you tap out...
I will stick by your side...and help you...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
From the beginning then...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
From the beginning this time, I'll try my best!
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
It's about to turn off the lights. Should I go tell them that we should get back?
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Not now...in a few minutes.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I just want all this to be over...

Part 5.

Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...You ready?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Yes, Sergeant. I am.
After finishing all the training, the bunny and I are one...
I am the ultimate bunny!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Good...well, let's test you out...
Bunnyhop, go!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Wait, stop! You just passed it...!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I noticed rations, and I see more supplies 100 meters in front of me buried under the snow!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Here's your parfait!
I changed my recipe. It's sweeter! More flavourful!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...What? ...It's even better?
I, I'll save this for later...And now, your final test...
You ready...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Yes, Sergeant...let's begin.
My final test!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Good...well, here it comes...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Your ability to play dead was perfect...I admit Gnome.
You are now a perfect bunny itself...congratulations, good work...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Sergeant Efreeti...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Here, take this...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Oh, this is...
Isn't this a bunny girl outfit? Sergeant, where did you...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
Try it on...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
It fits perfectly...
But Sergeant Efreeti, when did you...?
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
...From the moment you first asked me to train you.
I had this feeling that you would have made it this far...so I cut my sleep too...
And you proved that I was right all along...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
But I haven't done anything for you...and yet you did all this for me...!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
If a student wants to repay their teacher, the only way is to become great...
Gnome...you were the best student a teacher could ask for in that sense.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
No, if it wasn't your guidance, Sergeant...
I...*sob,* would not have become a true bunny...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You reap what you sow...
See, some things are just bound to happen...judging by your strong will, you would have become a bunny with or without my help. All I did was just fast forward the whole process...
Now, rise...and go...create a true family...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
*Sob...!* Thank you...
Thank you for everything! Sergeant Efreeti!
I will return!
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You belong in the big league...don't ever return back here...
Promise me that you'll create a family...give birth to kids that are as cute as bunnies...become the happiest person in this world...!
So that you'll be rewarded for the hard work...understood, Sergeant Gnome...?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...From time to time.
From time to time, I'll come back to make parfaits for you. Thank you, Sergeant Efreeti...
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
You couldn't have just left...what a fool...
...Gosh, it's always hard when I sent them out into the world.
Take care, Sergeant Gnome.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
...Is becoming a bunny girl this difficult usually?
I saw how others would just wear one without going through all this hassle...
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I mean, it's a happy ending for them both.
All I have left is somehow getting supplies to fill up so that the statement is the same as the actual number of supplies...Phew...I'm glad this is all over...
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
I also don't understand what just happened...but I'm glad it's over.
Should we get going too?
Impet Icon.png Impet:
*Sob...* these guys, going behind us like that and secretively training...no wonder why they were all so tired during combat training.
I should call for a military disciplinary committee, but...
I guess I can just pretend as if nothing happened.
And by the way...
Efreeti...she's a perfect candidate to become a non-commissioned officer.
Maybe I should get her thumbprint while she's asleep.