Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark 2-Prologue

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Translated by Khosen

Ev2-Prologue - CAFE Horizon! And...?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Undine~ Thetis~
I'm back after distributing the flyers!
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Hey Undine, what's wrong with Thetis?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
She was trying to pull a trick on Commander...and then...
She ended up...getting kissed for an hour...
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Undine Icon.png Undine:
This is her gotten much better. She wasn't able to stand up until just now.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
A, an hour-long kiss...uhh...
I wonder what would happen...if I get that kind of treatment...
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Nereid, welcome back.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Ah, yup. I've handed out our flyers.
Everyone said they'd be here!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Great. We're almost ready to open on our end too.
All we need to do is check everyone's positions, rehearse, and then clean this place a little.
Undine Icon.png Undine:
I, the Genius Patissier, is ready too.
I can prepare more than 200 different dishes!
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Whoa, really?
So that means we'd get a sample for each and every dish, right?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
N, not really. I haven't ordered enough ingredients yet.
So...like, as we open...r, right.
I'm going to add more menus as our business grows. It's a sort of a marketing strategy!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
I've tried a few earlier, and they tasted great.
I left some for you here, Nereid.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thanks, Vice-Admiral.
Ah! And by the way, I saw something while handing out the flyers?
Do you all remember the building opposite the fountain? They're opening a cafe too.
*Yum...* Whoa, this is good!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Another cafe...?
What if our potential customers choose that one over ours...
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Yeah, that's not cool! That's unethical!
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
*Munch Munch...* Ah, but like, it is a cafe, but not really a cafe.
It's a live...cafe? Something like that, I heard someone would be singing and selling booze.
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Hmm, so like a bar? Then I suppose we don't have to worry about losing our targetted customers.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
But it would still affect our sales...
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Hmm, still concerned, Vice-Admira - no, Manager?
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Yes...It was great that we all worked together to open up this cafe, but...
It would be a shame if we didn't get as many customers.
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Well then, it looks like this Genius Patissier need to come up with more genius menus -
I know a way~
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
I have a great idea. Would you all like to listen~?
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Huh, you're okay now? How are your lips?
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Ahem. See, my proposal is to bring back the Commander's secret menu to which we all said no because we thought it was too promiscuous!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
It would be great if the Commander came for a visit, but we need a strategy to attract as many people as possible.
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kik, Vice-Admiral, you're too naive~ You're as pure as the driven snow.
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Think about it. If my, Thetis' Special Menu works...then we would have the Commander stay at our cafe for a very long time!
And naturally, we'd have customers coming to our cafe just to see the Commander!
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
Undine Icon.png Undine:
She has a point...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Kik, right?
Also~ if you give me a promotion as an Assistant Manager, I'd make sure that we all get to participate in this Special Menu~.
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Why, you don't want a part, Nerie?
Nereid Icon.png Nereid:
N, no, it's not like I don't want to...
These clothes we're wearing...I heard they were designed to do something lewd with one another...and so if I imagine myself kissing with the Commander wearing this...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
K, kissing...with the Commander...
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
S, still, we know Commander behaves with discernment!
I'm sure he wouldn't...d, do us in... the cafe...
Undine Icon.png Undine:
N, not gonna lie...but I don't think I would be able to say no when Commander decides to push me...
Thetis Icon.png Thetis:
Undine Icon.png Undine:
Sirene Icon.png Sirene:
We'd be okay, right...?

Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Why don't you just give in? We're wasting each other's time.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
You should be the one who should give up, General!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Playing way too hard to get backfires, you know.
Make sure you don't act like that in front of the Commander.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
My. Point. Was...!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
But what's stopping you? I already have everything planned out from Cafe operations, our outfit, music, booze and much more.
All you need to do is just bring yourself, that's all, Miss Perrault.
Ah, if it's a title that you're after, then just say the words. For example, you can be the Manager.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
That's not -
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
The interior design's almost done.
Go take a look, and let me know if there're additional requests.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Thank you. Will do.
Ah, one thing...
Would you like to work with me by any chance?
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Love the attitude.
I have everything ready for you. I'll be in touch, so all you have to do is show up on time.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Sounds exciting. What do you want me to do, exactly?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Singing for a start, and I would appreciate it if you learned how to play an instrument.
Miss Perrault here refuses to learn.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Oh my...
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Ahh...Big Sis...save me...
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
You called?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
B, Big Sis?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Ah, great timing.
Chief of Security, Lilith. I'd like to officially ask for your opinion about opening a live cafe with your precious younger sister here, what do you say?
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
That sounds nice.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
Please look after Perrault. She's a very shy girl.
She told me once that she's so shy, and so she'd have to cover her mouth not to moan -
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Haha, don't worry, she's in good hands. I'll personally try my best to transform Perrault into a fine lady who's honest towards her feelings.
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
*Chuckles,* Yes. Thank you.
Well then, Perrault, be a good girl and listen to General Arsenal here, and make sure you're back before dinner by the gardens.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
...Yes, understood.
What about Fenrir? She's on night duty today.
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
I'll leave some for her.
Well, I'm heading off then. See you in a bit.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
All according to plan.
Well, I look forward to working with you, Manager Perrault.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
...Since I'm the Manager, I'll be handling the operational business!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Haha, of course. The floor's yours.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
I thought the building lacked something, so I put up a sign. Do we have a name for our cafe yet?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
A name...yes.
CAFE amor it is. Love triumphs all!

(That Night)

NiBA Icon.png ??:
*Sniff Sniff* Hmm...
...The air in this place disgusts me.
This is...yes, it's the smell of a bunny girl...!
This is the source of evil that I've been noticing from far!
*Chuckles...* I shall bathe with blood soon...with the blood of the bunny girls!
...Hmm. Still, they have unusually high bunny spirit.
Okay...why don't I go make some friends first?
Nihehehe, nihehehe - *cough, cough...!*