Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark Sub Story: Milk Wars

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Translated by Khosen

Milk Wars

Part 1.

Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Just how are we supposed to check all this?
Oh, wells...I guess I'll just suck it up. Call me if you find anything.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Yeah. But is this really necessary?
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
What other option do we have? Do I have to remind who was feeling anxious?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
I know...but we can just offer him lowkey -
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Like. I. Said! We need to come forth.
I know you were getting worried as Commander seemed like he wasn't drinking his milk lately...
But then, why didn't you just ask what's going on instead of going through all this?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
But what if I ask him and he'd feel complied to drink milk...
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
*Sigh.* You're killing me. You know what, why don't you let me do my magic like last time -
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Hey, no! You promised you'd cooperate!
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Fine. Then try to search one more file instead of complaining.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
I'm just helping out because it's related to our milk industry.
I'll take this half, go grab the other half.
Found anything?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Not really...they were all basically saying the same thing.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Managing your cows properly, or treating raw milk...but we're already doing this?
At the very least, isn't there a way to make our milk more presentable?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Presentable...Ah, wait.
Here, this is what I found over there.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
What's this? ...An analysis report on milk?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
It's a report analyzing the different types of milk...and their effects.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
A report? But we're not lab scientists, but dairy farmers, so how would this help us -
...No. Perhaps we can use this and advertise the superiority of our milk and gain popularity.
If our milk becomes the biggest hit, I'm sure the Commander would notice it too.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Then he'd show interest in our milk.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Alright. Let's find some useful facts and use them as a marketing tool.
And we should use regular milk for -
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Chocolate milk.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
What do you mean? When people think about milk, they're usually white.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Which is why we should use chocolate milk to be unique.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Okay, but still, traditionally, milk has been -
...Hang on, I have an idea.
Let's take this to a vote. We would compete for a week, and whoever wins goes on a date with the Commander. How's that?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
D, date? But I thought we were on the same team...
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Huh, cold feet? Then I'm going to get going to ask him out, okay?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
No! I, I'm in.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Sure, sure. Good luck~. See you later.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
W, wait!
Wait for meeeeee!

Part 2.

Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
A drink a day keeps the doctor away~
Here here, take a sip~ and vote for me.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
How's chocolate milk? They're sweet and comforting.
And vote for me too...
The canteen was filled with the crowd as the two elves promoted their milk.
They're really trying hard. What's going on?
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Ah! Commander. You're not eating in your room today?
Yeah. I'm relatively free today. (Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Here, why don't you have some milk then?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Y, You! Take mine, have some of my milk too.
The sweet aromatic scent of their milk did seem nice, but...
For some reason, my digestive system is not liking me recently, and I know taking their milk right now is a bad idea.
I feel bad, but I should stay away from dairy for a while...
I'm sorry. I'll have some after my meal. (Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
But it's much better for your body if you drink milk on an empty stomach~
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
You can drink chocolate milk any time, so why don't you take one -
Good luck, both of you! (Choice)
I had no choice but to walk past them both in haste.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
He refused our milk? How could this be...
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
I don't know what's going on, but he's been like this the past few days.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Hey, hey. We can't just stay like this.
The vote is still on, but we should form an alliance.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Alright. We'll talk later.
Until He drinks our milk...
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
It's your favourite 'Orangeade's Radio, Orca Live!' I invited the two individuals who brought a new trend across Orca for today's guest!
It's Miss Elven and Miss DarkElven! Welcome~
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Hey guys, keep supporting white milk.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
H, hello. Don't forget chocolate milk...
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
I know you two must be busy with the voting~ Thanks for joining me today!
Ever since you two started advertising how milk is good for one's diet, beauty, and health, everyone on Orca has been craving milk!
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
We just wanted to share a few good things about milk. Well~ thanks to that, it's been bustling for us.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
We still have to count up the votes. I don't know if we have the time...
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
And we'll finally know who's the winner!
By the way, was there a reason why you two wanted to have a vote?
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
We made a bet to figure out what kind of milk is more popular between the two.
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
Hmm...to choose the best out of the two~
White milk is neat and goes well with pastries!
But then, when it's cold, I'd love to have some warm chocolate milk and snuggle back into my bed~
Maybe I should try both when I'm on break today~hehe!
For me, I could not choose between them both, but I'm sure those of you who are listening made your choices, right?
Will the winner be taking any prize by any chance?
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Ah~ see, whoever wins would-
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Hey! T, that's confidential...we can't say...
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
I don't mind sharing~
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
Aw, that's a shame~ Well, when you feel like telling us more about it, just let me know!
Ah, someone just posted a question! 'Is there a reason why you devote this much for your milk?' So there, how would you respond~?
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
To us, milk...is our pride.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
We take care of the entire process. We choose how our cows are fed, taken care of, and involved in the manufacturing process.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Some of us would have to spend our entire life staring at the forest if we couldn't even handle the dairy industry properly.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Well, that happened a long time ago, and I never personally experienced it, so I don't mind.
By the way, when do we get our time to advertise?
Orangeade Icon.png Orangeade:
Ah! Speaking of, it's about time!
After listening to their advertisement, we'll take a short break and come back!
Stay tuned, folks. They're about to share and answer all your questions!

Part 3.

I just remembered the radio I listened to yesterday.
Not gonna lie. Now I'm craving some after listening to it.
I gently placed my hand on my bloated belly.
I'm still having digestive issues...when will this get better.
But what made them advertise their milk all of a sudden? (Choice)
I checked their sales, but nothing particular grabbed my attention.
Then why...? (Choice)
As I was boarding my train of thought, the elves opened the door.
Judging from the giant milk container, I think they were in the middle of processing it.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Commander, we're here~
We were just talking about what to do as our vote ended up being a tie...and need a rest~
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
It's too much to do a revote...You, got any good ideas?
Sorry, nothing comes to my mind. (Choice)
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Right...so, why did you want to see us?
I just got curious about why you two began promoting your milk. (Choice)
I asked them as I handed over the sales report.
Is there an issue that I do not know about? (Choice)
Then, the two would look at each other and burst into laughter.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
What do you mean~ an issue. Ahaha.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
It turns out I should have just asked him in person after all.
The two took their time to laugh off my question and then looked at me again.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
See, Commander~ We've noticed that you've been avoiding drinking milk lately.
T, that's...(Choice)
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
We noticed You were avoiding milk...and we wanted you to drink ours.
Are you sick and tired of our milk by any chance...?
No. I love Elven Milk. (Choice)
This time, the two showed me a smile of relief.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Then why were you not drinking milk lately?
I suppose I should just be honest than make them overthink.
See...I haven't been digesting properly recently. (Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
See~ I knew it.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Here, this is for You.
I was handed over two cups of mug filled with white and chocolate milk.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
We did ask your secretary...and she said that You seemed to be having some digestive issues.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
So we made milk that won't upset your stomach. What do you say, you think you'll be able to handle this?
See, you should at least empty both mugs for our efforts, okay?
It looks like they warmed the mugs for me to make them comforting.
I suppose it wouldn't be a problem. (Choice)
I started with the white milk. It was light and tasteful. I couldn't find a better word other than it had a very clean taste.
Then, I tried the chocolate milk. It wasn't too sweet but still flavourful enough to leave a pleasant aftertaste.
They're both really good. (Choice)
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
Really? Are they?
Plus, I think having it warm is helping my stomach a little too. (Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
That's good. Here, have some more~
Yeah, I can go for round two -
Wait, but I just finished what was in the mug...(Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Hmm? I thought I said the milk 'we made?'
That sentence suddenly gave me chills all over my back.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
I'll fill the cup again.
As the cup was being filled, so was my anxiety.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
So which do You prefer...white or chocolate milk?
Do I...have to choose? I love all Elven Milks...(Choice)
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Yes, we know, but this is a different story. Our pride and self-esteem are at stake here, okay?
Conveniently, the vote was a tie~ So, Commander, take your time.
Dark Elven Forest Ranger Icon.png Dark Elven Forest Ranger:
You still haven't had enough, right? I'll bring some more.
Elven Forest Maker Icon.png Elven Forest Maker:
Commander, we have a lot of milk left...so you can drink all you want until you make a decision, okay?