Dialogue/Bunny? Niba! Thumpy Thump Reverse Bunny Trouble! 2-9

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Translated by Khosen

Ev2-9 - A Change of Heart
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
I'll show you the true power of a Bunny Slayer...!
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Huh...?! (Choice)
With a cool line, NIBA...
...Began stripping her bunny costume.
I better do something before she hurts someone...
Now's our chance. Get rid of her! (Choice)
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
I'm disappointed in you.
Eh? (Choice)
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Attack her while she's transforming...? That's unacceptable.
... (Choice)
NIBA was still struggling with taking off her bunny costume.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Exactly, Commander. Attacking someone while they're transforming is against the rule.
There is such a rule...? (Choice)
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
I, I see... (Choice)
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Not 'I see,' Master. You shouldn't let these two trick you.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
I didn't expect Miss Perrault to be this heartlessly cruel...
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
I'm truly disappointed. I think I misjudged your character.
Perrault... (Choice)
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Even you, Master?!
And as we were quarrelling...
NIBA seemed she finally finished 'transforming.'
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Witness it! The cry of the reverse bunny!
What the...! (Choice)
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Hmm, so she was hiding that underneath.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Ah...I expected more. What a shame.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
W, what is that absurd clothing?!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Hmm, are they? I've seen a lot of clothing that's similar to hers.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Please be quiet, General Arsenal!
The three kept making comments, but it didn't matter to me anymore, and their voices began fading away.
And slowly, my sole focus was starting to concentrate on NIBA.
No, that's not it... (Choice)
I can fool everyone else but myself.
I... was focused on her clothing.
... (Choice)
Wait, can you even call that 'clothing?'
Or rather...should I even classify those fabrics as 'clothing?'
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Nihehe, how is it! My 'Serious Mode!'
An antinomical clothing; she covered parts of her body she doesn't need to cover and revealed parts she shouldn't reveal.
And as such..., it maximizes the wearer's sexual appeal.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
W, what are you doing, Mr. Bunny Overlord! Why are you coming up to me without saying anything!
This is the definition of ultimate appeal.
The ultimate goal humanity should desire... was standing in front of me.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Nonetheless...the clothing is nothing more than a tool.
It can enhance one's sexual appeal, but it cannot create one that doesn't exist in the first place.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
O, oh...?
And in that sense, I believe what I'm witnessing is a piece of art.
Despite my experience of seeing numerous attractive crews... it mesmerized me and approached NIBA like this.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Uhh, e, excuse me, Mr. Bunny Overlord...?
W, what are you...?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
M, Master?!
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
He's really into it?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
H, he's beyond into it. He's groping her!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Let him have his moment, Manager Perrault.
I don't think...we can talk senses to our Commander at this time.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
H, hnnn...?!
One of the many physical differences a male and a female have.
Some say desire comes from a lack of. As such, it's near impossible for me, a man, to resist when I see one.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
As I grabbed more firmly, my fingers smoothly slid into her soft flesh.
I made sure that my neurons remembered the senses I was feeling currently.
Slowly but surely, my brain was getting used to the stimulus in front of me...And soon, my eyes noticed the heart-shaped stickers covering the tip of her breasts.
Ahh, this is just... (Choice)
And from the stickers, I realized the best part of this name-which-I-do-not-know outfit.
It would reveal parts that shouldn't be revealed. Yet, it would still cover one last forbidden area.
It would show, but it won't allow my access to it.
Kurgh... (Choice)
I'm speechless. I tried my best to grind my teeth to stop crying in tears of joy.
Why...just why did it take me this long to learn this outstanding outfit existed?
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Slowly, I let intuition control my motor function and move my hand along her skin.
Her perfect waistline, her beautiful abs. And...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
J, just what are you think you're doing!
Khurgh?! (Choice)
A perfect tackle from NIBA forced me to take a few steps back. If I recall, Tiequan would call it 'Tetsuzanko.'
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
J,j,j,j,j,j,j,j,just what are you?!
Why would you just start touching my body like that!
Ah... (Choice)
Thanks to her tackle and shouting, I realized what I was doing to her.
What was it that controlled my body and mind until now...?
I'm sorry, it was as if I was being controlled by something... (Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
A sorry, doesn't undo it!
Because of you, because of your behaviour...I, uhh...
...? (Choice)
I realized NIBA's acting weird. She's blushing and twitching. As if she's...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
I, uhh...well...
Wait, are you...? (Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Definitely not!
I didn't accuse anything yet...(Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
...Ni, nihehe. For you to see through My. Only. Weakness! As to expect from an evil Mr. Bunny Overlord!
But the tides have turned now! Now, my senses are highly aware of my surroundings. Therefore, it will be impossible for you to lay a finger on me!
... (Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Now, bunny girls, the evil creatures of Mr. Bunny Overlord! Face my judgement and turn into reverse bunnies!
Oh, so its name's called a reverse bunny? (Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Indeed, Mr. Bunny Overlord! This reverse bunny outfit is the -
I like it. (Choice)
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Best in this world - Eh?
R, really...?
Yeah. (Choice)
And as I thoroughly observed her once again, I realized the outfit lived to its name; a reverse bunny.
Didn't know the world still had such great things left...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Eh, ehehe...really? Really really?
Yeah, I mean it - urgh...? (Choice)
And as I confirmed my stance, she ran towards me and grabbed my waist.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Are you sure? Like, for real?
Y, yeah... (Choice)
I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down.
I'll turn into a mindless beast like earlier if I let my guard down and let this outfit control me...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
If that's the case, then...
If Mr. Bunny Overlord here helps me out ju~st a little bit...
I can turn all~ your friends here into a reverse bunny, you know?
...What? (Choice)
My entire crew...would become one...?
And I thought... I was happy with just seeing one...?
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
What do you say...?
Well, my answer's obviously yes - oh? (Choice)
Suddenly NIBA, who was whispering into my ears, had let my body go.
What is this feeling of significant loss?
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Urgh...I guess it was too much for me...!
I suppose I was pushing the limit, trying to use my 'Special Bunny Act Cute' technique when my body was already heated from earlier...
...B, but!
As if she noticed me disappointed with her retreat, she continued on.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
If you cooperate, numerous reverse bunnies, not just me, will be by your side, you know ~?
And NIBA began slowly approaching me again, this time making sure her body's not touching mine and whispered once more.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
You love it, right? Reverse. Bun. Nies♥
And that's all it took her to change my heart.
(Whispering back) ...I do.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
So you'll help me, right?
Of course.
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Good. Repeat after me then.
'Reverse bunny is the best outfit.'
Reverse bunny...is the best outfit...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
'It's only natural for every bunny girl to become reverse bunnies.'
It's only natural...for every bunny girl to become reverse bunnies...
NiBA Icon.png NiBA:
Good...then do you wanna follow me...? The others are waiting for you.
Nihehe, Nihehehehehe!
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Our Master...just laughed like a villain in a B movie and disappeared...
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Outstanding. Turning a crisis into an opportunity and turning the leader is a fantastic strategy.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
*Sigh...* I thought she was just another idiot...but it looks she's going to cause more trouble than I expected.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Why is that?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Because our Master's mesmerized by her outfit.
It's obvious he'll now spend some time going from one place to another, saying, 'I'll turn you into a reverse bunny!'
To whomever he sees.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
General Arsenal?
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
...My apologies, Manager Perrault. I'm afraid this is the end of the line for us.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Same here.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
I'll join her. It looks like she and I are on the same wavelength.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Excuse me?!
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
*Chuckles,* This is going to be fun.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
No, wait! This is ridiculous...!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
You won't join us, Manager Perrault?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
There is no way I would ever wear such a promiscuous outfit!
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
But the Commander likes it?
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
S, still, it's a no.
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
I see. What a shame.
Well, after you then, Miss Azaz.
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
Y, you two are really leaving?! What about our cafe!
Royal Arsenal Icon.png Royal Arsenal:
Ah, we'll come in for work, don't worry.
Azaz Icon.png Azaz:
Perrault Icon.png Perrault:
B, but...
What just happened...?