Dialogue/Eternal Winter's Ark Sub Story: Amphitrite's Guide to the Orca

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Translated by Khosen

Amphitrite's Guide to the Orca

Part 1. An Angel of the Kitchen?!

Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Big Sis, this is su~per good!
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Mmmhmm. Here's take mine too, Cia.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
*Mumble mumble...* but what about you?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
I'm pretty full.
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
How's the food.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah, yes! I haven't tasted something as good in my entire life. Thank you for looking after us.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
*Yum yum...*
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
You should thank my Master, he specifically told me to take extra care of you both.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah...the Commander did...
Still, we'd like to say how thankful we are to you too, Chef.
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
*Chuckles...* is that so.
Speaking of...may I...ask you a little "Favour"...?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah...yes! Of course. Anything after having this delicious meal. Please, ask away.
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
Ahem. Thank you. See, I wanted to -
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Big Sis, this is su~per good too!
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Right? Our Chef over here prepared it for us.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Uhm...is the Chef a higher rank than the Commander...?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
She's not, but nonetheless, she's someone we should thank for.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Wow...! Ehehe. Thank you, Chef!
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
...D, don't mention it. Then...may I continue?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah, my apologies. You wanted to ask a favour, please, continue.
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
*Chuckles*, it's really not a big deal. I just -
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Aw, I finished it...
Big Sis...Cia is still hungry...
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
C, Cia, one moment. I'm talking to the Chef right now.
F, forgive her. Cia is a little young...
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
But it was su~per good...
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
I'll give you some hardtack when we get back to our room. Just wait a bit, okay?
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
...There's no need for that.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
I was about to ask you to try out the new course menu I came up with and give me feedback.
Since Miss Cia over here is still hungry, allow me to serve you.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
W, would...it be okay? At this rate, we'd be in your debt endlessly...
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
The best way to reward someone who devoted one's life to cooking is by showing me your smiles when I serve you.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Well, then...
M, may I please...have some more, too...?
Sowan Icon.png Sowan:
*Chuckles*, of course. Just give me a few minutes.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Ehehe. Big Sis, it worked out, right~
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Big Sis?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah, yes, Cia. You can eat as much as you want. The Chef is okay with that.
Salacia Icon.png Salacia:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Is this what becoming soft feels like?

Part 2. Window Shopping

Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
So...this is the Saman Industry Shopping Mall...I see a lot of different things...
Special opening sale of the Svalbard Venue...? Ah, that's why...

Wraith Icon.png Wraith:
We failed yet again...master...
Phantom Icon.png Phantom:
We should have gotten here earlier...
Wraith Icon.png Wraith:
The limited-edition cup noodles...will we ever get the chance to taste it...?

Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Limited-edition...ah, I see a sample here. Let's see...
It looks super spicy but tasteful. I, I'd like to...
I, I shouldn't. I'm here to buy a gift for the Commander who took very good care of us.

Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Aren't you going a little ham?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Hmm...I think we can finish it all, no?
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
...Thought you said you gained weight lately.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
...I should be fine. I think.

Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
It even has an endless supply of snacks...Cia would love them...
Alright. I think I should buy one for Cia.
But what's good...? I never tried any...
Emily Icon.png Emily:
This one...
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Yes? This is...
Emily Icon.png Emily:
This one's...good...
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Ah, you recommend it. Thank you.
It was Miss Emily...right?
Emily Icon.png Emily:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Emily Icon.png Emily:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Ah! I'm Amphitrite. I'm under the command of General Dragon.
Emily Icon.png Emily:
Yeah...Amphi...this one's good too...
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Thank you - Oh? Isn't this the limited-edition...
Emily Icon.png Emily:
I've tried one before...
Neodym Icon.png Neodym:
Emily. Kaen is waiting.
Emily Icon.png Emily:
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Thank, you...
...Everyone's so nice here...
I should remember them and send my gratitude later. Anyways, back to getting a gift...

1 and a half an hour later

Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
What...should I choose...? My options are either food or feminine products...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
We good?
Muse Icon.png Muse:
N, not yet...I was trying to see if there's something more subtle...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
Please. When you get the chance, you should choose the most promiscuous one that would make Commander lose his mind!
Like this one.
Muse Icon.png Muse:
T, that one barely covers anything...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
That's my point!
Hmm, well, I'll give you credit for thinking through about this. It is a gift, after all.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Uhh, excuse me.
Muse Icon.png Muse:
Ah, hello...
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
D, does... the Commander...wear those...kind of underwear...?
Doesn't that make him a complete perv...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
Huh? No! Obviously, we would wear it for him. We. Would.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
But didn't you just say it's going to be a gift...?
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
It is. I would be wearing this sexy outfit and seduce Commander?
If this isn't a gift, what is~
Muse Icon.png Muse:
S, Sleipnir...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
Hey now, enough thinking. This is the one.
Muse Icon.png Muse:
T, this...!
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
Hmm...I think you should wear it under what you're wearing right now.
I read it somewhere where it's super effective when a sexy lingerie would appear like bam! Underneath something boring, like the one you're wearing right now.
Muse Icon.png Muse:
H, hold uuuuuuuuup...
Sleipnir Icon.png Sleipnir:
Alright, paid.
See you later~
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
G, goodbye...
I suppose this is the best course of action...
I know it's a little bit too early...but the Commander is an attractive man...
The price...alright, I'd be able to pay for it.
Well then...!

Part 3. I. Am. The. Present ♥

As I was desperately brainstorming what I should do when I'm not working over a cup of coffee, someone knocked on my door.
Come in. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
H, hello, Commander.
Hey. Are you used to Orca yet?
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
I'm getting by, thanks to you, Sir...
...? (Choice)
She was avoiding my eye contact.
Is everything okay? (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Uhn...my sister and I are forever in debt to you, Sir. So...
In hopes of showing our gratitude...I, I prepared a little gift...for you.
I couldn't help myself but make a smile at how embarrassed Amphitrite was.
You don't have to. Salacia shouldn't have as well. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Excuse me?!
Ah, Salacia gave me a gift as well. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
It felt really good. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Salacia told me she felt su~per good too. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Uhh...what's wrong? (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Nothing. I shouldn't be the one judging you. But...
I wanted to protect...Cia...
And Amphitrite finished her sentence, she slowly...
Lifted her skirt up.
Pfft-! (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
This is...the little gift I prepared...
Now that I heard about Salacia...I won't be able to focus...bu...t...?
*Cough!* *Cough...!* (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
C, Commander?!

Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...An electronic massager?
Yeah. I'd been thinking about getting one. (Choice)
Amphitrite seemed to be bummed out as she stared at the vibrating massager.
So Salacia gave me a massage using this, and I gave her one...and, well, that was it. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Uhh, well...would you like one too, Amphitrite? (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
N, no...I'm good, thank you.
See...you don't have to give me anything. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
I couldn't help myself stare at her legs after what just happened.
When Amphitrite noticed it, she quickly covered her legs and asked carefully.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
Are...you sure?
Yeah. Especially when it is this kind of a gift. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
But I heard Miss Muse and Miss Sleipnir were preparing something like this for you...
Ah...w, well, that's a little different... (Choice)
I tried my best to convince her that the two and I have confessed to one another how we felt, and they're just planning a special 'event' for me.
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
I, I see. My apologies.
Well...Uhm...I'm good at crafting...
So...would it be okay if I knitted a sweater or a scarf since it's getting colder...?
Absolutely. I'll look forward to it. (Choice)
Amphitrite Icon.png Amphitrite:
...Yes. It won't take long.
A, and...I heard the lingerie I bought earlier was a final sale. So...
P, perhaps another time...
Amphitrite left the room after saying something that made me wear my thinking cap.
...I'll definitely look forward to it. (Choice)
Honestly, from the short glance I just had, what Amphtrite was wearing was hitting the right spots for me.