Dialogue/(Old) Rose that Blooms atop of Lotus 2-5

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Translated by Khosen

Ev 2-5 - Lure
While I was giving orders to others, Mongus Team reached out.
Soon after I quickly came up with forces that could quickly back them up when necessary.
But still...there are alot of Iron Parasites in the region. (Choice)
And as I was trying to familiarize myself with the surroundings and come with a plan of attack, HongRyeon came in.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Commander, we’re in position.
Anything unusual? (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Besides some Iron Parasites lingering around, no irregularities Sir.
Seems like some of them moved away from the site.
Think you guys alone could handle them? (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We can handle them.
I’ll get ready for the mission. Will contact you once we find her.
Take care. (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Yes Commander.
I ended the call and gathered my thoughts.
From the first time we came into contact with JangHwa, there’s been a lot of things that happened.
I’m glad the Mongus Team, despite what they went through, still pulled through.
It’s time for them to reap what they sowed.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We’ll hold our position here till she re-surfaces.
Everyone, please stay alert and check each other’s 6.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Mother, reporting on what I’ve found.
I see two different groups of Iron Parasites not far from here…
One located on your 45 and the other at 300.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Keep an eye on both, if there’s any suspicious movement please let me know immediately.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Yes, will do.
Hero out.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Do you really think she’ll come?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
From what we know of her, definitely.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We don’t have much time.
We have to find her whatever it takes.
And this is the most effective way.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Thankfully, we’re still in control.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Yeah, we missed her last time because of the Iron Parasites, but this time we have backup ready at our disposal.
As long as we don’t get interrupted, it should work.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
This is Hero, everyone, come in.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
This is Mother, we’re listening.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Team Leader, the Iron Parasites are acting weird.
It’s as if they’re under attack -
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Pinto! What happened!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
It’s JangHwa, she’s engaging with them - Ah!
She’s heading towards us.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
She is? Miho, do you think your bullet can reach the area?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
I don’t see any obstruction, so it’s possible.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Everyone, prepare for battle.
Since it’s an emergency, I won’t answer any questions.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
But Team Leader, JangHwa’s acting strange too.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
She seems paranoid, her attacks don't seem coordinated.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Change in plans. We’ll move towards her.
If both of you think she’s in danger back her up, Mother out.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Do you think something happened to her?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Well, if we knew we’d be able to help her better.
We won’t know for sure until she asks herself.
Team Leader, we’re ready to engage.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Team Leader to all. Our task is to hold JangHwa as long as we can till backup arrives.
There’re a lot of Iron Parasites too, so please be careful.

After the battle

While I was waiting nearby, I heard an explosion.
I immediately reached out to HongRyeon.
I heard an explosion, is everything okay? (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa began attacking the Iron Parasites.
She did? Instead of coming after you guys? (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Seems like she made contact on her way towards us.
Just in case anything goes wrong, I asked Pinto to assist her when deemed necessary.
Alright. We’ll head your way too. (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We’ll move towards JangHwa.
After our call, I asked for an update with the situation from the members who did the recon work.
Seems like with her uncoordinated explosions, all nearby Iron Parasites are headed there.
To back them up, I rushed myself towards the area.
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
Ahahaha! Die, die, die!
Yes, this is it, I don’t have to think about anything. All I have to do is to destroy anything that’s in my path
You just HongRyeon, I’m on my way as we speak.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Watch out!
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
Urgh. What are you up to.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Stop this, it’ll only hurt you.
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
And why should you care whether I get hurt or not?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Mom gets worried if you do!
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
Huh? Worried?
... Why are you all doing this to me?
I don’t need your worthless sympathy!
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Behind you!
I can only cover as much, there’s too many of them.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Team Leader will be here any minute we just have to hold them off just a little longer-
...Tsk. It’s hard to break through.
Miho, we should go around and back her up.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Pinto! How’s the situation?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
She’s right ahead, but surrounded by the Iron Parasites.
We tried to back her up, but they were endless so we had to pull back...
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We need to help her until backup arrives. Everyone get ready -
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
You guys are always in the way…
Huh, you’re here early.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa, just wait a little. We’ll help you -
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
Help me? Seriously cut the crap and prepare to die by my own hands.
You’re making me dizzy and sick, if I kill you I’m sure it’ll all go away.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa, that’s enough. It’ll only hurt you.
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
I don’t care. After I lost everything, killing you was the sole purpose of my life.
And if I can’t even accomplish that, why should I be alive?
What’s the purpose of my life then?
Talk to me! What is it!
HongRyeon, pull back. (Choice)
As I arrived at the scene with my troops, I saw JangHwa and HongRyeon surrounded by Iron Parasites.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Commander, there are still Iron Parasites nearby…
I’ll handle that, you guys get JangHwa to safety. (Choice)
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
All this is futile, I don’t need your help.
Because of you, I’m losing it.
I’ve never felt this way before, and it’s driving me crazy!
HongRyeon slowly approached JangHwa as she began shaking.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
It may seem uncanny and afraid.
No one was around you to teach you about feelings.
And with that HongRyeon spread her arms towards JangHwa with a smile.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
We’ll be here for you from now on…
JangHwa Icon.png JangHwa:
You...will be?
JangHwa hung her head and slowly raised it and looked at HongRyeon.
And at that moment, an Iron Parasite snuck behind her with its gleamy, red eye.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa! Watch out!
HongRyeon threw herself to JangHwa to save her, and with an explosion, both of their silhouettes disappeared.