Dialogue/(Old) Rose that Blooms atop of Lotus 2-2

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Translated by Khosen

Ev 2-1 - Before the Lotus Bloomed


Miho Icon.png Miho:
Thought by calling her “mom” it would make things different.
Wonder how we should get to know her better?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Let's take things slow. I’m sure mom will understand how we feel sooner or later and open up.
For now let’s focus on the mission. She should be back any minute.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Urghh, I wanna take a shower...I feel disgusting…
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Miho Icon.png Miho:
What’s wrong, Pinto?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Uh, it’s nothing. Just my gear kinda feels funny.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Why don’t you get it checked real quick? I’ll tell mom about it.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
No no, it’s okay.
When it’s acting like this I’ll just hit it a few times...heh, see? It works fine now.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yeah, I’m sure it’ll totally work fine.
Go get it checked up properly.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Urgh, fine…
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Well let’s start the briefing for the mission.
Our target location is right here. We’ll approach the location with our search formation. Since we’re detecting multiple signals of
Iron Parasites, keep your head up and be ready to engage.
If we do make contact with the Iron Parasites, we’ll stall until backup arrives, and then when it does, we’ll join forces to
eliminate the threat.
Any questions?
Mongus Team:
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Then as soon as the Commander gives us the green light we’ll begin.
...I’m sorry for dragging you all out after a short break.
Everyone else is also working very hard so, let’s just hang in there a little bit more.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Pinto, did you get your gear checked?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Fortune wasn’t there. So I just made sure it was working fine. I’m sure it won’t cause me any issues.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
That still makes me worried…
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Well our main mission is to keep a check on our enemy. Worst case scenario I’ll just escape.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Commander’s orders. Let’s begin.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Well then I’ll report back when I arrive at my scout point.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Hey, Bulgasari.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
When do you think we can get closer to mom -
...With our Team Leader?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
I mentioned earlier but, all we can do is wait.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
...But when did we get this close with one another?
We were all pretty awkward with each other.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Well at first yeah. We really didn’t care about others as well…
But then if I think about it I kinda get it. We still have an intuitive memory of the old Mongus Team in us.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
I guess our “attitude towards the mission” is a more precise term. The Mongus Team was a counter-terrorist team and… that meant any
one of us could have easily gotten killed in action.
...It’s sad to watch someone very close disappear.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
See, I talked to the Commander about the same thing before because I wanted to get to know you guys better.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Really? What did he tell you?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Nothing much.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
He kinda just smiled at me, and gave me some snacks and drinks so that I could share them with you all.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Oh, I remember this!
This was when uh...you mentioned how weird he is as we were snacking.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Well to be exact…
“What a smug person”
That was the description I used.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
… But you like him now.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Well I understood what he meant a little later. See, after we met up with him, no one got killed in action.
That’s when I realized he meant “stop worrying about losing your friends, and open up.”
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Everyone, Pinto notified there’s a swarm of Iron Parasites approaching towards us. Prepare for combat.
Miho, any visual confirmation?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Ugh, knew it was too peaceful to be true.
Draco, in your position - w, why are you smiling?
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Nothing. I'm just thankful that I got closer to you all.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yeah, me too.

After the battle .

Miho Icon.png Miho:
2 o’Clock, distance 500, 8 more incoming!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
They’re everywhere!
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Thought they were small in their numbers, where are they all coming from?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
They must have set up an ambush nearby.
Mongus Team, remain in current formation and slowly pull back. It seems difficult to stall them until backup arrives.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
I’ll distract them!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Pinto, watch out!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
It’s alright. I do this all the time anyways.
Oi, here now look!
Heh, you can’t hit me with those attacks!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
...We’ll use this opportunity to pull back.
Miho, you should also meet us at the rendezvous point.
Miho’s almost here. Your job is done Pinto, come in.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Okay, heading there no-
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Pinto?! What happened? Come in!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Ugk...one of my propellers malfunctioned and I’m on the ground.
I’ll meet you up at the point by foot - tsk, Iron Parasites…!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Bulgasari, Draco! to Pinto’s location now and rescue her!
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Already on it!
30 seconds before I can provide cover!
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Pinto! you alright?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Urgh...not...a problem...
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
You injured your leg!
Draco! I’ll take her in, stop those Iron Parasites!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Hang in there just a little longer! The cavalry's almost here!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Bulgasari, place Pinto behind the green container on your 7 o’Clock. We’ll set up a temporary defense line there.
Miho you take care of the ones coming from the North, I’ll take the East.

After the battle from the past

HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Is everyone okay?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Uhm...since you didn’t mention anything specific so I sent Draco to bring back Miho...
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
T, Team Leader?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
...I, I’m sorry.
I thought they were fine for the mission...I’m sorry for almost compromising the mission - huh…?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Thank god...I’m really glad you are okay…
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
T, Team Leader…?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
If anything happened to you… I …
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Team Leader...you’re hugging...c,can’t breathe…
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
… Oh
I, I’m sorry. I stepped over the boundaries and made you feel uncomfortable haven’t I…?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
No, you didn’t…

Flashback Ends

Miho Icon.png Miho:
And after that she really opened up. We had those occasional tteokbokki nights too~
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yeah right? She’s like our mom-
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Mom...is it?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
...What do you think of us? Team Leader?
We all think of you as if you were our mom.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Well you guys are a part of the team, a colleague…
And my precious children.
You’ve definitely changed (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
*Shrug* Well I’ll give them all the credit.
But I am still uncertain if I could persuade JangHwa…
Hope as much as I managed to grow to become the person I am today, JangHwa could be too right?
It’s never too late. Let’s work together to bring her in. (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Thank you. Commander.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Okay, but how should we find her?
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Mm...yeah I’m not sure where she’ll be.
Well I did send some troops to secure the city, they should help us locate JangHwa.
We still haven’t been able to search where it’s saturated with Iron Parasites (Choice).
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Well, guess that’s where we’re headed then.
Need back up? (Choice)
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
...With all due respect, would you let us handle it?
She looked at me with her firm, dedicated eyes.
...Alright. But if you need help, please reach out.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Yes, Commander.
We’ll go get ready.