Dialogue/(Old) Rose that Blooms atop of Lotus 1-5

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Translated by Khosen

Ev 1-5 - Journey to the Center of the Secret Facility
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Whew~ guess this place wasn’t that safe after all.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Yeah. There’re a lot of signs of battle everywhere.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
The good thing is that the room where they kept the data isn’t damaged.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
To the Agency, keeping their information from harm is the most crucial.
As a result, we have an emergency backup generator in the room.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Anything we could help?
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Appreciate the offer, but since this is our specialty, leave them to us.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Well we’ll continue to check the perimeter then.
Please let us know if you need anything.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Nicky, do you think you can bring back the power for the entire facility?
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Yeah it won’t be difficult. Why?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
I just wanted to figure out how the entire facility operates while we hack into the system.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Are you two okay with handling the data then?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Should be. We’ll need time to gather all the information, but since right now we’re only looking for that one specific bioroid, it
wouldn’t be a problem.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Got it. Well then I’ll be right back ~
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Okay. Shall we get started?
Let’s see… I’ll just use this to unlock the main database…
Mind if you pass me over the Hacking Tool so that I can bypass the clearance level?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Here. I already nullified the security protocol that’ll censor any sensitive information.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Thanks. Let’s start searching then?
And this should be the last...Got it.
Hmm? Wait…
Hey, take a look at this.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
What is it?
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Think I found some information about her.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
This… could lead to something bigger than I thought.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Exactly, let’s check out the details.
Records: Special Order X1
Under direct orders of: Ángel Rioboros, Head of Black River
Aim: To investigate the recent increase in an act of terror against the company.
Findings 1: There has been a statistical increase in an act of terror against the company. While investigating further into the case, an unknown bioroid with red coloured hair (Will refer to her as R1) has been spotted. R1 has been constantly spotted in different locations that have been attacked, and an investigation in determining whether there’s a causality between R1’s appearance and the attacks is currently underway.
Findings 2: R1 appears to resemble the appearance of C-77 HongRyeon, but the company has no record of creating R1. As a result, 2 hypotheses are suggested. First, the possibility of data leakage of C-77 HongRyeon’s DNA, and the second, the possibility of a group opposing the Head of the company secretly creating one. Since there are no known incident reports on any case of data leak, this investigation focuses on the second hypothesis.
Findings 3: R1 shows extreme aggression towards the counter-terrorism team, and especially towards the company’s own, Team Mongus. Furthermore, R1 appears to also show extreme wrath and obsession towards C-77 HongRyeon.
Conclusion: R1 is a common denominator of the recent increase in attacks towards the company. However, more investigation is needed to figure out who created her, and how C-77’s DNA got leaked.
Follow-up records: Special Order X2
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
There’s a follow up document. Let’s see -
All powers have been restored throughout the facility. All systems rebooting.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Oh the power's back.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
I’m back. Sorry it took longer than I expected.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
No worries. We were just looking into what we’ve discovered. I see you restored the power.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Well it is my specialty.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
By the way, if the whole system’s rebooting, wouldn’t the security system reboot too?
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
It shouldn’t be a problem. My clearance level is pretty high, so if I do this…
Oh, it says I don’t have system access unless I’m a part of this specific facility?
Warning. Warning. An unknown armed group has infiltrated the data room.
Security protocol Alpha has been issued, security protocol Alpha has been issued. All forces to eliminate the intruders immediately.
Security AGS:
Warning. Warning. Drop your weapons and surrender immediately.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Hey we’re also a part of Agency 080. We’re under the direct orders of the last surviving human.
Security AGS:
Only the members of the current facility may give direct orders to this security AGS.
Last warning. Drop your weapons and surrender immediately.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
My gosh. These things are never flexible.

After the battle.

Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
These AGSs are just piling up. This isn’t going to end anytime soon.
Anyone have any good plans?
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Working on it, give me a minute.
You do not have authority to access the facility’s security protocol. Access denied.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Mmm… This is a really annoyingly intact security system.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Any other ideas?
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Well I can’t access it unless I’m registered…
The best way would be then…
To just give it a whack!
Detecting - impact - on the security console, system shut…
Security AGS:
Security Console Destroyed. Security System. Shutting down.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
See? Hitting a machine a few times makes it work better!
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
*Sigh*... can’t believe this is what they call a special agent…
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Sometimes thinking outside the box brings a good outcome.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Haha. The ends justify the means. Anyways, is everybody alright?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
I’m not hurt.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
I’m fine too.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
That’s good. Ah, I see Team Mongus.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Is no one hurt? All AGSs that were in our way got shut down.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
We’re fine, is everything okay out there?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Yes, we currently are not detecting any signs of potential threat.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
That’s good, well from what we gathered so far, we still lack information about her.
However, since Ángel decided to give direct orders himself, we know for sure that she is unique and extremely dangerous.
We managed to open some documents before the battle, so let’s check that out first.
Records: Special Order X2
Under direct orders of: Ángel Rioboros, Head of Black River.
Aim: To investigate Maria Rioboros and her followers.
Findings 1: While investigating the Head’s step-sister Maria Rioboros, a hostile force including the elders of Rioboros was discovered. After a more in-depth investigation, the members of the force are confirmed to be individuals who had previously shown hostility towards the company.
Findings 2: Maria Rioboros declared herself as an Empress of the family, and multiple unidentified bioroids were confirmed on sight serving under her command. Of those unidentified bioroids, a visual of R1 has also been spotted. Furthermore, as a result of espionage, it is confirmed that R1 was indeed built based upon C-77 HongRyeon’s DNA, and given the name of “JangHwa”.
Conclusion: With this and the findings from Special Orders X1, it is thus plausible to conclude that JangHwa and other unidentified bioroids are currently serving Maria Rioboros. Furthermore, the purpose of the attack written in X1 is seen to be an attack by Maria Rioboros to undermine Ángel Rioboros’ influence. Currently, intels have gained access to JangHwa's DNA sequence, and it is currently stored at the Yokohama Branch. After researching further into her DNA, the Yokohama Branch research group concluded that JangHwa was built based upon C-77 HongRyeon’s DNA. Her DNA is still stored at this location for further investigation.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Well this is something.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
I didn’t expect this at all.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa... with my DNA?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
She’s built based on your DNA, but it seems like her personality is completely different from you, HongRyeon.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Just because you share the same DNA doesn’t mean you are identical.
From time to time a mutation may occur and a special entity may appear from a normal one.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Yes, that is not unheard of.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
And the reason why she shows aggression...
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
The only clue for that right now is that she was under orders to engage in an act of terror by Maria.
Guess the only explanation as of now then would be that she became obsessed with Team Mongus as they got in her way.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
But still… can’t quite figure out why she’s so hostile towards us.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Let’s see if we can find any more -
Announcement: With the destruction of the security console, all further access to the database is denied. Requesting further authentication from a member registered to this facility.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Guess this is because someone decided to destroy the console to nullify the security system.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
What, it’s not like we had any other choice?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Yes, but how are we supposed to gather further intel now?
We need clearance to access the database, and none of us got one.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
If we need clearance, we just have to find the administrator of this place.
Leanne Icon.png Leanne:
And where do we find the administrator...ah!
I’ll check the DNA seed bank.