Dialogue/(Old) Rose that Blooms atop of Lotus 1-2

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Translated by Khosen

Ev 1-2 Red Rose
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
...You, I forgot how you sounded when you screamed?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Kuk, I can’t move…
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Get away from our mom!
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Team Leader, you alright?
Who is she…
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Wait. Please don’t tell me, you guys don’t actually know me at all?
That’s odd. I was a living nightmare for you all.
Hey. Big sis, do you not recognize me too?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
...You must be someone who lived and survived the Extinction War.
We do not know you. Drop your weapon and surrender yourself immediately.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Ahahahaha! Good, this is very good!
Great, I can finally relive the same excitement I felt when I first met …
You all..!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Everyone behind my shield!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Choco Fox! Hero! Come in, Status report!
And request HQ for back up -
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Take this!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Huh...what is this?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
It’s a remote explosive!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
I need to protect...our mom…
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
What. This is too easy. You guys don’t even carry signal jammers with you?
How long have you guys been living in peace?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Just, why…
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Why? Ahahaha!
Well… Wonder why I do this?
Because I lost my family a long time ago because of Team Mongus?
Because I went through all those horrendous experiments?
Or...I thought what I was doing was right, but in reality it wasn’t?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Nope! I just want to kill you, that's all!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Let...go...of me.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
I won’t. I haven’t seen you in a long time~
Right. Why don't we go have some more fun?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Here, let me hear you scream! Show me that face!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
… Again, that family play.
I’ll rip you all apart in pieces…!
Miho Icon.png Miho:
Miho! Now!
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Shit, it grazed…!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
*Cough*, *cough*.
Draco, Bulgasari, are you guys alright?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yes! Hey, Draco, wake up!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Her combat ability is stronger than we anticipated. Let’s fall back for now.
Miho and I will cover, Pinto take Bulgasari and Draco -
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
That won't be necessary.
Play somebody off against somebody, right?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
...Smart move, Pinto.
Oi, Draco, wake up! Iron Parasites are on their way here!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
...Thanks, Pinto.
This is Team Leader to all. We will find a safe passage, fall back slowly! Over.

After the battle.

JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Hmm, this is all you could have thought of?
What now? Nothing’s changed?
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Heh, at least we bought some time.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
...Uh huh, sure.
You guys did mention something about HQ
So you guys have some sort of foundation? Where is it? Are there more of you guys there?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Hmm, you won't say? Well…
Guess I’ll have to get rid of you all before the calvary arrives.
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
I won’t let you touch a single finger on our mom - ugh...
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Stay behind me, I’ll handle this.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
...Hmm. Well this is something new.
Kehehe, this is getting more and more amusing!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Watch out!
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Yeah, you! You would always get on my nerve, flying around like an insect!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Team Mongus, all commence to combat plan R.
Bulgasari and Pinto go cover for Draco!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Oww, that hurts…
You guys...aren’t exactly acting as how I remembered?
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
I do not know how our team was like in your memory, but as of now we are under the Orca Resistance.
Surrender immediately.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Ahahahaha! Surrender?
If you want me to come in… do it over my dead body…!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
You alright? Told you to stay behind!
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
Heh, can’t just stay behind…
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
Someone’s full of herself.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
I no longer have clear vision, moving to a better position!
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
On it!
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
It’s really getting boring...how long do y’all want to play tag?
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
Yeah, we’re getting pretty tired too.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
…! When did this ice form?!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
It’s over. Surrender yourself.
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
...You’re joking right?
Over? Just by freezing my foot?
Kuk, urghaaaaaaaaa…!
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
S, she’s... breaking the ice…?!
JangHwa Icon.png ??:
*Sigh*, *sigh*...
You guys will regret not killing me when you had the chance.
Just like the good old days…!
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
Won’t let you escape!
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
No stop, we won’t chase her.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Not only is Draco injured, it’ll cost us too much.
On top of that, if we chase too deeply, Miho might get isolated.
Pinto Icon.png Pinto:
… Okay.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
...Everyone, status report please.
Bulgasari Icon.png Bulgasari:
I’m fine. But Draco’s…
Steel Draco Icon.png Steel Draco:
I’m fine, really.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Alright. Miho, come in, status report.
Miho Icon.png Miho:
I’m fine. I used up all my ammo though…
Ah, just confirmed the visuals of Combat Sustainment Units. Approaching from the East side.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Direct them to point E. We’ll start heading there too.