Dialogue/Wolf's Fang of Fury 3-4

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Translated by Khosen

Ev3-4 - For the Master!
Dryad Icon.png Dryad:
Phew, I think that's the last one of the Iron Parasites in this area.
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
Yeah, all there is left is to repair the field and ensure the crops are alright. I can't emphasize how happy I am to finally find a mission where we're needed...
Dryad Icon.png Dryad:
Hehe, I thought it was a stupid dream of mine to wish for the day when we would get a chance to look after a beautiful plantation like this one.
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
I feel you. But this farm seems a little lonely...it's as if the crops are feeling sad.
Dryad Icon.png Dryad:
They're abandoned all these years and were used as a fuel to reap and sow the next generation of corn repeatedly...
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
The gardens we took care of all disappeared from the Extinction War, but the flowers in the gardens were shining brightly until the very end. It was as if they were trying to tell us our affection towards them meant something.
So even if it'll be for a brief moment, let's give them all our love and affection.
Dryad Icon.png Dryad:
Affection...right. But uhm, everyone has... well, a different kind of affection towards corn, the one that's different from us gardeners...
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
Ah~ that's...right. Just what happened? I don't know where such a rumour started...
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
...Corn...an accurate, depiction...
Urghhh...I can't...no matter how many times I look at this. This is impossible! I'll die if something like this enters me!
This could be fate testing my love, but it's just too cruel...something's this long and thick!?
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
Hey, Big Sis? Don't treat what everyone else is saying to be all true.
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
Oh? You're confident that this is just a rumour? Does this mean you know the truth?
Just what do you mean when you say it's not true? How can you be so calm after seeing all this? Elaborate, Dafne!
Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
No, uhm....I, I just thought there's no way the rumours could be true, that's all...
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
Oh my, a sisterly quarrel? That's not a good sight, Stalker. Just look at you panicking. What a sight.
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
And why are you giggling brainlessly, you Vermin? Don't you have any thoughts that cross your mind after seeing this corn? Do you really have nothing in between your ears?
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
*Chuckles,* what a pity. You still live in a delusion that's far from reality.
Don't you get it? Us Companions are with the Master 24/7. It's to ensure we're at his service whenever he requests.
That would include helping him in the bathtub or dressing him up. In other words, unlike the rumours, I know the exact shape of my Master. It makes me burst into laughter after hearing about these foolish events.
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
What a worthless Vermin you are indeed. What's the point of having such an important task when you can't even utilize it? You don't even have basic medical knowledge, do you?
Allow me to give you a lesson. See, a male's genital organ, when given an electrical signal from the brain from a stimulus -
Changes! Its shape!
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
...Yeah, but there's still a limit...
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
I kid you not when I mean changes its shape.
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
If you think I'm lying, check it out yourself. If you ever get lucky enough to do so, that is.
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
S, so what if? It's about the ability to take it in! It'll simply mean my love towards the Master will be tested. So yeah, there's nothing to fear!
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
Being sturdy was one of your strengths, sure. I was told you'd even survive a nuclear strike, no?
But that's when it comes with an attack from the outside. Think about it; what would happen if a weapon stirred you up from inside your stomach? Just imagine...
You. Will. Be. Broken.
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
...And what if I do?
Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith:
What's wrong with being broken? I, Black Lilith, swore in front of my Master that every living cell of my body belongs to him!
If I can receive the boiling lust from my Master, I'd die happily in the process! Corn has nothing on me! I'd gladly eat up how many that show up at me!
My eagerness is beyond any level you are on, you Stalker!

*Sparks of lightning emerge between the two*

Daphne Icon.png Daphne:
U, Uhm, sorry to interrupt, but a few Iron Parasites that managed to survive is approaching us...
Black Lilith Icon.png Black Lilith & Scissors Lise Icon.png Lise:
I'll annihilate those parasites!!!
Dryad Icon.png Dryad:
'...Ah, to appear in this timing...poor souls.'