Dialogue/Wolf's Fang of Fury 2-6

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Translated by Khosen

Ev2-6 - Khan the Swift

Before the battle

*****! *****!
Khan Icon.png Khan:
...That's, not the enemy? Ahh, right. Khan, that's supposed to be my name.
I woke up, merged two consciousness into one, and returned to my usual self. The object hovering before me turned out to be First Sergeant Impet of Steel Line.
Impet Icon.png Impet:
General Khan! You made it! ...Uhm, are you alright, Ma'am?
Khan Icon.png Khan:
Yes, I am. Where exactly am I?
Impet Icon.png Impet:
3KM south-east from our HQ. We've already secured the premises.
Khan Icon.png Khan:
Good. The enemies I've baited into following me will be here any minute. Can I count on you to deal with them?
Impet Icon.png Impet:
Yes, Ma'am. Colonel Pheonix is also on her way here. So you can leave the rest to us!
Khan Icon.png Khan:
One more thing. Quick Camel and War Wolf are still engaging with hostile threat 8KM that way. So I'd like to request backup for those two too.
Impet Icon.png Impet:
Understood. Our soldiers are ready to strike back! Thank you for fighting them off this long, Ma'am!
Khan Icon.png Khan:
Well, I'll return and regroup with our main troops. I'll leave them to you.
Impet Icon.png Impet:
Roger that!
Alright, I've nothing more to add, Colonel. Do we have enough ammunition?
Phoenix Icon.png Phoenix:
Of course we do! I can see them as clear as day from above. One, two, three...whoa, there're a lot! So these guys are all members of Khan's fan club? Damn, what a rising star!
All troops, stand back! After showering them with our missiles and cannons, we'll charge at once. Don't worry; we'll flatten the surface and make it easier for all of you to run at them!
Impet Icon.png Impet:
We're good on the ground. Fire when ready!
Phoenix Icon.png Phoenix:
Alright! Time to bomb them back to the stone age!
Kya~ I've always wanted to say that out loud!

After the battle

Khan Icon.png Khan:
...And that concludes my report on our enemies' location and the coordinates for the wounded.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Good work. Finally, we have all the pieces to solve the puzzle. It's time to strike back.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Once the main troops engage with the enemy, we, Team Mongus, will attack their flanks and rescue the wounded.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
You've done great, Khan. Get some rest.
Khan Icon.png Khan:
No, getting more ammunition is what needs to be done first. I'd also like to request IV fluids and a stimpack.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
You're planning on going back to the battlefront? That's insane! Your vitals are already showing that you're at your limit!
Khan Icon.png Khan:
I know enemies are still out there, and others are still fighting. That means there's only one thing left for me to do.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
...Sergeant, you've heard the lady. On your feet and get those supplies she requested. Hurry.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Yes, I understand, Ma'am. Right away.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Should we make changes to our rescue plan too?
Khan Icon.png Khan:
No, I don't have enough space on my plate to carry rescue supplies with me. I'll open up the path, so please follow me.
I'll navigate the shortest route towards the wounded.
HongRyeon Icon.png HongRyeon:
Understood. This would be an excellent opportunity for my girls to watch and learn the military tactics of Khan the Swift.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...Here's the equipment you've requested. But Ma'am, at least allow me to tape around those wounds...
Khan Icon.png Khan:
That'd be unnecessary. Time's the essence for us. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Ma'am, would she be alright?
Marie Icon.png Marie:
There's one golden rule to ensure unity amongst different bioroids from different groups in Orca. That is to never expect the rules and norms amongst your group/squad/troop would apply to anothers'. On top of that, Khan's the leader of the Horde. So you mustn't question and interfere with her judgement.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...But can't we at least send a flying unit with her? Normally, she'd charge at the enemy with support from her rear.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Improvising would never work well with her tactics involving her wolves. It'll only slow her down. Don't worry, Sergeant, she'll come out victorious.
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Let me let you know one thing so you can be included in the loop.
A while ago, Doctor wanted to analyze and quantify what was behind Khan's ability. As a result, she drew samples from her tactics, judgement, and behavioural patterns and created an AI to be put into simulated mock battles.
The AI was placed in simulation modules that reflected the battlefields from the Allied War and Extinction War period to test out how far it could make. The results were -
It took roughly 700,000 trials for the AI to learn to survive for at least 24 hours.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Theoretically speaking, how Khan engages in battle would 'most certainly lead to her death.'
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
B, but, in reality...
Marie Icon.png Marie:
Exactly. Khan's been fighting for over 100 years on the battlefield, where she could have died at any given moment.
On paper, her chances of pulling that off would be 1 in 25,000,000,000.
Can you imagine the odds? Well, at the very least, our logic and rationality can't explain how Khan pulls it off every time.
Someone who pulls off an impossible miracle every single time. That's 'Khan the Swfit,' the warrior we know.