Dialogue/Wolf's Fang of Fury 3-3

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Translated by Khosen

Ev3-1 - The Grand Corn Era

Before the battle

LRL Icon.png LRL:
Wow, it's true! A giant corn field! Just like what Draco had said!
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
It's fantastic! Everything's all yellow! Are these all corn?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Yes, it is! Orca is facing The Grand Corn Era no one has seen before! And finally, we've found our mountain of treasure!
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
Oh, so the rumours were true? But why?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Eh? Hmm, yeah, why? When I asked Amy, she made a weird face and changed the subject...
Anyways! According to a trustworthy source! We can now exchange corn with a tuna can with a 1:1 ratio!
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
Eh, for real? That's awesome! How many can I trade for a chocolate bar?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
I'll have to get back to you with that, but I'm sure it's th~is much!
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
Wow, really!?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Just think about how many tuna cans and chocolate bars you could get from this corn field, Earl Alvis.
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
I'll probably be able to build a castle from it~! This ain't a dream, right?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
It's El Dorado upon our sight! Mwahahahaha! It's finally time to let everyone on Orca know the greatness of I, LRL!
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
But hey, corns kept growing even after the disappearance of humans? Isn't that a little weird?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Look over there. A robot's watering it. Even after their masters' disappearance, a machine can't stop working. The sad
fate of automata.
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
A robot...but isn't it still weird? Why are these machines here not infected by the Iron Parasites?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
That's...because~ yeah, why?
Thunder Chik:
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
Hey, over there, isn't that an infected robot?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Yeah, I think so. And it's looking right at us.
LRL Icon.png LRL & Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
... Ahhhhhhhhh, Iron Parasites!
Griffon Icon.png Griffon:
Found you two! Just what are you two kiddos doing!?
Alvis Icon.png Alvis:
Griffon, save us! The Iron Parasites are after us!
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Urgh, I wondered why I was asked to scout this area! I didn't think we had two fools who'd actually sneak in!

After the battle

Orca's facing a grand era of corn. From what I've heard, corn is regulated amongst our crew at a similar price as tuna cans.
And coincidently, our scouting squad discovered an automated corn field operating all these years. It looks like the end of human civilization didn't stop agriculture.
How's that possible, though? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
It looks like the factory uses leftover crops as biofuel and runs itself indefinitely. It's a highly efficient system,
but I am surprised how it lasted over 100 years without any maintenance...
On top of that, numerous crew were caught sneaking into the corn field under the radar of their superiors.
...But why corn? (Choice 1)
I thought we didn't have an issue with the food supply (Choice 2)

(Leads to the same outcome)

Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
For some reason, even Constantia is blushing and finding it hard to answer my question. Hmm, what's going on?
Anyways, the issue at stake here is that a fully automated system is prone to be infected by the Iron Parasites. I've seen numerous factories that turned out to be such a case.
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Since the machines were mainly used for agriculture, they're not a threat as military AGSs, but they're nonetheless still dangerous.
I don't see a problem with just ignoring their presence, but those crews who decide to sneak into the field go in small numbers. And when faced with an enemy, that could be an issue.
What to do about this... (Choice)
That's why I asked the Sky Knights to quickly sweep the area, and the two mischievous were caught red-handed immediately this morning.
Everything will go away if I can find a way to end this corn era, but everyone changes the subject when I ask them about what's going on.
I can always use brute force and get rid of hostile forces...but it's not like the field, and the factory has any strategic value to us.
Constantia, would you bring up the scout reports of the nearby area on the map, please? (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Yes, they're...now up.
I've noticed a few markers as a placeholder around the map. And that made me remember how there're a few scattered small groups of bioroids around the area who're still contemplating whether or not to join us.
If we take care of the corn field issue, I'm sure it'll improve the food supply situation for them. They're no strategic value for us as we're planning to depart from this area, but I'm sure it's an excellent opportunity to send a message of what Orca wishes to accomplish in this world.
Alright. Let's get rid of the Iron Parasites from the automated farm. I'll then open the storage to the public. (Choice)
Constantia Icon.png Constantia:
Understood. I'll go ask Armand to come up with a mission plan.
Anways...corn, huh. Well, I thought tuna cans were interesting at first.
But why all of a sudden?