Dialogue/Orca Date Contest Sub Story: S, Salute! Second Lieutenant Habetrot Reporting for Duty...!

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Translated by Khosen

S, Salute! Second Lieutenant Habetrot Reporting for Duty...!

Part 1.

Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I'm sorry, Sir!
...Hmm? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for not knowing what I should have known, Sir!
Habe...trot? (Choice)
I woke up to Habetrot apologizing in my room.
What's wrong? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Though I've been commissioned recently, I'm still a uniformed officer. And yet I made this crucial mistake...
I don't deserve my title, no! I'm a disgrace to Steel Line! I'm sorry again, Sir!
Uhm, so what's wrong...? (Choice)
A few potential scenarios went past my head.
Were you disrespectful to Impet? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
H, how could I ever be disrespectful to her...!
Never! That never happened!
I may be newly commissioned, still know my ground rules.
Well, uhm... (Choice)
Oh, is it this?
Did you make a billing error? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Sergeant Gnome and Corporal Silky's been helping out with supplies. There's no issue with it.
Although, I should really take control and end with this transition phase...I feel sorry for the two.
That wasn't the correct answer too? (Choice)
Well then...
Did Brownie do something again? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Ahhhh! No, Private First Class Brownie didn't do anything!
So she did do something. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
There was a slight miscommunication...it's alright, Sir.
She only ruined my uniform...and I know she meant no harm.
I was really touched by her benevolence. Once again, I'm truly honoured to be serving under the great Steel Line...
A, and I had the audacity to make such a huge mistake...!
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Sir!
Hmm... (Choice)
I'm really clueless as to what she might have done wrong.
Just tell me, what happened? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Recently, Orca threw a 3rd-anniversary party for you, right, Sir?
Ah... (Choice)
I remember. From the moment I woke up, the two who were with me from the start took me to a place where everyone was there to celebrate my birthday.
With a giant cake in the center.
Yeah, I was really grateful that they did that for me...but what about it? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Including General Marie, every member of Steel Line was there to celebrate your birthday, Commander...
And, a meager Second Liuetant, I...!
So that's why? (Choice)
Habetrot was not there as she only joined us fairly recently.
But that wasn't her fault; there was no need for her to apologize.
You don't have to worry about it. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
The party was over when you joined us, Habetrot. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
So you don't have to beat yourself up about it. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
No, it's not because I wasn't present at the party, Sir.
Hmm? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Well, that's part of the reason, but I think I'm a disgrace because...!
I've never personally congratulated you or prepared a gift for you...Sir.
Well, I mean, I know her plate's already full as she just joined us, so I think it's understandable.
Hey, don't worry about... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I was informed of the great things you've done so far, Sir!
Not only did you rescue General Marie, but you planned thoroughly so that Steel Line became the great troop it was once again!
I shouldn't take all the credit for... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I've heard the first thing you've done when you opened your eyes in this world was to fight those Iron Parasites. You've not only defeated the Star Child, but you've also rescued all those refugees against the Lemonades of PECS!
And on top of that, I know you spend tirelessly day and night accommodating everyone aboard Orca...and here I am, not even repaying you for all the things you've done for us...
I shouldn't be taking credit for everything Habetrot had said. I would not have accomplished any of those without the help of everyone else.
I appreciate how she highly regards me, but I think she slightly deifies me...
It's all right... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Please give me a few days, Sir!
I, Second Lieutenant Habetrot of Steel Line, will do whatever it takes to come up with a gift you'll enjoy, Sir!
No, you really don't have to... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I'll excuse myself now, Sir!
I blinked my eyes a few times as I stared at Habetrot leaving and decided to sit up straight.
I've been getting reports about her. I heard she's spending her free time pulling all-nighters, getting used to her position and studying field manuals.
I hope she can go a little easy on herself. (Choice)
She reminded me of how I used to brim over with enthusiasm and failed to improve our supplies situation.
... (Choice)
Well, I should get changed first since I'm awake.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
M, my apologies...I mean! S, Salute!
I forgot to salute on my way out, urghh...I'm sorry, Sir!
... (Choice)
I was bare naked when Habetrot came back in, and we made eye contact.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
E, excuse my intrusion, Sir!
With a face redder than a tomato, Habetrot rushed out of my room.
She's still new here...and I know she's still getting used to everything, so I understand...but.
It would have been nice if she had closed the door on her way out... (Choice)
A chill wind blew in from the corridor.

Part 2.

Silky Icon.png ??:
Silky Icon.png Silky:
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes?! What's wrong? Are we under attack?!
One moment! Let me check our equipment...
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Are you alright, Ma'am?
If you're unwell, we can wrap up here. You should get some rest.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I've noticed how you'd doze off standing still, Ma'am.
I can handle the military supplies as that's been my job till now. So please don't push yourself too much.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I, it's alright!
I know how you two were in charge as there was no one in charge, right? It's my job now, and I should learn faster.
Let's get going.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
...What do you think, Sarge?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
I was told she frequently pulls an all-nighter. She's definitely over-pushing herself.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I'm worried for her.
...Should we report this?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
...We should, as a family, we should look out for one another.
I'll notify him.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Phew! Now I understand. So this is how it's done.
Highlighting here...and ah! I should also go over what I learned yesterday.
And read more training manuals and battle logs, and come up with something Commander would enjoy...
I don't know, what would the Commander want!?
It wouldn't be as great as the birthday party, but I'm sure he'll like something!
What would General Marie or Colonel RedHood have...? What would everyone else here prepare him as a gift...?
I'll write down anything that comes to my mind first and eliminate the list. And if all else fails...
These pair I have, they're just big...and it's impossible to find a bra that fits my size...
But would he...like these...?
That would be insane! How dare I possibly imagine someone like me doing all sorts of things with him...!
Let's create a list first!
Hmm...well, since I'm going to eliminate things as I go...
Maybe I should write myself down as a potential gift for him...
A, and I'm done...now let's try eliminating things one by one on this list!
Huh! I almost fell asleep again. I still have a lot to do...
But maybe just a power nap...
As I came by to turn off the light, I saw Habetrot sleeping.
... (Choice)
I asked Gnome and Silky to give me a heads up if they thought Habetrot needed some assistance a few days ago.
They did tell me how she literally fell asleep standing up straight. (Choice)
At first, I decided to give her a visit the next morning as I also had some paper works to do, but I chose not to wait just in case and...
She stayed here until this hour, huh. (Choice)
And then I took a peek at the sheet of paper she had on her desk. It was a list with things like 'Cooking Contest,' 'Valentine Gift,' 'Idol Project,' and many other redacted ideas.
This was kind of her, but I'm also worried about how she's overworking because of me.
Hope she doesn't get sick. (Choice)
Instead of waking her up, I covered her body with my coat.
One gift idea stood out as I was about to leave after writing a memo to remind her to take a break.
And I circled around it after a slight chuckle.
Goodnight, Habetrot. (Choice)
I sneaked out after turning the lights off.

Part 3.

Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
S, salute! Good morning, Sir!
Hey, good morning. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Ah, yes! It was a good morning after waking up with...
No! That's not what I was trying to say!
I apologize for making you worried, Sir!
I grabbed Habatrot by her shoulders as she continuously moved her head up and down to apologize.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
There's no need for you to lower your head like that. You don't have to apologize. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
But...I still made you worried...
I don't know how I should apologize for the inconvenience I caused...urgh...
F, first off, I've washed and dried the coat you lent me. Here it is, Sir!
The coat she gave back to me was as good as new. Just how hard did she try washing it?
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I brought it back as soon as possible as I figured you'd need it in this weather, but...
If! If you would kindly give me another day, I'll make sure it's even cleaner...!
Nah, this is great. (Choice)
I changed into the coat she brought.
Thanks, this feels like brand new. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
D, does it? Ehehe, I'm glad...
Ah! Were you trying to say how you preferred your coat before I washed it?
Huh? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I made yet another mistake! I was so preoccupied with the thought of making it look clean...!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Sir!
Haha... (Choice)
I reached out to my drawers and grabbed a few candies.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Sir? Candies?
Eating something sweet helps you relax, apparently. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I, is that true...
Well...Thank you, Sir.
I could tell she was getting relaxed as she ate those candies. Maybe next time, I should have some sweet dessert prepared in my room.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
It's sweet...tasty...
Aren't you tired of all the overtime you pull off every day? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Oh, pardon?! How did you know, Sir...?!
Out of everyone aboard, I should be the one to stay on top of things. (Choice)
Well, Marie and RedHood know about it too, but I guess I'll stay quiet as I don't want to burden Habetrot.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I, I see...as expected from you, Sir, the all-knowing.
But no, I'm not tired. In fact, I enjoy it.
I still have much to learn... but I know I'll be able to assist others one day, and that thought keeps me going!
Well, there's still a long way ahead of me...
How's your gift idea coming along? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Gift ideas...Ah!
I, I was about to brief you on it, but, before that... if I may...
Habetrot began to mumble and looked at me, blushing.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Did you...circle around that item on the list, Sir?
You mean if I circled around 'Me'? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I, I knew it!
I was just following my train of thought, urghhh! I didn't expect you to visit me at that hour...! I, I'll remove it.
But that's what I want. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I'll make a few calls. (Choice)
I'm pretty free today. I finished all Orca Date Contest related work last night.
I sat up straight and stretched and asked.
See you in maybe two hours? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:

Part 4.

I was a little early.
But Habetrot seemed to have come out earlier than me as she was waiting for my arrival.
She was wearing the same uniform, but she looked different. Maybe those are new?
I said hi as I approached Habetrot was using the fountain water as a mirror to fix her attire.
Did I keep you waiting? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Kya?! Commander!
I caught Habetrot as she was about to fall off.
Whoa, watch out. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
T, thank you. No, Salu -
No saluting today. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Isn't it a little odd to salute one another on a date? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
A, a date...! A Second Lieutenant on a date with the Great-One-And-Only-Commander...!?
Wait, it's not a date? (Choice)
As I pretended to be disappointed, Habetrot closed her eyes.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Ah...! No, it is a date!
I won't salute! So, uh, Sir...
Her hand was trembling as I held on to it to help her relax. She's really nervous, huh.
Date it is then? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes...it is...
Is there anywhere you'd like to go? Or eat? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I, I was designed to be a soldier...I'm not aware of what to do in situations like this...
Mind if I bring you to where I looked up then? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
You did?
It looked neat. Let's go. (Choice)
We spent time walking around the Ark.
At first, she was stiff as ever.
But as we began riding rides at a mini amusement park, ate delicious snacks, and went sightseeing, I knew she was having a blast.
Soon, it was sunset, and the stores began to close one after another. And only the source of light in the Ecology Sector were the street lamps.
We decided to go for a walk before calling it a day.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Wasn't that amazing, Sir? I didn't expect a giant tiger to appear from a chakram like that!
Not to mention how good the parfaits tasted! Sergeant Gnome knows how to cook.
Did you have fun today? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes, I had -
But suddenly, Habetrot froze still.
What's wrong? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
...You did this for me.
I should have been the one who should have made you happy. But I ended up being spoiled by...
That's not true. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I really had fun today. (Choice)
Habetrot was rich and honest with her emotions. They were the same old snacks and entertainment, but everything was new for her.
She would laugh to her heart's content when she found something amusing or jump out of her skin when something frightened her.
And just looking at her having a blast made me happy.
How're things back at Steel Line? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I still have a lot to learn...
You don't have to hide anything from me. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Tell me what's really on your mind. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
You're right. I shouldn't hide anything from you, the Commander.
Well, I guess I'll open up.
The truth is, I was originally designed to assist in administrative and telecommunication duties. Engaging in battle was far from my specialty.
But, being assigned here in Orca, I learned I'm not a great help in battle, and my specialty is not really my strength compared to others. And that made me anxious.
'I really need to start doing my part. That's how I won't burden others.'
'Why am I like this? Why am I not enough?' And began self-hating.
You're really fast with your transition, though, Habetrot? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes? I am?
I was a complete joke when I first started. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
And so I told her everything I've done, all my failures for the past three years, to Habetrot, who seemed to only know my success stories.
From my failure to secure supplies
To how I passed out from over-work one Christmas, trying to be a Santa Claus. Or how I assigned my crew to a team without thinking about their synergy.
Habetrot refused to believe I had to deal with trial and error, but soon, she began listening to what I had to say.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
You...also went through what I went through, Sir?
Do you think I'm lying? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
No! I didn't doubt you. I was just...I can't possibly imagine...
For the perfect Commander I've always known to have gone through such a phase...
We all go through that phase. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
We all...
That includes Marie or RedHood. (Choice)
Anyone who joins us goes through that transition phase, anyone. And that's natural.
They're just getting used to a new environment.
It's not their fault, and it's alright. Time does its trick. To help one go through onboarding, others will be there to support and assist. For Habetrot, I know she has the entire Steel Line behind her back.
So don't get anxious over it. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I'll try extra hard to live up to your...!
No more 'extra-hard.' (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
It's good to be enthusiastic, but it's equally important to look after yourself. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Well, Sir. If I may, then...
Yeah? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
May I still work until midnight?
I was fine until now. It was just I was pulling an all-nighter or... two this time, so...
... (Choice)
I gently stroked her hair as she asked for my permission.
Just promise me you'll take care of yourself. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes! I promise.
Good. It's a promise then, okay? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Now...I understand.
Why...everyone would say all those things about you...Ehehe.
And, Sir...?
Habetrot began playing with her fingers, and her face turned pinkish as she called me.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Since we're still dating...may I call you, Sir, Uhm...O...
O? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
...This is too much!
Thank you for today! Goodnight!
She bent over to say goodbye as I thought her head was about to blow up from how red it had gotten and rushed back to her room.
I wonder what she wanted to say, though, hmm, curious.
Anyways... (Choice)
I just hope what I've told her will guide her.
And I also walked back to my room, thinking about what other stories I should tell her the next time I ask her out.

Part 5.

Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Did you get rid of all those enemies alone? You're amazing, Ma'am!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
I knew I could count on you on the battlefield, Ma'am.
Silky Icon.png Silky:
I'm so happy you're part of the Steel-Line, Ma'am!
Right, Sarge?
Gnome Icon.png Gnome:
Exactly! She's the best family member anyone could ask for.
Efreeti Icon.png Efreeti:
It's an honour to become a non-commissioned officer...and serve you...
Impet Icon.png Impet:
You've grown so much...
You're amazing, Ma'am.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
It's nothing. This is to be expected from a Second Lieutenant of Steel Line.
Compared to General Marie, Colonel RedHood, and Colonel Pheonix, I'm nothing...
Phoenix Icon.png ??:
All wrapped up already?
Phoenix Icon.png Phoenix:
You did it this quickly? Are you sure you did this all alone?
Red Hood Icon.png Red Hood:
I knew I could count on you, Lieutenant.
Marie Icon.png Marie:
I've always known how much effort you put in.
I knew you would grow into something great...but I guess I was wrong.
You've become someone far greater than I've ever imagined.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
*Sniff...* Thank you!
The sole reason how I could have reached where I am today is that everyone around me waited patiently and supported me!
If it wasn't from you all, I would...ah, and of course, I can't forget about Commander...
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Commander?! But this is the front line, why are you...?
Because I worry about you.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes? You do?
How can I not worry about my girlfriend?
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Whaaaaaaaat?! I'm your what?
Will you marry me, Habetrot?
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
T, this is all too sudden...! and how could I ever marry...
My life is nothing without you, Habetrot. Please, I beg you.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
The truth is, ever since our first date, I've envisioned this happening with you, Commander...no, Oppa...! Oof?
Shh, say no more, my cute little Kitten.
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
I love you. Will you let me hug you?
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Yes! I love you too!
You...Ehehe...I love you...
Oppa? (Choice)
Is she referring to me?
Hmm... (Choice)
After our first date, Habetrot never dozed off standing still.
I was told she was more relaxed and getting more familiar with her work. However, I was also told how she still pulls all-nighters. So I thought I would come by to check up on her.
And I guess the reports were true. (Choice)
I gently patted Habetrot's shoulders in between a pile of paperwork.
Habetrot, wake up. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Uwogh...Oh? Commander...
You have a bed for a reason. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Whaaat...I must be still dreaming...
Hmm? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Oppaaaa~ hug me again like earlier...ehehe...come on...
Uhm... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
...Hmm? Uhhh?!
Wait...? Is this not a dream, but, ahhhhhhhhh!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
I made another mistake. I'm a disgrace...
It happens, don't worry about it. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Urghhh...please forgive me, Sir.
By the way, I thought we had a promise? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Practice? Uh...Wait, what's the time?
I, I was too focused to check the time...
I'm hurt... (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Ahhhhhh! My apologies, Sir...
I almost burst into laughter from how Habetrot reacted.
What were you studying? (Choice)
I looked at the page of the field manual she was looking at. Hmm, that part would be hard to understand on her own.
Ask me if you don't understand something. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Sir?! No! Please, go get some rest. I'll wrap up right away.
But you don't understand it, right? (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
T, that's true, but...
I can't do this every day, but I'll help you out whenever I can. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
S, still...
I'm pretty free today. (Choice)
Habetrot Icon.png Habetrot:
Habetrot began asking away as she calmed down a little.
She had the same inquiries I had when I first started working as the Commander.
Habetrot was confused when I began chuckling, as she thought she made a mistake when I chuckled because she reminded me of the old me.
The truth is, I have a ton of paperwork I need to deal with later...
But I decided that I'll deal with it later as watching Habetrot smile when learning something new made my day.
