Dialogue/Orca Date Contest Sub Story: A Spy's Wish

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Translated by Khosen

A Spy's Wish

Part 1.

Ellie Icon.png Ellie Quickhand:
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Yes? How can I help you, Young Lady?
Ellie Icon.png Ellie Quickhand:
Congratulations on winning a chance to go on a date with the Commander.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Oh, thank you.
Ellie Icon.png Ellie Quickhand:
I've had a chance to have a cup of tea with him before.
Allow me to tell you his favourite drink.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Are you around, Amy?
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Right here, my brilliant little sister.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
Ehehe. Hey, so you're going on a date with Big Bro, right? Congrats.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* I'm sorry for taking all the fun to myself.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
That's okay! We know how much you've done for all of us.
If it makes you happy, we're happy.
So here's a little gift from me.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
What is it?
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
I call it 'Doctor's Ultimate Date Aiding Device!'
With this, you'll be on the perfect date with him.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
What did I do to deserve such kindness? Thank you very much.
Tomo Icon.png Tomo:
Amy Icon.png Amy:
We've talked about knocking before opening the door like that, Tomo.
Tomo Icon.png Tomo:
Hehe, sorry.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
So, what can I do for you? Cutie-pie?
Tomo Icon.png Tomo:
Do you know what Steel Line Arcade is?
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hmm...enough to make conversation?
Tomo Icon.png Tomo:
It's the game Commander's really into as of recent.
Here, I've sent you a link to my 'ultimate guide to the game' to your 'account.'
Use it to win over his heart.
Hehe, and you don't have to thank me for this.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
No, I think I will thank you. So, thank you, *chuckles.*
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Yes, Miss Nicky.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Amy Icon.png Amy:
What is it, a map?
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
It's a map where I pointed out the location where it's isolated, with no cameras around. I tested them myself.
Just in case you two need some action while on a date.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
...I would have appreciated it more if you handed it over more discretely...there're children around...
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Haha, noted.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Amy Razor.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Do your best on today's date.
It's the golden opportunity to expand our influence, Agency 080.
Well...I suppose I shouldn't remind you? After all, using your charm as a honeytrap to seize a man's heart is your specialty.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I guess so...but...
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* I think you can get used to being honest about your feelings, Shirayuri.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Now go on your way. I don't want the Commander getting the impression Agency 080 does not keep track of time because you were late.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Will do. Well, I'll see you all soon, everyone.
Thanks for the gifts and kind words.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
I feel like I'm becoming more of a fool the longer I stay on Orca...
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
But is that bad? Becoming a fool?
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
It's not a good habit to eavesdrop on others, Nicky Tracy.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Haha, you say that, but you're the one who spoke out loud?
The Shirayuri I've read from past records would have never done so.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
...Not even able to adhere to basic protocols...
Guess I've become a fool after all.
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
But I prefer this fool over the Shirayuri before humans went extinct, you know?
Tomo Icon.png Tomo:
I do too. She's more friendly.
Doctor Icon.png Doctor:
She was such a cold-hearted person back then.
Ellie Icon.png Ellie Quickhand:
I...I suppose the old Shirayuri made more smile than our Shirayuri, but...
I think the smiles you make now are more natural.
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Cut the crap and get back to work!
Nicky Tracy Icon.png Nicky Tracy:
Shirayuri's angry!
All abort!
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
*Sigh...* Is this what agency 080 has become?
I see...fools...everywhere...

Part 2.

Amy was designed to use her charms to her advantage.
Under the circumstances we are in, Amy had never tried to mesmerize me, but...
Would I be able to actually stay calm if she decides to use her gift against me?
And that thought made me excited.
Amy was already waiting for me as I slowly walked with such thoughts.
Waving at me with a warm smile as she noticed me from far.
Sorry, did I keep you waiting? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Don't be. I'm the one who got here early.
How long did you wait? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Not that long.
Maybe an hour?
I'm sorry! (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
It's okay. For the record, I decided to come out early because I couldn't wait any longer to see you, My Dear.
Plus, it didn't feel that long.
Isn't there a saying?
"If, for example, you came at four o'clock in the afternoon, then at three o'clock I shall begin to be happy."
Indeed, the past hour of waiting for you was one of my happiest hours.
Amy naturally pulled my arm and crossed it with hers.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
And...I'm sure I'll be even happier from now on, right?
And she looked up at me with a smile.
This is just the beginning of our date. I just can't imagine what more moves she'll make on me for the rest of the day.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* Well, I'll look forward to what awaits us for the rest of the day, My Dear.
As Amy and I were checking out a few places, we happened to pass by an arcade.
The noise that came from the arcade did get my attention.
But today I'm on a date with Amy.
Not unless Amy wanted to play a game or two; I shouldn't bring Amy over just because I wanted to have some fun.
Urgh! I wanted to try this new build in Steel Line Arcade.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hmm? Yes? Amy? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Would it be okay if we check out the arcade?
I've always wanted to see what it's like, but I never really had a chance to do so.
If you're fine with it, of course.
Of course I am! Your wish is my command! (Choice)
I pulled her hand and rushed into the arcade.
Instinctively, I led her to the usual machine I always go for whenever I get here.
Steel Line Arcade. The game I've been into as of recent.
But then, my rationale alarmed me with the thought that I brought Amy to a too complicated game on her first visit.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Is this the famous Steel Line Arcade?
You know the game? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Tomo would mention it here and there during our conversations.
Tomo is one of the best players, yes. (Choice)
Aside from her talent at the game, Tomo's known to create a unique strategy and build no one has ever thought of.
Yes, she'll lose a lot because of trying something unorthodox, but the viewers enjoy her play. I suppose that makes her a good gamer.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Mind showing me how this it's played?
Of course not!
As I pulled the chair and took a seat, I noticed everyone was looking at me.
Not because I'm the Commander of Orca.
But as I'm also one of the best players of Steel Line Arcade.
I couldn't help to get a little cocky with such attention. Plus, Amy was watching me too...
I chose Brownie, my main character.
She's not the character with the strongest ultimate ability or stylish moves, but she allows me to stick to the basics and get things done.
After choosing my character, I took a peek at who I was going against.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Oh? Salute! Are you my opponent, Sir?
It was Brownie herself...this isn't going to be an easy match.
Brownie is also one of the best players of Steel Line Arcade.
She was notorious on Steel Line Online, but with Gremlin's guidance and a new format of Steel Line Arcade, she's grown as a player.
She basically likes to cheese others.
See an opponent's pick, and then pick its counter. She'd also not hesitate to abuse any known glitches or bugs and trash talk to taunt the opponent to get into their heads. I've heard that's how she raised her MMR.
I've heard at one point she crossed the line and got a chairshot to her face...I hope that's just a rumour.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Well, I guess I'll choose Efreeti then!
Urgh! Of course she'd go for a character that's a direct counter!
It was clear she was not going to show any sign of mercy.
To her, the only rank that mattered wasn't our actual military rank but our in-game rank. A face-off as a gamer to gamer.
Well...game on!
I did a few stretches and placed my hands on the controller.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Good luck, Dear.
Her support definitely buffed my lust for some blood.
After the count down...the game began.
The early game went smoothly. We couldn't locate one another, so we farmed our way by killing the bots and gaining control of the outposts.
But by mid game, we began finding one another and engaged in a few skirmishes.
And now, it was late game timing.
Urgh! I should have been more aggressive early on! (Choice)
I was stuck on my base, being bombarded by Efreeti, who had gained control of the central outpost.
And thanks to Efreeti's AOE and DoT skill, my character's HP bar was slowly ticking down.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Mwahaha! That's what you get for picking Brownie, Sir!
Says the one who chose a direct counter!
Someone report her! (Choice)
Unfortunately, she wasn't wrong. The HP bar of my character was still ticking down as we spoke, and at this rate, I would just lose the game in my base.
As I said a few words to my opponent to 'compliment' their play and desperately looked for a way to turn the tables...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hey, can't you try moving your character to this location?
Amy pointed her finger at the middle of the screen.
Towards a big rock on the ground.
Since it was a location where I couldn't hide nor take cover, I was about to say no to her suggestion.
But my instinct as a gamer told me that this was the only move I could make if I wanted to win.
And on top of that, I trusted Amy's judgement.
Without hesitation, I rushed off from my base towards the rock.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
Haha! It's futile. Accept your fate, Sir!
Efreeti was still aiming her cannon at my character.
But this was all to be expected! I quickly turned 90 degrees to avoid the bombshell and ran towards the big rock.
As Efreeti's attack missed big time, I managed to climb on top and gain high ground vision.
And there it was, in between the fog of war...
I saw the opponent's head as a tiny dot between the hole of the wall of her base.
I could tell Efreeti was correcting her aim, preparing her last round to finish me off.
I took a deep breath before aiming and shooting my rifle.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
What!? Why did my character die? Is this a bug!?
I came out victorious.
I took the sweet breath of victory as everyone around cheered for me.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
That was amazing, My Dear.
As my Nike, the goddess of victory, came towards me, I couldn't help but pull her into my arms.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
D, Dear?
Amy was surprised at first...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
But she hugged me back after a short pause.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I need a revenge match, Sir!
Brownie stomped towards us, asking for a rematch.
I suppose her competitive personality is one of the reasons she's currently one of the best players.
But as I was about to respond to her.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Leprechaun came to us and saluted.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
I apologize for the intrusion, Sir. May I take away Brownie over here?
Ah, yeah, of course. (Choice)
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Thank you, Sir. Let's go, Brownie.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
One more round! Just one more! I can't go like this, not with a loss like this!
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Shut up! Let's go!
Brownie shouted towards me as Leprechaun grabbed and dragged her away.
Brownie Icon.png Brownie:
I'll be back, Sir! This isn't over!
And Leprechaun whispered in quiet to Brownie.
Leprechaun Icon.png Leprechaun:
Staff Sergeant Efreeti's trying her best to cover your ass, Brownie. Sergeant Major Impet's looking for you.
You're responsible for leaving military equipment behind without returning them, right?
...See no evil, hear no evil.
I hope Amy didn't hear what I just heard.
All I could see was a wry smile on her face.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Interesting place, the arcade.
Well, where to next, My Dear?

Part 3.

I brought her to a cafe to clench some thirst.
Hmm...what should I get... (Choice)
I stared at the menu to decide.
I see two drinks I like on the menu, but I shouldn't pick them both. I know I'll be too full by the time I finish them.
Alright, I'll get this one. What about you, Amy? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hmm...I'll go with this one.
Amy chose the drink I decided to give up.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* I heard this one's also good.
Yeah, it is. I've tried it before. (Choice)
After waiting for a while, the two drinks we ordered came to our table.
The one I'm having right now's good, but I'd also like a sip of what Amy's having right now...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hey, if you don't mind, can I take a sip of your drink? You can try mine too. Yours look delicious.
It was Amy to suggest the idea first.
Of course I don't mind! (Choice)
Without hesitation, I handed over my cup and took hers.
I could feel my desires being fulfilled after a sip.
But unlike how I was quick with my action, Amy seemed to hesitate a little.
What's wrong, Amy? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Amy took her time before finishing her sentence.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
It's an...indirect kiss.
*Cough!* (Choice)
That was the last thing I expected to hear from Amy. For a bioroid designed to lure men, it was too pure.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* I'm kidding.
And Amy also tried my drink.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Tastes like you, My Dear.
From how she juggled my heart with the way she talked and behaved, it was clear that she was doing exactly what she was designed to do.
After the cafe, the rest of the date went smoothly.
We've hit a few places, such as the cinemas, and didn't face any obstacles.
That's when I felt something was a little off.
And I realized why I was feeling that way.
Amy was making sure she was looking after my interest.
Looking back, whenever I thought of something, Amy would naturally lead so that my thoughts came true.
From the arcade till now.
I'm sure a date is not supposed to satisfy only one party and not the other...
But I knew if I asked Amy if she wanted to do something, she'd find a way to avoid answering it.
So instead, I paid close attention to Amy as we walked around.
Kudos to my observation.
I noticed how Amy was focused on one location for a while.
She looked away instantly, but that was enough cue for me.
Hey Amy, do you know what that place is? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Sorry? Ah...it seems like...wedding photo...studio.
Interesting. Why don't we take a visit? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
For the first time, Amy, who did everything to look after my interest, hesitated a little when I looked after hers...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Of course, My Dear. Thank you.
But eventually smiled and followed my lead.
And I couldn't stop my cheekbones from staying elevated.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hey...Uhm...do I look that weird?
No, I'm smiling because you're gorgeous right now. (Choice)
Just seeing Amy sitting on a chair in that wedding dress made me smile.
Besides how pretty she was in it... The way how she found her new look a little awkward was adorable.
Perhaps this was how Amy felt all along.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
This...feels a little weird.
You don't like it? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I don't hate it.
Amy continued as she fiddled with her dress.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
As I'm sure you know, the Amy model would wear numerous outfits for our missions in the past.
I'm sure one of them...wore a wedding dress, right?
But I don't know if they would have been as happy as I am right now.
At that moment, a spy that used her talent to look after my interest all day long was nowhere to be seen, but I only saw a woman blushing with a smile.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Thank you very much, My Dear. For making me feel this happy.
I noticed a tiny crystal of joy dropping from her eye that reflected the studio's light.
If she's faking this whole thing, and this is actually her plan, well...
I suppose I'll fall for her trap.
I slowly took her hand and kissed its back.
Without giving much time to Amy, who froze on the spot with my move, I slowly walked up and kissed her lips.
Amy took her time...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
But eventually, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Part 4.

After the visit to the studio, we decided to call it a day and go back to our place; continuing this date was meaningless.
Amy was; I was, looking into one another in the eye.
And whenever I couldn't control myself on our way back, Amy would drag me to a backstreet with no foot traffic.
She'd kiss me there to temporarily clench my desire and rush back to our place.
But when we were this close to getting back...
LRL Icon.png LRL:
LRL came out of nowhere.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Oh, hello, Princess.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Where are you two rushing off to?
How should I explain this to her...
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I'm on a date with him today.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Ah! Right! You did mention that!
It must be nice... I wanted to go on a date with him too...
LRL furtively glanced at us after another.
And as I was to talk to LRL, Amy dropped the bomb.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Hmm...then, would you like to hang out with us two?
Oh? (Choice)
LRL Icon.png LRL:
For real? Yay! I really, really like you. You're the best, Amy!
LRL was jumping through the roof with Amy's suggestion.
But for me, I was a little bummed out as my body was burning with desire.
Noticing my reaction, Amy whispered into my ear.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Please, play along with me with this one. It's what I want.
Well, if you say that...of course, I will. (Choice)
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Now! My Familiar! As I command thee, lead the Saint Happiness and me to the eternal shelter!
As you wish, Cyclops Princess. (Choice)
LRL held both our hands and ran back in excitement.
Amy smiled as she saw LRL being that happy.
And I smiled as seeing both of them made my heart warm.
It was a wholesome time I spent back in LRL and Amy's room.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Fu Fu! You're still a long way to reach my level, my Familiar!
Urgh! I need a revenge match! (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I think you should learn when to give up; My Dear, you've said the same thing just now. Our Princess over here is a master of board games.
We played board games.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Rejoice, My Familiar, I present you a painting to bless this very day to thee.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Oh my, but what about mine, Princess?
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Hmm? Mmm? Uhh...I, I'll draw one right now!
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* and I'll draw one for you in return too.
Had an arts and crafts session.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Take my eye, Dragonslayer! I'll leave my Eye of Death and the future of this universe to you!
Though I'll lose sight of light, I have no doubt that the future you'll trailblaze your way through will shine with nothing but hope!
Cyclops Princess...I'll carry on your will, watch me your eye! (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Uhh...all prepare. The Evilest Dragon, Nidhogg, is near.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Amy...that's not how Glacias talks...
My Glacias is not like that! (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I'm sorry...
Role played.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Whoa! Look at this, Commander!
Oh? So many functions in such a small device? (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Doctor gave that to me to use during our date.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Haha! Look at this! Flowers are coming out from it!
Where was it hiding all this time? (Choice)
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Ah, it can also play a song.
Is this a lip balm? (Choice)
Fiddled around with Doctor's secret device.
And time went by quickly.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
LRL, who was energetic all this time, began dozing off.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I think it's time for you to go to bed, Princess.
LRL Icon.png LRL:
Amy smiled and covered LRL under a blanket.
And laid down next to her.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
She insisted that I do the same with her hand, and I followed.
It's a little small for the three of us. (Choice)
But that also meant I was close to the two of them.
Amy made sure LRL had sweet dreams before looking at me in the eye.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I don't know why, but I also chuckled in silence as Amy began chuckling.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I'm happy.
Me too. (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Well, knowing you're happy makes me even happier.
I had to admit.
Ahh...I don't think I can last any longer when you're pulling off your moves. (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
What do you mean, My Dear?
To you, I was always sincere. No tricks.
... (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
From the moment we first met, until now, and in the future. I was always sincere.
Yes, I am a weapon. A weapon...designed to kill an enemy in the cruellest way possible.
In the past, I would have killed, again and again...And even killed the person I fell in love with.
But the Amy who met you, My Dear, is a little different.
See, you did fulfil one of my wishes...
Amy reached out to me with a warm smile.
And I did the same and held her hand.
I had a vague idea of what she wanted.
But clearly, enough was never enough for her.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
But would you like to listen to my other wish?
Just look at her wanting more...
Though she may be a little greedy, she was adorable.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I'd like to one day start a family.
I know. How dare a bioroid...especially the one designed to use my charms to gain information from men and then assassinate them, think about such a thing...
I know it's ludicrous.
But...at least, let me dream or mimic it.
I could sense bitterness behind her smile as she gently stroked LRL's hair.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I'd like to be someone's wife and a mother of a cute child one day.
This isn't just me, but this has been the wish of every Amy model in the past.
So even if this is all an illusion...I'm really happy right now, My Dear.
Listening to her saying she's happy behind her bitter smile made my heart stung.
As I was about to say something, Amy interfered.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Shh, just don't say anything right now, My Dear.
If you say something, you'll be in an awkward spot, or someone else may get hurt.
So, for now, let's just enjoy this moment.
I decided not to say what I was about to say.
But still, I'm sure Amy would allow me to say this.
...Amy. (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Yes, My Dear.
I love you... (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* I love you too.
This time, I could not sense any sorrow behind the smile she made.
Holding hands, both of us looked at each other in silence.
Just how long did it the time pass...?
Amy Icon.png Amy:
Right here. (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
I think...our Princess is deep asleep...
What do you say to us finally spending some alone time together?
Making sure LRL's asleep, we slipped out of the room.
After closing the door to their room, I picked up Amy and held her in my arms.
Amy Icon.png Amy:
With a quiet scream of joy, Amy hang onto me.
Hold tight. (Choice)
Amy Icon.png Amy:
*Chuckles,* Of course.
As I ran towards my room with Amy in my arms.
A spy who mesmerized other men and took advantage of them was nowhere to be seen.
From the moment we had our date, no.
From the moment we first met and in the future as well.
Amy will always be a woman whose wish is to start a happy family.
