Dialogue/Orca Date Contest Sub Story: Love Is a War

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Translated by Khosen

Love Is a War

Part 1. Toxic Bringer

May Icon.png May:
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Yes? How may I help you...? General?
May Icon.png May:
I heard you're going on a date with the Commander.
I believe congratulations are in order. Not just because I'm your Commanding Officer, but also as a friend.
Let me know if you need anything. I'll support you with whatever is necessary within my power.
If you're interested in how I've won his heart, I can share that with you too.
Night Angel Icon.png Night Angel:
Hearing from someone who waited 3 long years would make the listener take your story more seriously, I suppose.
May Icon.png May:
Shush, Aide de Camp.
Strato Angel Icon.png Strato Angel:
*Chuckles* Why don't you allow me to share how I've conquered the heart of the Commander then?
First step, exercise with...
Night Angel Icon.png Night Angel:
No, you don't get to speak, Miss. Jeez, just thinking about what happened between you two pisses me off.
Strato Angel Icon.png Strato Angel:
L, Language! I'm still your older sister!
Night Angel Icon.png Night Angel:
Do you even know the level of despair I was in when I realized I may have another long and winding road ahead of me? If the whole reverse bunny fiasco didn't help you...
Strato Angel Icon.png Strato Angel:
Yeah, but with that flat chest of yours, I'm sure you would have zero resistance to travel through your so-called-long-and-winding road.
Night Angel Icon.png Night Angel:
Oh..., I admit I was a little snappy but did you just break our agreement to 'not mention our physical appearances?'
This just got personal.
Would you like to see what mutually assured destruction really is?
May Icon.png May:
Wraith Icon.png Wraith:
If you spill some coffee on his pants...you can take it off him...
*Makes a proud face*
May Icon.png May:
Yeah, no, you just can't disappear after saying such things without context...
...But I'll write that down somewhere.
Banshee Icon.png Banshee:
The Commander likes seeing something cute, nyan.
Sylphid Icon.png Sylphid:
And here comes the cutest bioroid, I, Sylphid!
What're we talking about? Dating advice? I totally know everything about dating.
The most crucial thing when you're on a date...
It would be...
Djinnia Icon.png Djinnia:
If you two eat something delicious, it'll solve everything.
I'd recommend trying out a steak, waffle, sushi, white bread, tornado potatoes, tteokbokki, cheeseballs, strawberry shortcake, tiramisu, gukbap, or ...
Sylphid Icon.png Sylphid:
You just listed what you'd like to eat right now...
Banshee Icon.png Banshee:
I wouldn't mind adding a schweinshaxe to the list, nyan.
Strato Angel Icon.png Strato Angel:
Urgh, stop tempting me!
I'm halfway there to my target weight!
Wraith Icon.png Wraith:
You can also practice this.
'Will you go...out with me?'
Night Angel Icon.png Night Angel:
Haha...what a shitshow. It's like watching a dog fight.
Banshee Icon.png Banshee:
May Icon.png May:
That's enough!
We're supposed to help Daika, not just shout out what you all want to say!
Daika Icon.png Daika:
*Chuckles...* It's alright, General.
This all...means a lot to me.
I'll use your heartful advice...and successfully complete this date.
Well, if you'll excuse me...I'll have to get ready for a date.
May peace be with you all...

Part 2. Yamato Nadeshiko (大和撫子) (やまとなでしこ)

Daika was already waiting for me on a bench with a huge bag next to her.
I got a little mischievous and decided to sneak up on her.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
I quietly reached out and grabbed her hand.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Daika opened her eyes and faced this way.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
How are you today, Commander?
Good. What were you doing, Daika? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
To? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
A picture is worth a thousand words...but I suppose it would be noise instead of a picture this time.
Would you like to listen with me?
As advised, I closed my eyes, held Daika's hand, and focused all my hearing on the surroundings.
I first noticed the wind playing with the grass.
Then the voices of my crew.
Construction noises, shops trying to lure customers, conversations, footsteps, someone singing, and laughing.
And Daika's voice.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
The world used to be more...desolate.
Occasionally I'd hear a sound...but they were all explosions during battle.
People would only talk about survival... or preparing for the next fight... in between battles.
Our lives were nothing but struggling to see the next day...
But now...
All we did was pay attention to the noise of our surroundings, but it seemed that made Daika really happy.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
This peace may be temporary..., but no one expected this day to come back in the day.
All thanks to someone next to me.
As I slowly opened my eyes again, Daika was looking at me.
After receiving such affectionate looks from a woman who appreciates little things in life, I felt funny and changed the subject.
What's with the bag? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
I've made some lunch for us...and some refreshments for dessert.
I took another glance at her bag.
I don't know what was in it other than lunch, but it did look heavy. I'm sure it'd get in Daika's way throughout the day.
Well, should we grab some early lunch? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
I'm kinda hungry. (Choice)
I made an excuse to remove her load and decided to have lunch.
The lunch box she prepared for us looked like I had ordered a course menu.
Whoa! This looks amazing. How long did it take you? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
This is nothing.
No, I really mean it. (Choice)
I remember how I suggested changing our meal from steamed eggs to fried eggs and got multiple anonymous letters
asking me to reconsider. After that, I learned how difficult it is to prepare a meal.
And I'm sure this lunch she prepared for us two took a long time.
Thank you for preparing all this. (Choice)
I decided to take the first bite.
It's really good! (Choice)
I didn't even have to think before complimenting her food.
Since Sowan had started cooking for me, my standard had gone up, but Daika's lunch was as delicious.
My stomach made room for the rest, and I emptied the entire lunch box within minutes.
Thanks for the meal, Daika. (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Don't mention it.
Would you like some tea? I got both hot and cold tea.
I'll take it cold, please. (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Daika pulled her teapot and began brewing some tea.
The way she presented herself as she brewed the tea was so beautiful it made me think if I was watching some sort of
performance art.
Please, do enjoy...
I suddenly felt the need to be courteous and tried to remember my etiquette before drinking the tea, but Daika
reassured me.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
*Chuckles,* there's no need for you to get all nervous...please, you can be yourself, Commander.
I took a sip of the tea and picked up the refreshments she brought for dessert.
As expected, the light snacks she prepared were as good as lunch.
I never knew you were such a good cook, Daika. (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Oh...you're making me blush with your compliments.
Daika avoided my eye contact as she said that, but the smile on her face told me she was delighted.

Part 3. Questions (Read Hirume's lines as if she's speaking some ancient tongue in English, I got lazy to go on Google and translate every line of hers in Shakesperean.)

We decided to visit the shrine after lunch.
Compared to before, it was much quieter.
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
Oh? Master!
I couldn't even talk to Hachiko the last time I was here, but this time, Hachiko noticed us first while sweeping the shrine floor and ran towards us.
Hey, Hachiko. (Choice)
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
Hello, Master!
I stroked her head gently as I greeted her.
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
Hachiko wiggled her tail with the same speed I petted her on the head.
She's so cute.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Ah, you're here.
Hirume also showed up.
Staring at us with a weird look.
I know that look...
Would you...like me to do the same? (Choice)
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
W, what are you talking about!?
Hirume quickly covered her body and took a step back.
I was so sure she missed my touches...
I wanted to play with her tails and say, 'Uwahaha, you say that, but you're tail's honest.'...
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Hirume slowly walked towards us again.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
I sense an eerie aura.
An aura where I get to play with your tails? (Choice)
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
No! Snap out of that thought!
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Ahem. Ahem.
I sense something eerie between you and Daika.
Oh? Like what? (Choice)
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
We'll have to find out.
Follow me, both of you.
And so we followed her inside.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Sit there.
I sat down on the floor, and Hachiko sat next to me.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
I'll read what your fortunes have to say between you and Daika.
Hirume then picked up a wooden basket with branches, shook them, and spread them on the floor.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Hmm...this is interesting.
Why? What does it say? (Choice)
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
I've seen and read many signs, but I haven't read a fortune this good in a long time.
Not as good as you and I, of course...
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
A love this strong between you two will be able to withstand any hardship.
Of course, you and I are already past that stage.
Even when fate tears you apart, you two will still find a way back to each other.
Again, you and I have been connected since our previous life, not just this one.
Though you two may quarrel like any other couple, you two will overcome it with your love.
Well, our relationship is so strong we'll never quarrel over anything.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Hahaha. (Choice)
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
By the way, Hachiko never saw you fortunetelling this way.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
I, it's because this was too advanced for you to l, learn yet.
So...I guess I can interpret this as Daika and I are good, right? (Choice)
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Again, not as much as you and I, but there's nothing in between you and Daika.
Right, got it. Thanks, Hirume. (Choice)
We decided to stick around for a while after Hirume told our fortunes and left.
Did the Commander and Miss Daika go on their way?
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Hmm...well then. Should we eat some snacks?
I noticed this fancy cookie set inside the fridge.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
That belongs to me!
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
I wonder where this cookie came from?
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
I, I earned it through my hard w, work!
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
*Chuckles* hard work? Or did someone ask you a favour?
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Hachiko, please go get some tea. Something that'll go along with this cookie set.
Hachiko Icon.png Hachiko:
I'll go get some cold tea!
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
But...they're mine...
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Bribery comes at a price, you see.
Hirume Icon.png Hirume:
You're mean...
Shirayuri Icon.png Shirayuri:
Quit whining.
If someone brings this up, I'll back you up.
...Also, didn't you see somewhere that if you mess around with someone else's love, you'll get kicked by a horse?
Gosh, I did become a fool, giving such silly advice to others...
As we checked out a few places after leaving the shrine...
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Oh? Customer?
Circe popped her head out of her so-called tent.
Hey, Circe. (Choice)
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Did you miss me that much you came by for another fortunetelling session?
Not exactly - (Choice)
Circe Icon.png Circe:
You'll be my first and second Customer~ Yay~
Yup! You're right! I'm here to learn about my fortune! (Choice)
It's been 2 weeks since the last time, and no one showed up...?
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Customer, did you happen to forget to spread the word by any chance?
I've mentioned it before, but I don't think that's the problem... (Choice)
As I was thinking of setting her a proper tent...
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Circe looked at both of us.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Should I read the fortune of you two as a couple for today?
Before we could say anything, she dragged us inside her hut.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Now~ let's see? What do I see...
Circe placed her hand on her crystal and began reading.
Inside a small confined space, Daika and I were shoulder to shoulder as we awaited the result.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Hmm?! This can't be!
Why? What's wrong? (Choice)
Circe Icon.png Circe:
The crystal tells me...
That there's nothing to worry about between you two!
In my entire career as a fortuneteller, I've never seen a better fate than this!
Had I read such a sign before humanity's extinction...
I tell the couple, 'You two would never regret getting married if they were not married yet.
'Only death can separate the two of you' if they were married.
'You better find a very good lawyer...' if they met through an affair.
If the couple was a human and a bioroid, then...
Circe made a complicated face.
But soon, she gained her usual smile back.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Haha, that doesn't matter, right? You two are in love.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Daika held my hand.
And I held hers firmly.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Lovebirds. Heartthrobs, Lovey-dovey. Soulmate. You guys can just pick any of those and call yourselves that pretty much.
I know you two would enjoy every moment together, but time is short. So live the present, you two.
We left her shop with Circe's blessing.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Don't forget to spread to word, Customer!
Like I said, that's not the problem here! (Choice)
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Ask yourself if you've been tryinnnnnnnnnnnng hard enough!
I'm definitely building her a proper tent.
Circe Icon.png Circe:
Are they gone? They're gone, right?
I'm done for the day!
*Chuckles!* Fine wine brewed before humanity's extinction...I wonder how she got her hands on this beauty.
Gosh! This is good.
She didn't have to, though...
I would have played along if I could give her joy without this gift...
And you don't have to walk around asking your fortune to others...
You really shouldn't have.
You know how he is to us...
Well, I'm not going to say no to a gift!
Bottoms up~ bottoms up~
Audrey Icon.png Audrey:
Some say orientalism is outdated, but it is still a classic.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
This is...a little embarrassing.
Audrey Icon.png Audrey:
Don't be.
I, Audry Dreamweaver, can vouch for you. You are gorgeous, beautiful, 美しい...
*Chuckles,* but I suppose it'd be more touching if it came from him, right?
And Audry turned to face me.
You look amazing, Daika. (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Thank you...Commander.
Daika covered her face to hide her blushing from me.
But soon, she smiled back.
I was a little surprised when Audry asked Daika to be her model out of the blue as we walked down the street...
I'm glad we said yes.
We took some photos together before going our way.
Audrey Icon.png Audrey:
I envy her...
I was not pleased when she asked me to do her a favour against the code I had as an artist...
And so I was ready to be frank with how she looked, unlike her request...
But, I must admit. She was indeed pretty.
I wouldn't forgive myself if I made it personal and lied to her that she didn't look amazing.
You can take pride in yourself, Daika.
You're already beautiful.
Ama et fac quod vis.
Love, and do what you will.

Part 4. Answers.

Throughout the day, something felt a little off.
Not like when I was in Paradise, kind of off.
It was less dangerous, less dramatic, and instead, more realistic.
Hey, Daika. (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Yes, Commander.
About today's date... (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Didn't you get this feeling where everyone was a little over-cheering for us? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Wherever we go, people would compliment how cute we looked as a couple, give us free merch, or someone would bump into us so that we would accidentally touch each other's body.
Throughout the day, it felt as if some higher power was intervening.
And by a higher power, I mean...
Did you plan all this, Daika? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
...I did.
Daika admitted right away.
She seemed indifferent...but I noticed a little trembling.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
I'm sorry...for tricking you like this...
Would you mind telling me why you've done what you did today? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
...Because I like you...isn't very good of an answer...right?
Daika took a deep breath.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Love...is a war.
Knowing your opponent and yourself... knowing when and where... the environment you'll be in... learning when to wait and when to step up.
If you make one mistake... you will face failure and get nothing in return...
I've known this fact for a while...
But seeing General May and Colonel Night Angel solidified the thought.
Love...is a war.
So I decided...to take the most advantage of this opportunity.
Simply presenting myself and showing you my charms didn't seem enough.
I know a lot of people who are better than me.
So...I decided to approach it from a different angle.
So I...ran around...asking everyone.
To tell Commander and me whenever they see us...that we look great together...or create a serendipity moment...
So that I can...show him my charms.
With enough positive reinforcement... I thought you'd actually love me...
I'm sorry...it is disgusting, right? It was sly of me...
A bioroid...pull something off like this...to a human...
You...despise me, don't you?
I answered her question in my way.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
By taking her lips.
As Daika was still trying to figure out what just happened, I spoke.
Not at all. (Choice)
It took a while for Daika's face to turn red.
It tells me how much I mean to you, Daika. (Choice)
Thanks to my shock therapy, Daika was no longer shaking.
I would have gotten sad if you hurt someone... (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
I would never.
Said Daika, firmly.
Yeah, I believe you. So the answer is no, I don't find all this disgusting. (Choice)
I noticed warmth returning to Daika's hand.
I do want to know one thing. Why did you wait so long when you could have advocated yourself at any point like today? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Friendship? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
My loyalty towards General May...and Colonel Night Angel...
I've seen up close how much they suffered...for so long...not being able to receive your love...
I felt a little guilty, as I was partly the reason why they suffered that long.
And another innocent bystander was also in pain during all that time.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
You can't possibly imagine...how thrilled I was...when the two finally got what they desired...
My sisters in arms I trust and admire... was finally happy.
And...one another thing made me thrilled...
What was it? (Choice)
Daika Icon.png Daika:
That...I was finally able to tell you how I felt.
... (Choice)
Daika slowly and carefully told me her feelings after taking a deep breath.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Before I won the raffle...
No, for as long as I can remember...
From the moment I first met you...
I was in love with you, Commander.
I couldn't think of anything to say in return after listening to such heartful words.
So I decided to respond through action.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Here...I'll use the umbrella to cover us...I'm...all yours.
I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.
This time, Daika didn't hesitate to express her desires.
We both knew a kiss and a hug weren't enough to resolve what Daika had anticipated all this time, and we decided to show how much each other meant to us back in my room.

Part 5. Love = War.

Sylphid Icon.png Sylphid:
Hey uhh...Colonel Daika...may I come in?
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Yes. How may I help you?
Sylphid Icon.png Sylphid:
H...how did the date go?
Daika Icon.png Daika:
*Chuckles.* It'll be a long story...are you okay with that?
Please...take a seat. I'll brew some tea.
Djinnia Icon.png Djinnia:
What about a full course menu of snacks?
Daika Icon.png Daika:
Why not?
Commander...would enjoy anything we prepare for him.
But the most important thing...would be knowing what he'd like the best, right?
Djinnia Icon.png Djinnia:
Are you saying I should find out his favourite food?
Daika Icon.png Daika:
That could be one way...
Banshee Icon.png Banshee:
Being cute in front of him doesn't feel enough, nyan.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
*Chuckles,* you're already beautiful...and cute.
Banshee Icon.png Banshee:
I just don't know what I should work on, nyan.
Daika Icon.png Daika:
There are a lot of ways.
But...just remember.
To love someone...
You must know your opponent and yourself... know when and where... the environment you'll be in... learn when to wait and when to step up.
Love is...a war, after all.
