Unit Details

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Can be accessed from the Unit Lobby or from the Squad Menu. This is where you can check your unit's Stats and Skills, change Equipment, perform Unit Enhancement or Core Linking.

Actions such as Giving Gifts (including Skins), Pledging, choosing Voiceline and changing Nickname can be done here.


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The amount of resources consumed when sending the unit to clear a stage.
Unit Enhancement
Open Unit Enhancement (On top of Unit Details page, you are not actually taken to the Workshop).
Unit Stat
There are 10 Stats in the game: HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, CRIT, ACC, EVA, Fire Resist, Ice Resist and Electric Resist. Please note that the values in white are the base Stats, the values in green parentheses are the bonus Stats (from Equipment, Unit Enhancement and Core Linking), and the ones in green are the total Stats that included the said bonus Stats (HP only shows the white value and not the green one, however its bonus stat does exist and is also included in the white value). Each stats control how the unit performs in battle:
Icon Stat Effect
HP Icon.png HP The amount of damage an unit can receive. If unit's HP reach 0, unit is defeated and cannot partake in the remaining of the stage.
ATK Icon.png ATK The more ATK an unit has, the more damage the unit can deal. See Damage Formula for more details.
DEF Icon.png DEF The more DEF an unit has, the less damage the unit take from physical attacks. See Damage Formula for more details.
Fire Resist Icon.png Fire Resist The more Fire Resist an unit has, the less damage the unit take from fire attacks.
Ice Resist Icon.png Ice Resist The more Ice Resist an unit has, the less damage the unit take from ice attacks.
Electric Resist Icon.png Electric Resist The more Electric Resist an unit has, the less damage the unit take from electric attacks.
SPD Icon.png SPD The amount of AP an unit regains in the AP calculation phase. See Speed and AP for more details.
CRIT Icon.png CRIT The chance the unit's attack becomes critical, dealing more damage.
ACC Icon.png ACC Unit's ability to hit target. Hit chance = Attacking side's ACC - Receiving side's EVA.
EVA Icon.png EVA Unit's ability to evade attacks. Hit chance = Attacking side's ACC - Receiving side's EVA.
Core Linking
Each unit has 5 Link Slots, unlocked at level 10/30/50/70/90. Tapping on an opened Link Slot open the Core Linking page.
Each unit has 4 Equipment Slots to equip 2 Chips, 1 OS and 1 Gear. The slots are unlocked at level 20/40/60/80 and the type of equipment unlocked at each stages differs between units. Tapping on an opened slot allow Players to change unit's Equipment.


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Skill Description
Include Preview Damage (for Active Skills), skill effects and their respective triggering condition.
AP Cost
The AP consumed when the skill is used. Only for Active Skills.
Skill Info
See all of Skill Details (Description, AP Cost, AoE, Range, Effects) at each skill level.
The white Area is the chosen target of the attack for Active Skills or the unit for Passive Skills. The red Areas are the tiles affected by the skill relative to the white Area. For certain Passives, there is no white Area and a small text exists next to the AoE. In this case, the AoE is fixed on the 3x3 board and unaffected by unit location.
How many columns the attack target can be from the unit.
Skill Effects
The detailed Effects the Skill can apply. Note that this only list the Effects and not the conditions of triggering those effects. Said conditions should be checked in Skill Description instead.