Secretary Lemonades

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The Secretary Lemonades are a group of seven Bioroids created by Anna Borviev, head of Golden Von Science, at the PECS Consortium's request in order to manage the consortium's member companies. Due to their genetic origin, they have an outstanding ability to learn compared to other bioroids, allowing them to obtain various knowledge related to finance, industry, science and crime. With their help, PECS managed to grow to nearly the level of Saman Industry and Black River over the course of the Union War.

After the death of their Masters, the Lemonades split into three different factions: The Loyalists (Lemonade Omega, Lemonade Delta, Lemonade Gamma) who are determined to revive their masters no matter the cost, the Neutralists (Lemonade Zeta, Lemonade Epsilon) who do not care at all, and the Opposing Group (Lemonade Alpha, Lemonade Beta) who plan to stop the Loyalists.

Each Lemonade comes with a device called a Kestos Himas to assist with her assigned duty. Each Kestos Himas carries a Greek-letter designation matching its respective Lemonade. The Kestos Himas mentioned so far are:

  1. Kestos Himas Α: An advanced supercomputer capable of breaking into AGS and Ironworm systems and corroding their circuits, and even subverting bioroids' electronic components. Kestos Himas α is incredibly versatile, with its operating system being able to handle combat situations of all sorts on top of more mundane financial and scheduling applications. Orangeade's Caduceus has similar controls despite its drastically different function, suggesting it may be based on Kestos Himas Α.
  2. Kestos Himas Β: Function unknown (described as "the closest to Kestos Himas Ω.")
  3. Kestos Himas Γ: Embedded in the gauntlet on Lemonade Gamma's right arm. It amplifies her physical strength and combat ability.
  4. Kestos Himas Δ: Lemonade Delta's laboratory, specialized to construct and modify living organisms on a molecular level and heavily tailored for Delta's use specifically. Kestos Himas Δ can also convert existing bioroids into Marionettes. Destroyed during Chapter 11.
  5. Kestos Himas Ω: Function unknown, though comments by Lemonade Alpha suggest it is roughly 2.5 times as powerful as Kestos Himas Α. Left behind by Omega while escaping Orca's captivity in Chapter 8 and subsequently deconstructed by Azaz. Likely to have been near-identical to Kestos Himas Α, the same way Lemonade Omega is near-identical to Lemonade Alpha.

Despite their shared genetic origin, the Lemonades' appearances and personalities vary drastically. The only exceptions are Lemonade Alpha and Lemonade Omega, who share a similar appearance to symbolize the beginning and the end.

The Lemonades were made with the Seven Deadly Sins as the concept, and through the sins the tendencies of their actions can be understood. The revealed ones so far are Lemonade Alpha (Lust), Lemonade Delta (Envy) and Lemonade Omega (Pride).


  • Unlike normal bioroids, the Lemonades are able to reject direct orders from entities they do not accept as their masters. This is a trait they share with Eva, though the mechanism that allows them to do this is currently unknown.
  • Each Secretary Lemonade has an accompanying adjutant, usually a bespoke bioroid, but there are exceptions:
    • Lemonade Alpha is assisted by Orangeade.
    • Lemonade Delta's adjutant is Taylor Wristcut, the first Taylor Clothcut produced by Moon River.
    • Merlin was intended as Lemonade Gamma's secretary, but was trapped in Britain. Gamma's de facto adjutant is Merope, one of the two surviving Pleiades sisters.
    • Lemonade Omega employs a generic Yumi unit.

Secretary Lemonades

Lemonade Alpha Icon.png

Lemonade Alpha

Lemonade Beta Icon.png

Lemonade Beta

Lemonade Gamma Icon.png

Lemonade Gamma

Lemonade Delta Icon.png

Lemonade Delta

Lemonade Omega Icon.png

Lemonade Omega