Main Story Exchange Post

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Main Story Exchange Post is a recurring event that comes with each new Main Story Chapter release, since the introduction of Chapter 12 on 07/11/2023.

For the event period, Orca Supplies Orca Supplies Icon.png currency will be added into items drop list in every Main Story stage that has item drops. Event period varies depending on the size/total parts of the Chapter.

Note: The event currency Orca Supplies Icon.png will be removed after event ends.

Farming Tips

The drop of the currency is depending on the number of waves in the stage. Each wave has a chance to drop 0~2 currency. Thus, try to farm in the stage that has 4 or more waves and with the shortest clear time you could achieve.


Chapter 12
Icon Name Price Limit
Alcyone Icon.png Alcyone Orca Supplies Icon.png x500 1
Merlin Icon.png Merlin Orca Supplies Icon.png x500 1
Pledge Ring Icon.png Pledge Ring Orca Supplies Icon.png x250 1
Attack Chip Beta SSS Icon.png Attack Chip Beta Orca Supplies Icon.png x500 1
Evasion Chip Beta SSS Icon.png Evasion Chip Beta Orca Supplies Icon.png x500 1
Accuracy Chip Beta SSS Icon.png Accuracy Chip Beta Orca Supplies Icon.png x500 1
Part Pack 1000.png 500 Part Orca Supplies Icon.png x30 100
Nutrient Pack 1000 Icon.png 500 Nutrient Orca Supplies Icon.png x30 100
Power Pack 1000.png 500 Power Orca Supplies Icon.png x30 100
War Record Icon.png War Record Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 3
Battle Record Icon.png Battle Record Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 20
Battle Log Icon.png Battle Log Orca Supplies Icon.png x3 100
Tactics Manual Icon.png Tactics Manual Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 3
Practice Manual Icon.png Practice Manual Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 20
Training Manual Icon.png Training Manual Orca Supplies Icon.png x3 100
Gene Seed Icon.png Gene Seed Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 100
Quick Complete Circuit Icon.png Quick Complete Circuit Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 100
Green Dust Icon.png Green Dust Orca Supplies Icon.png x3 1150
Blue Dust Icon.png Blue Dust Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 600
Purple Dust Icon.png Purple Dust Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 150
Breakthrough Module (Light) Icon.png Breakthrough Module (Light) Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 600
Breakthrough Module (Heavy) Icon.png Breakthrough Module (Heavy) Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 600
Breakthrough Module (Flying) Icon.png Breakthrough Module (Flying) Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 600
Gift Lolipop Icon.png Lolipop x3 Orca Supplies Icon.png x3 10
Gift Chocolate Icon.png Chocolate x3 Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 10
Gift Cake Icon.png Cake x3 Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 10
Bouquet of Promise Icon.png Bouquet of Promise Orca Supplies Icon.png x15 10
Special Module Icon.png Special Module Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 100
Advanced Module Icon.png Advanced Module Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 2000
Battle Gear Core Icon.png Battle Gear Core Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 100
AI Core Icon.png AI Core Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 100
Synthetic Resin Pack Icon.png 900 Synthetic Resin Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 1
Varnish Pack Icon.png 900 Varnish Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 1
Iron Pack Icon.png 900 Iron Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 1
UI Icon Consumable Matrial Parts T3.png Special Facility Upgrade Part (Each type) Orca Supplies Icon.png x10 5
UI Icon Consumable Matrial Parts T2.png Advanced Facility Upgrade Part (Each type) Orca Supplies Icon.png x5 15
UI Icon Consumable Matrial Parts T1.png Common Facility Upgrade Part (Each type) Orca Supplies Icon.png x3 50
Advanced Material Box 20 Icon.png Advanced materials (each type) Orca Supplies Icon.png x2 1000
Common Material Box 20 Icon.png Common materials (each type) Orca Supplies Icon.png x1 10000