Heavy Maidens

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This page serves as a high-end team concept guide

NOTE1: The builds listed in these pages are only references.

NOTE2: The builds listed in these pages are teams to tackle high difficulty stages, i.e. Endless 26~30 Floors, Challenges(Regardless of perfect conditions), or any random difficult stuff that Last Origin has to offer.

NOTE3: The builds listed in these pages are NOT new player friendly, or to a extent, NOT friendly to most players

NOTE4: The guild is extremely long, complicated, and dull, so prepare for lots of reading.

NOTE5: All decks presented are able to pass ENDLESS starting from Season 15~Season 17(current Endless)

NOTE6: All equipment presented in this page are of the highest level

NOTE7: All units presented in this page doesn't require oath/200 affection, but the limits of the team could be higher if done so

NOTE8: If you are plan to use Emily, please do read the Tweak Section and learn the mechanism of HP Shift

Definition of Heavy Maidens

Any composition that includes at least 3 Heavy type units, or teams that include at least 2 Heavy type units including Lemonade Alpha, and is able to pass the current season of endless with using 1 team could be classified as Heavy Maidens Deck.

Heavy Maidens Decks

This section will generally cover the existing top tier decks of Heavy Maidens, including analysis on each character, pros and cons of such decks,why they bring certain equipment, what is the synergy between these compositions, damage tests, alternative decks, and step by step on how to play the deck.

Due to the definition of Heavy Maidens, the decks that derive from it have different functions when the main Attacker is different. Overall, Heavy Maiden compositions could be separated into four chapters: Heavy Maidens Emily that focuses primarily on unleashing the power of Emily, Heavy Maidens Eternity that utilizes Eternity's firepower as a Tank, Heavy Maidens Labiata may not be so effective compared to the former decks but presents great synergy, and finally Heavy Maidens Terminator is a specialized team that nearly wipes out everything before round 4 ends.

Overall Advantages of this Concept: Any main decks that derive from this concept hits like a truck, great durability in terms of units, able to AP rush enemies due to synergy with Lemonade Alpha, can pummel through most high difficulty stages

Overall Downsides of this Concept: Very expensive to deploy, The effects of it vary when equipment support is unavailable, NOT new player friendly, NOT AUTO

Heavy Maidens---Emily

Basic Formation

Emily's Heavy Maiden basic formation.png

Description: The Emily composition has been the oldest team of Last Origin. She is truly the cheat key of this game. Because of her skillset, she is able to deal tremendous amount of damage to enemies. However, this kind of devastating power comes with a price. Emily would receive recoil for each of her shot depending on the skill level, and she has to enter <Limit Break Mode> in order to fully utilize her power, which makes her vulnerable against attacks that ignore protect. Now as Lemonade Alpha enters the realm of Last Origin, Pure heavy decks are able to compete with other pure type decks.

Strengths: Exceptionally high damage output, Exceptionally Fast Clear time, Lots of AP related Supports, able to deal fire damage against Endless Frost monsters, A exceptionally durable tank. Best against Nest (Floor 30 Boss), Chick Emperor, Immortal Executioner, or anything that has a ton of HP.

Weaknesses: Not new player friendly, requires a lot of +10 SS gear, even not friendly to some veterans players. Over-relying on Emily, the greatest enemy of this deck is not any mobs or bosses, but Emily herself, when she is defeated due to recoil, the game is practically over. Extremely vulnerable against ignore protect attacks and AOE attacks.

Tweaks: HP Shift is one of the interesting mechanisms of Last Origin. With this mechanism, we are able to shift the HP of an unit to the threshold that we want. In this scenario, we give Emily HP gear and chips, and break her at 1-1 with Faucre, remove the gear, and since she is below 25% of her original health, thus she remains that health, which is greater than the 25% threshold without HP gears. For Emily, she remains at 33% of her max health (approximately 1701 at level 100, 1495 at level 90) to successfully HP shift her. HP Shift Original Video Reference (See link below)

Stats Distribution
Icon Unit Name ATK DEF ACC HP EVA CRIT Link Bonus
Emily Icon.png
Emily 210unit ATK 0 DEF 80unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 10 unit CRIT +20% Damage Multiplier
Bloody Panther Icon.png
Bloody Panther (Generic) 0 ATK 150unit DEF 0 ACC 150unit HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT +20% HP
Sirene Icon.png
Sirene 145unit ATK 0 DEF 153unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 2 unit CRIT +20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha 0 ATK 0 DEF 350% ACC XX HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Doctor Icon.png
Doctor 80unit ATK 0 DEF 101unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 119unit CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2

Equipment Distribution
Icon Unit Name Equipment Distribution Link Bonus
Emily Icon.png
Enhanced Analysis Chip Icon.png
Attack Chip Icon.png
Anti Heavy OS Icon.png
Telescopic Sight Icon.png
+20% Damage Multiplier
Bloody Panther Icon.png
Bloody Panther
Defense Chip Icon.png
Vaccine Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
Mini Hachiko Icon.png
+20% HP
Sirene Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Anti Heavy OS Icon.png
Ultra-Precise Scope Icon.png
+20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Doctor Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
Precise Observation Gear Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Damage Test

This section will mainly present the damage of the Main Attacker, in this case, Emily

Overall Damage: At least 112K

Raw Damage(When no support buffs are applied): At least 86K

Unit Analysis

Team Synergy


Round 1: Emily Idles, Doctor Idles, Lemonade Alpha uses her Active 1:Kestos Himas: Circuit Corrosion on a preferred Enemy Target

Round 2: Emily uses Active 2:Max Output Buster Cannon twice, Doctor uses Active 2:Recruiting Test Subjects! Twice, Lemonade Alpha uses her Active 1:Kestos Himas: Circuit Corrosion on a preferred Enemy Target, Sirene uses Active 2:Artillery Command

Round 3: Emily uses Active 2:Max Output Buster Cannon

Round 4: (There usually will not be a Round 4 as all enemies that have health below 70K should be wiped by now)

Maneuvers Alternative

This Maneuver increases the overall damage, but is a more laggy since Emily Idles for 2 rounds instead of 1

Round 1: Emily Idles, Doctor Idles, Lemonade Alpha uses her Active 1:Kestos Himas: Circuit Corrosion on a preferred Enemy Target

Round 2: Emily idles, Doctor uses Active 2:Recruiting Test Subjects! Twice, Lemonade Alpha uses her Active 1:Kestos Himas: Circuit Corrosion on a preferred Enemy Target, Sirene uses Active 2:Artillery Command

Round 3: Emily uses Active 2:Max Output Buster Cannon twice

Round 4:Emily uses Active 2:Max Output Buster Cannon

Round 5::(There usually will not be a Round 4 as all enemies that have health below 100K should be wiped by now)


This section presents alternative formations under the deck concept of Heavy Maidens---Emily

Alternatives 1.1

Switched AG-2C Sirene into Royal Arsenal to increase the damage output of the entire team

Basic Formation


Alternatives 1.2

Switched from being all heavy units to 2 heavy units, 2 light units, 1 flying units. This is the exception deck under the concept of Heavy Maidens.

Basic Formation


Heavy Maidens---Eternity

Basic Formation


Stats Distribution
Icon Unit Name ATK DEF ACC HP EVA CRIT Link Bonus
Eternity Icon.png
Eternity 220unit ATK 0 DEF 80unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Royal Arsenal Icon.png
Royal Arsenal 0 ATK 0 DEF 89unit ACC 211unit HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Sirene Icon.png
Sirene 145unit ATK 0 DEF 153unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 2 unit CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha 0 ATK 0 DEF 350% ACC XX HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
Mr.Alfred 182unit ATK 0 DEF 118unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Equipment Distribution
Icon Unit Name Equipment Distribution Link Bonus
Eternity Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Anti Heavy-Light OS Icon.png
Recycling Module Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Royal Arsenal Icon.png
Royal Arsenal
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Sirene Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Anti Heavy OS Icon.png
Ultra-Precise Scope Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Standard OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Damage Test

Eternity:At least 114K

Unit Analysis
Team Synergy

Heavy Maidens---Labiata

Basic Formation


Stats Distribution
Icon Unit Name ATK DEF ACC HP EVA CRIT Link Bonus
Labiata Icon.png
Labiata 220unit ATK 0 DEF 80unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 unit CRIT +20% Damage Multiplier
Doctor Icon.png
Doctor 80unit ATK 0 DEF 101unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 119unit CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Sirene Icon.png
Sirene 145unit ATK 0 DEF 153unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 unit CRIT +20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha 0 ATK 0 DEF 350% ACC XX HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Bloody Panther Icon.png
Bloody Panther (Generic) 0 ATK 150unit DEF 0 ACC 150unit HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT +20% HP
Equipment Distribution
Icon Unit Name Equipment Distribution Link Bonus
Labiata Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Anti Heavy-Light OS Icon.png
Enhanced Observation Gear Icon.png
+20% Damage Multiplier
Doctor Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
Precise Observation Gear Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Sirene Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Crit Chip Icon.png
Anti Heavy OS Icon.png
Ultra-Precise Scope Icon.png
+20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Bloody Panther Icon.png
Bloody Panther
Defense Chip Icon.png
Vaccine Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
Mini Hachiko Icon.png
+20% HP
Damage Test

Labiata: 39K~100K (Only using Active 1)

Sirene:21K~38K (Follow up damage)

Unit Analysis
Team Synergy

Heavy Maidens---Terminator

This is the ultimate team that Heavy Maidens has to offer, unleashing the wrath of Eternity and Emily. The team shreds enemy armor like cheese. Due to Emily's limit break conditions (less than 33% HP) and Eternity's skill set, Emily could benefit from Eternity's insane +79.99% ATK increase buff while being broken (although only for a limited attacks as recoil exists). But when Emily has HP<25%, that's where things start to get interesting. The Main Attackers will be Emily and Eternity, AOE and high burst damage almost can wipe done any mob floor, not to mention any bosses besides Doom Eater, Executioner, and Immortal Executioner.

Strengths: Exceptionally high damage output, Exceptionally Fast Clear time, Lots of AP related Supports, able to deal fire damage against Endless Frost monsters, A exceptionally durable tank. Easy to Manuever. Best Against anything. Weaknesses: Not new player friendly, requires a lot of +10 SS gear, even not friendly to some veterans players. Extremely vulnerable against ignore protect attacks and AOE attacks.

MUST READ: HP Shift is one of the interesting mechanisms of Last Origin. With this mechanism, we are able to shift the HP of an unit to the threshold that we want. In this scenario, we give Emily HP gear and chips, and break her at 1-1 with Faucre, remove the gear, and since she is below 25% of her original health, thus she remains that health, which is greater than the 25% threshold without HP gears. For Emily, she remains at 33% of her max health (approximately 1701 at level 100, 1495 at level 90) to successfully HP shift her. HP Shift Original Video Reference (See link below)


Basic Formation


Stats Distribution
Icon Unit Name ATK DEF ACC HP EVA CRIT Link Bonus
Eternity Icon.png
Eternity 220unit ATK 0 DEF 80unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 unit CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Royal Arsenal Icon.png
Royal Arsenal 0 ATK 0 DEF 89unit ACC 211unit HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Emily Icon.png
Emily 240unit ATK 0 DEF 60unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 unit CRIT +20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha 0 ATK 0 DEF 350% ACC XX HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
Mr.Alfred 182unit ATK 0 DEF 118unit ACC 0 HP 0 EVA 0 CRIT Buff/Debuff LV +2
Equipment Distribution
Icon Unit Name Equipment Distribution Link Bonus
Eternity Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Anti Heavy-Light OS Icon.png
Recycling Module Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2r
Royal Arsenal Icon.png
Royal Arsenal
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Emily Icon.png
Crit Chip Beta Icon.png
Output Control Chip Icon.png
Anti Heavy OS Icon.png
Enhanced Ultra-Precise Scope Icon.png
+20% Damage Multiplier
Lemonade Alpha Icon.png
Lemonade Alpha
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Defense OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Mr.Alfred Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Action Chip Icon.png
Standard OS Icon.png
AP Pack Icon.png
Buff/Debuff LV +2
Damage Test

Emily Damage Output(When HP shift <33% but HP>25%):at least 137K

Eternity Damage Output:at least 60K

Emily Damage Output(When HP shift <25%): at least 104K

Eternity Damage Output: at least 82K

SOLO target Test

Emily Damage Output(When HP shift <33% but HP>25%):at least 290K, at Max 500K

Eternity Damage Output:at least 60K

Unit Analysis
Team Synergy

Alternatives 4.1

This section presents alternative formations under the deck concept of Heavy Maidens---Terminator

This deck switched Mr.Alfred into Royal Arsenal. In some ways, this alternative composition befits the name "Heavy Maidens" than the others.

Alternative 4.1.jpg