Deck/Chūnibyō Eyepatch

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Chūnibyō Eyepatch (Cyclops Princesses)

Overview of Role

Unit Role
Main Damage Dealer / Marked Tank / Counter Attacker

(SS Recommanded)
Buffer / Cyclops Princess Co-op Launcher
Buffer / AP Pump
Buffer / AP Pump / Debuff Cleanser
Totem Buffer / Off-Tank / Buff Dispeller

Sample Team

This is the formation for Cyclops Princesses Deck

Team Formation: Invincible Dragon on Position 9, Blind Princess on Position 6, Cerestia on Position 3 or 7, LRL on Position 8, Cyclops Princess on Position 5

Deck Advantages and Weaknesses


  • Good survivability:
    • Every round, Blind Princess grants Nullify Damage Icon.png Nullify Damage (1 hit) and DR Icon.png DR to allies around her, grants Nullify Damage Icon.png Nullify Damage (2 hits) if the allies are LRL and Cyclops Princess.
    • Cyclops Princess gains Battle Continuation Icon.png Battle Continuation whenever she scores a kill.
  • All-Rounder:
    • Blind Princess can Buff Removal Icon.png Remove all buffs (AoE) on enemies whenever she crits.
    • Cerestia can Debuff Removal Icon.png Remove debuffs.
  • High SPD and AP:
    • Spd Up Icon.png SPD buff from Cyclops Princess, LRL and Invincible Dragon.
    • Spd Up Icon.png AP up from Cerestia and Invincible Dragon.
  • High Damage:
    • Atk Up Icon.png ATK buffs from LRL, Invincible Dragon and Cerestia, the effects stack.
    • Damage Taken Increased Icon.png Damage Taken Increased debuff can be inflicted by Cyclops Princess, LRL and Invincible Dragon.
    • Cyclops Princess's Active 1 inflicts Def Down Icon.png DEF debuff and has high Additional Damage Icon.png Additional DMG.
    • DR Icon.png DR- debuff can be inflicted by Cyclops Princess, further increases her damage against enemies without DR Icon.png DR.
  • Counterattack Icon.png Counterattack: Good against enemies that need Counterattack Icon.png Counterattack to deal with, such as Lightning Bomber Type-S (red bats)
  • Able to hinder enemy's attack:
    • LRL can inflict Spd Down Icon.png AP- and Buff Prevention Icon.png Buff Prevention debuff on enemy.
    • Cyclops Princess can inflict Max Action Count Down Icon.png Max Action Count- debuff on enemy.
  • Able to inflict Status Resist Down Icon.png Status Resist: Cyclops Princess can inflict Status Resist Down Icon.png Status Resist (normal effect), making enemies more subjected to debuffs from LRL and herself.
  • Marked Icon.png Marked: Blind Princess grants Cyclops Princess Marked Icon.png Marked, giving chance for Cyclops Princess to get attacked, do counter attacks and trigger her Passive, while avoiding the others from getting targeted.


  • No Attacker: Bad when against Aqua Chick G.
  • Subjected on AoE attack with Marked Icon.png Marked: Marked Icon.png Marked (debuff) has higher targeting priority, allowing enemies to target the others beside Cyclops Princess.
  • No protection from Blind Princess: Blind Princess has no Row Protect Icon.png Row Protect, Column Protect Icon.png Column Protect or Target Protect Icon.png Target Protect, every unit is subjected to damage if the scenario mentioned above happens.
  • Bad against AoE attack with center-targeting: They are subjected to AoE attack with center-targeting due to positioning.
  • No elemental damage: Slight disadvantages against Elemental Head/Shell/Shooter.


Good against: Boss, Lightning Bomber Type-S (red bats), Chemical Chick Type-X, any enemy with high damage single-target / row attack (e.g. Destroyer)
Hard Countered (nemesis, can mess up the synergy) By: Any enemy that able to inflict Marked Icon.png Marked debuff, and/or has AoE attack with center-targeting (e.g. Chick Commander, Chick Emperor, Centurions, Scouts etc)
Weak Countered (hassle, bad against or would cause problem if leave alive) By: Cyclops, Aqua Chick G

How The Deck Works

This deck centers around Cyclops Princess, while other Cyclops Princesses (lore-wise) and other units help in supporting her damage and kits:

  • Invincible Dragon and Cerestia are there for the obvious reasons, AP pump and good ATK buffs.
  • Marked Icon.png Marked granted from Blind Princess, gives her the chance to maximize the use of the Counterattack Icon.png Counterattack from her exclusive equipment.
  • Co-op attack buff from LRL's exclusive equipment helps on increasing her damage output.
  • Battle Continuation Icon.png Battle Continuation from her exclusive equipment and passive (max 4 stacks of BC at the same time), with Nullify Damage Icon.png Nullify Damage every round from Blind Princess, makes her near impossible to be killed.

But the weakness of this deck is also obvious: highly relying on Cyclops Princess's ability to score a kill.

Making sure that to happen is essential for this deck:

  • LRL's Passive 1, applies buffs whenever she attacks
  • Invincible Dragon's Active 2
  • Cerestia's Active 2

Another weakness of this deck comes with the nature of Marked Icon.png Marked effect. Marked Icon.png Marked (debuff) has higher targeting priority, allowing enemies to target the other units if the units are inflicted with the debuff. Besides that, Marked is a type of renewal effect, means it will be replaced if another instance of Marked is applied. This will lead to the situation like this:

  1. Enemy inflicts Marked (debuff) on Cyclops Princess
  2. The Marked (debuff) replaced the Marked (normal effect) on Cyclops Princess
  3. Cerestia cleanses the The Marked (debuff) on Cyclops Princess
  4. Cyclops Princess has no Marked effect on her
  5. Enemies start targeting other units beside Cyclops Princess

How to Play

  • Knowing what the enemies do is the key here.
  • Prioritize killing the enemies that can do center-targeting AoE attack or able to inflict Marked (debuff).
  • Make use of LRL's Active 2 to push back enemies' action.
  • Try to make Invincible Dragon, Cerestia and LRL move before Cyclops Princess, so Cyclops Princess can make use of their buffs starting from her first attack.

Recommended Equipment

Equipment For Remark
Mark of the Dragonslayer Icon.png
Obvious reasons: their exclusive equipment helps on their kits and fulfilling their role in the deck.
Bloody Eyepatch - Boisterously Blooming Blood Rose Icon.png
Three Authorities Icon.png
Vaccine Chip Icon.png
Everyone Obvious reason, avoid getting inflicted by debuffs (especially Marked Icon.png Marked and Push Icon.png Pushed).
Recon Drone Icon.png
Crystal Ball of Fate Icon.png
Due to Cerestia's Active 2 only affects Light units, so Blind Princess is excluded. To compensate that and her low speed, give her Recon Icon.png Recon Effect related equipment to make her receive more buffs from Invincible Dragon's passive.

Link Bonus Related

While Buff/Debuff Level+2 bonus is often the better choice, ATK +30% is the better choice for Cyclops Princess in this deck, as latter increases her damage more than former.