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The Base is where you can give Gifts to units to increase their level / skill level / Affection. You can also gift the units with one of their skins to increase their affection and unlock said skin for all units of the same name.

See also

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Daily Affection

Tapping on a Bioroid called to the Secret Room or assigned to a facility to increase her Affection by 0.5 (Once per day).

Send Gifts

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Gifts can be sent to units called to the Secret Room or assigned to a facility to increase their level, skills and Affection. Skins is a special kind of Gift which is only available to the Skin's corresponding unit, increasing Affection for that unit and unlock said Skin for any unit of the same name. Do note that giving the same skin twice will only increase unit's affection with no additional benefits.

Edit Facilities

Use to Install/Edit Additional Facilities (See below)

Default Facilities

Facility Intro 1.png


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Captain's Room

Have no function currently.

Secret Room

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Additional Facilities

  • For a list of additional facilities, see Base/Rooms.

Facility Space Acquirement

Facility Intro 2.png

  • First 16 spaces are provided, and they can be freely constructed/edited.
  • Locked spaces may not be used right away, but they can be used after doing 'Facility Expansion'(15 tunas)

Facility Installment

Facility Intro 3.png

  • Installment can be done through 'Edit Mode' button located at top right.
  • Installable spaces will light up green, and when clicked, will show the list of facilities that may be built there. (ex- Synthetic Resin Production, Varnish Production, Iron Production facilities, as well as facilities that helps Construction Time Reduction and Increasing Nutrient Restoration)

Facility Operation and Upgrades

Facility Intro 4.png

  • When built facility's clicked, its functions can be observed. If it's freshly built, it must first be operated using Work Facility button.
  • Work Facility - Facility's functioning and consumed resources can be checked here. Bioroid/AGS can also be placed and have the facility start functioning.
  • Select Present - Present can be given to the unit working in that facility.
  • Upgrade - Requirement, material, and time needed to upgrade the facility can be checked and facility upgrade can be approved here.

Combatant Placement

Facility Intro 5.png

  • Each facilities have set units that can be placed. (ex- Light/Flying/Heavy, Attacker only)
  • Displayed unit are all facility place-able units. Units placed in Squads will not be shown.

Facility Upgrade

Facility Intro 6.png

  • Facilities can be upgraded up to level 25. Higher the level, more likely it will require special Facility Upgrade Parts..
  • After certain levels, facilities change in appearance. Facilities will change in appearance up to 5 times.

Confirming Facility Function

Facility Intro 7.png

  • Facilities that shows time's either Material Producing facilities, or Upgrading Facility.
  • The facility will go on standby when either of the mentioned function finishes. To operate once more, facility must be clicked to finish confirming its action. (ex- finished producing materials or finished upgrading)
  • With material production, there will be a prompt asking if you want to produce again. (left finish, right produce again)

Unlocking and Installment of Facilities

Facility Intro 8.png

  • Before constructing the facility, it must first be unlocked for use. Only requirement is Commander's Level, and small amount of resources(part/battery/nutrient).
  • There's no need to unlock it again after the first time even if you deconstruct the facility.
  • Facilities may take up to 3 spaces. This can be checked on the list when installing.(ex: yellow square at top left is the number of spaces it takes)

Facility Upgrade Part Production

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  • Facility Upgrade Part Production will be added to the Construction Workshop menu. This production is solely for Facility Upgrade Part productions.
  • This production will require the Synthetic Resin, Varnish, and Iron acquired from Base Facility production. Amount inputted can be adjusted like with other constructions.
  • You may get excess of Facility Upgrade Part that you don't need, but they may find some uses in the future. So keep note of them!