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UI ICON BG 01.png
Orca Command Center
Acquisition: Default
It’s a familiar Command Center. The observation window in front is strong, so don’t worry.
UI ICON BG 02.png
Memory Beach
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x0
It’s a beach with many fond memories. Maybe it’ll still be here when you come back again?
UI ICON BG 03.png
Secluded Forest Road
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x0
It looks like a regular forest road. But lookout for Orca ambush!
UI ICON BG 04.png
Ruins of the Beginning
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
This is where it all started. It might be a good idea to look around.
UI ICON BG 05.png
Camping for Two
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a simple camp site set up for 2 people. It looks like Aurora is setting up something romantic.
UI ICON BG 06.png
Snowfield after the Devastation
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a vast and endless snowfield. How about leaving your footprints on a virgin snowfield?
UI ICON BG 07.png
Cozy Captain's Cabin
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s the Captain's Cabin decorated for the end of the year holidays. It looks so cozy!
UI ICON BG 08.png
Hot Spring with Snowfield View
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
This hot spring was prepared by Doctor despite all her busy schedules. Why don’t you soak your fatigue away with your team members? But don’t let your eyes wander around too much!
UI ICON BG 09.png
Romantic Bedroom
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x50
It’s a bedroom decorated with cozy lighting and luxurious bedding. Spend uninterrupted time with that special someone!
UI ICON BG 10.png
Vow Ceremony on the Deck
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x50
It’s Orca’s decorated deck for the Vow Ceremony. Bring back the happy memory of her beautiful smile and that tingling sensation in your heart.
UI ICON BG 11.png
Vacation Spot with Sea View
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x50
It’s a vacation spot made especially for you by the people of Elven Town. The cabin next to the pool has a bedroom, bathroom, and even a kitchen.
UI ICON BG 12.png
Moonlight Garden
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a garden created by Kunoichi Zero to help spend a special moment with your significant other. How about taking a stroll in this tranquil garden with her and creating wonderful memories?
UI ICON BG 13.png
Familiar School Gate Front
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a location pulled from childhood memory. I can remember my friends from those days.
UI ICON BG 14.png
Peaceful Plains
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a peaceful plain to get out of stuffy inside and run wild and free. Can you imagine having a picnic with everyone on an open field?
UI ICON BG 15.png
Love Bed
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s a king-sized bed that is roomy enough for four people. Who will the lucky lady who will enjoy a glass of wine with you under the glittering chandelier? Are they the ladies?
UI ICON BG 16.png
Captain's Cabin in the New Year
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s the Captain's Cabin filled with various gifts and decorations for the New Year. You may appreciate the thoughts but… maybe it will bring back painful memories?
UI ICON BG 17.png
SkyKnights Residence
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s the residence of the SkyKnights members. You can tell immediately who’s room each belongs too.
UI ICON BG 18.png
Idol Stage (Griffon)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 19.png
Idol Stage (Lindwurm)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 20.png
Idol Stage (Black Hound)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 21.png
Idol Stage (Hraesvelgr)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 22.png
Idol Stage (Harpyia)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 23.png
Idol Stage (Sleipnir)
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 24.png
Idol Stage
Acquisition: Have all 6 Sky Knight & Muse Idol Skins
Experience the spectacular stage performance of all the members united as one! Start Music!
UI ICON BG 25.png
Orca Hallway
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It’s the outer hallway on Orca, the resistance army’s mobile base. The glass is very sturdy material and the outer wall slides down during battle and when submerging, so you’re safe.
UI ICON BG 26.png
CAFE amor
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
CAFE amor is a sophisticated live cafe. How about a drink with a Bunny Girl?
UI ICON BG 27.png
CAFE Horizon
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
CAFE Horizon is a comfortable cafe with soft sunlight. Sit by the window and enjoy cheesecake, various drinks, and delicious desserts!
UI ICON BG 28.png
Quiet Shrine
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It is a quiet shrine located in the mountains. During this year's fortune telling, may a shaman appear?
UI ICON BG 29.png
Luxurious Room
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
A luxurious room filled with old-fashioned decorations. But strangely, there are only a few pieces of furniture.
UI ICON BG 30.png
Interrogation Room
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
This room is used for getting information from interrogating people. I hope we don't use this room, if we can help it.
UI ICON BG 31.png
Some Alleyway
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
This is a creepy alleyway. But don't worry. The City Guard has taken care of the juvenile Bioroids.
UI ICON BG 32.png
Temporary Field Command Center
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
Victory! Welcome to the temporary field command center, Commander!
UI ICON BG 33.png
Boss’s room
This is the merciless boss’s room. You can't refuse the boss’s offers here.
UI ICON BG 34.png
Abandoned building
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It's the place where a sister fought a battle and made peace.
UI ICON BG 35.png
Sunlit Classroom
Acquisition: Have Miss Orca: Imagination Skin
A classroom with a beautiful sunset. The small event that Hirume prepared for you awaits.
UI ICON BG 36.png
CAFE Horizon Branch (Night)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
It's nighttime at CAFE Horizon. Like a lighthouse that brightens the way, it works as a signpost for the customers.
UI ICON BG 37.png
CAFE Horizon Branch (Rooftop)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
The view from the outside of CAFE Horizon. It feels like a cool breeze is on the way.
UI ICON BG 38.png
CAFE Horizon Branch (Inside)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
The inside of CAFE Horizon. The crew is busy brewing coffee and making desserts.
UI ICON BG 39.png
CAFE Horizon Branch (Outside)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
The view of the outside of CAFE Horizon. The sounds of the waves and seagulls are striking.
UI ICON BG 40.png
Acquisition: Have Nurse? Titania Skin
환자를 위한 병실입니다. 너무 자주 신세를 지지는 말아야겠죠?
UI ICON BG 41.png
Preservation Pod
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
PECS의 생명공학 기술력이 집약된 보존 장치입니다. 마치 시간이 멈춘 것처럼 대상을 보존할 수 있습니다.
UI ICON BG 42.png
Luxurious Swimming Pool
Acquisition: Have Private Pool Party Skin
풀파티가 자주 열리는 호화로운 수영장입니다. 소중한 그녀 혹은 그녀들과 즐거운 시간을 보내세요.
UI ICON BG 43 1.png
Fancy Bar
Acquisition: Have Vinum Animi Speculum Skin
감미로운 음악과 좋은 술 그리고 아름다운 그녀가 있는 세련된 Bar입니다. 술에 취하기 전에 분위기에 취할 거 같네요.
UI ICON BG 44.png
Emotional Pub
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
누군가는 음악 때문에, 누군가는 술과 안주 때문에 그리고 누군가는 사람 때문에 방문하는 감성Pub입니다. 당신은 무엇을 위해 방문하셨나요?
UI ICON BG 45.png
Movie Theater (Before Screening)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
최신 영화도, 오래된 명작도 다 상영할 수 있는 영화관입니다. 곧 영화가 시작되니 자리에 앉아주세요.
UI ICON BG 46.png
Movie Theater (During Screening)
Acquisition: Tuna Icon.png x25
쉿! 영화 상영 중입니다. 매너를 지켜주세요.
UI ICON BG 47.png
Throne Room
Acquisition: Have Miss Orca: Moment of Fate Skin
돌로 만들어진 옥좌가 있는 방입니다. 위엄 넘치는 옥좌는 누굴 위해 준비되어 있는 걸까요?
UI ICON BG 48.png
Jazz Bar
Acquisition: Have Miss Orca: Secret Night Skin
언제나 공연이 열리는 작은 Bar입니다. 오늘 무대의 주인공은 누구일까요?
UI ICON BG 49.png
Magical Girl Filming Set
Acquisition: Have Miss Orca: Someone's Touch Skin
마법소녀 프리즘 사쿠라의 촬영을 위해 특수 제작된 세트장입니다. 정의로운 마법소녀의 활약을 기대해주세요!
UI ICON BG 50.png
Night of the Violet Full Moon
Acquisition: Have Blackened Evening Primrose Skin
On a night full of magical power from the full moon, no evil shall escape the sight of the magical girls.
UI ICON BG 51.png
Snowfield Just for Two
Acquisition: Have Flower Blooming in the Snow Skin
A hologram of a snow-covered garden. Enjoy this scene that Labiata made just for you.
UI ICON BG 52.png
Staircase to the Banquet Hall
Acquisition: Have Five Years Already Skin
A flight of stairs that lead to the banquet hall. What scene will greet you at the end of it?
UI ICON BG 53.png
Knight's Sky
Acquisition: Have Roc, the Knight of the Skies Skin
The Knight of the Sky guards these empyrean heights. Here, no foe can escape his sword.
UI ICON BG 54.png
Bedchamber For a Loved One
Acquisition: Have The Night My Beloved Came Skin
Lemonade Alpha put much work into decorating this bedroom for you. Are you ready for a long night?
UI ICON BG 57.png
Beach of Memories 2
A beach full of memories with the Companions. Let's come again together!